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2017-02-13 sparky4Merge branch 'master' of github.com:sparky4/16
2017-02-13 sparky4revertedback! bad bugs!
2017-02-13 sparky4BROKEN STILL wwww
2017-02-13 sparky4BROKEN something broke wwww
2017-02-13 sparky4did a bunch of work on map stuff going to add fg layer...
2017-02-13 sparky4added an old version of 16_vl.c to get the old function...
2017-02-13 sparky4added an old version of 16_vl.c to get the old function...
2017-02-13 sparky4added an old version of 16_vl.c to get the old function...
2017-02-10 sparky4i made that messy complex palette experiment noisy...
2017-02-10 sparky4i made that messy complex palette experiment noisy...
2017-02-10 sparky4i made that messy complex palette experiment noisy...
2017-02-10 sparky4something is badly broken in palette experiment
2017-02-10 sparky4cannot think on the pal maker
2017-02-10 sparky4cannot think on the pal maker
2017-02-08 sparky4WWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWwwwwWWwwWWwwWwwWww
2017-02-08 sparky4WWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWwwwwWWwwWWwwWwwWww
2017-02-08 sparky4WWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWwwwwWWwwWWwwWwwWww
2017-02-08 sparky4WWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWwwwwWWwwWWwwWwwWww
2017-02-08 sparky4WWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWwwwwWWwwWWwwWwwWww
2017-02-08 sparky4WWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWwwwwWWwwWWwwWwwWww
2017-02-08 sparky4WWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWwwwwWWwwWWwwWwwWww
2017-02-08 sparky4working on maptest
2017-02-08 sparky4working on maptest
2017-02-08 sparky4working on maptest
2017-02-08 sparky4readded mapread for rework of mapreadings
2017-02-08 sparky4added resetting palette in cmem part of modexenter
2017-02-06 sparky4fps now is working with scroll wwww
2017-02-04 sparky4moved my palette function failure to 16_vlpal.c and...
2017-02-04 sparky4moved my palette function failure to 16_vlpal.c
2017-02-04 sparky4fixed wwww now i need to work on map system stuff wwwww...
2017-02-03 sparky4fixed wwww now i need to work on map system stuff wwwww...
2017-02-03 sparky4fixed wwww now i need to work on map system stuff wwwww...
2017-02-03 sparky4fixed wwww now i need to work on map system stuff wwwww...
2017-02-03 sparky4fixed wwww now i need to work on map system stuff wwwww...
2017-02-03 sparky4fixed wwww now i need to work on map system stuff wwwww...
2017-02-03 sparky4fixed wwww now i need to work on map system stuff wwwww...
2017-02-03 sparky4something else broke when i worked on this
2017-02-03 sparky4just pushing before i use ZC_mapscroll
2017-02-03 sparky4==== old BG rendering is back ====
2017-02-02 sparky4==== old BG rendering is back ====
2017-02-02 sparky4bg preservation still in works
2017-02-01 sparky4working on palllist.c and no idea how to preserve bg...
2017-02-01 sparky4working on palllist.c and no idea how to preserve bg...
2017-02-01 sparky4working on palllist.c and no idea how to preserve bg
2017-02-01 sparky4working on palllist.c
2017-02-01 sparky4working on palllist.c
2017-02-01 sparky4wwww
2017-02-01 sparky4wwww
2017-02-01 sparky4wwww
2017-01-31 sparky4WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW it is fixed wwwwwwwwwww
2017-01-31 sparky4Merge branch 'master' of github.com:sparky4/16
2017-01-31 sparky4====----==== this is a messed up build that contains...
2017-01-31 sparky4====++++==== this is a build before the breaking of...
2017-01-27 sparky4it is semi working the bg preservation wwww
2017-01-27 sparky4going to work on bg draw today!
2017-01-26 sparky4showing row and colum drawing i optimized it to only...
2017-01-26 sparky4showing row and colum drawing i optimized it to only...
2017-01-26 sparky4showing row and colum drawing i optimized it to only...
2017-01-26 sparky4showing row and colum drawing i optimized it to only...
2017-01-26 sparky4showing row and colum drawing i optimized it to only...
2017-01-26 sparky4showing row and colum drawing i optimized it to only...
2017-01-26 sparky4showing row and colum drawing i optimized it to only...
2017-01-26 sparky4showing row and colum drawing i optimized it to only...
2017-01-26 sparky4showing row and colum drawing i optimized it to only...
2017-01-26 sparky4showing row and colum drawing i optimized it to only...
2017-01-26 sparky4showing row and colum drawing the fore loop in draw...
2017-01-26 sparky4showing row and colum drawing the fore loop in draw...
2017-01-26 sparky4showing row and colum drawing
2017-01-26 sparky4showing row and colum drawing
2017-01-26 sparky4PRE reattempt at optimizing scroll map draw stuff
2017-01-26 sparky4proper sprite loading added wwwwwww
2017-01-26 sparky4proper sprite loading added wwwwwww
2017-01-26 sparky4==== animation fram walk ==== i polished the shit out...
2017-01-26 sparky4==== animation fram walk ==== i polished the shit out...
2017-01-26 sparky4==== animation fram walk ==== i polished the shit out...
2017-01-26 sparky4==== animation fram walk ==== i polished the shit out...
2017-01-25 sparky4==== animation fram walk ==== i polished the shit out...
2017-01-25 sparky4==== animation fram walk ==== i polished the shit out...
2017-01-24 sparky4animation fixed and sprite rendering is more flexible...
2017-01-24 sparky4animation fixed and sprite rendering is more flexible...
2017-01-24 sparky4I THINK I GOT THE ANIMATION FIXED AGAINrm data/spri...
2017-01-24 sparky4something is bothering me very much on the animation...
2017-01-24 sparky4something is bothering me very much on the animation...
2017-01-24 sparky4something is bothering me very much on the animation...
2017-01-24 sparky4pushing some changes!
2017-01-24 sparky4====animation mostly converted==== old bug resurfaced...
2017-01-23 sparky4====animation mostly converted==== old bug resurfaced...
2017-01-23 sparky4====animation mostly converted==== set_anim_by_id(playe...
2017-01-23 sparky4====animation mostly converted==== set_anim_by_id(playe...
2017-01-23 sparky4====animation mostly converted==== set_anim_by_id(playe...
2017-01-23 sparky4dang it./wbuild.sh vga_state.vga_graphics_ram = video...
2017-01-23 sparky4dang it./wbuild.sh vga_state.vga_graphics_ram = video...
2017-01-23 sparky4i think something in animate_spri is making it jump...
2017-01-23 sparky4dang it./wbuild.sh vga_state.vga_graphics_ram = video...
2017-01-23 sparky4dang it./wbuild.sh vga_state.vga_graphics_ram = video...
2017-01-23 sparky4dang it./wbuild.sh vga_state.vga_graphics_ram = video...
2017-01-18 sparky4fine tuning animation still
2017-01-18 sparky4fine tuning animation still
2017-01-18 sparky4fine tuning animation still
2017-01-18 sparky4Merge branch 'master' of github.com:sparky4/16