OSDN Git Service

2009-04-30 mumumu-org- removed max form-def and maxlength on formhelper... IDEAS
2009-04-30 mumumu-org- fixed output buffering clear error.
2009-04-29 mumumu-org- CHANGES tweaks.
2009-04-29 mumumu-org- added test for accepting request #16326
2009-04-29 mumumu-org- added temporary implementation of Ethna_View_FormHelp...
2009-04-29 mumumu-org- fixed bug Ethna_Controller::getInstance method return...
2009-04-29 mumumu-org- moved skel.template.i18ntest.tpl
2009-04-29 mumumu-org- moved template skel for testing to test/skel/template...
2009-04-29 mumumu-org- deleted form helper related tests to move individual...
2009-04-29 mumumu-org- deleted needless space.
2009-04-29 mumumu-org- fixed typo in comment.
2009-04-29 mumumu-org- added test scripts for Ethna_View_[404|500].php
2009-04-29 mumumu-org- fixed forward return value was invalid.
2009-04-29 mumumu-org- fixed bug forward setting was not merged properly.
2009-04-29 mumumu-org- changed template file name.
2009-04-26 mumumu-org- added request emulation test for [redirect|json]...
2009-04-26 mumumu-org- added missing forward setting.
2009-04-26 mumumu-org- added default forward path.
2009-04-26 mumumu-org- added skelton for view testing.
2009-04-26 mumumu-org- deleted debug routine.
2009-04-26 mumumu-org- added require call for [Ethna_View_Redirect|404|500...
2009-04-26 mumumu-org- deleted exit call from forward method on Ethna_View_...
2009-04-26 mumumu-org- changed to supress header related error.
2009-04-26 mumumu-org- newly implemented layout template.
2009-04-26 mumumu-org- added runMain method to emulate arbitrary gateways.
2009-04-18 mumumu-org- moved DBLayer branch to IDEAS Directory.
2009-04-18 mumumu-org- added include routine for Ethna_View_Redirect.php
2009-04-18 mumumu-org- added test for Ethna_View_Redirect.php
2009-04-18 mumumu-org- added generic implementation of redirect view.
2009-04-18 mumumu-org- added generic implementation of 404, 500 error view.
2009-04-18 mumumu-org- oops ... fixed Author.
2009-04-18 mumumu-org- added 404, 500 default template skel.
2009-04-18 mumumu-org- added Ethna_ViewClass some tests.
2009-04-16 maru_cc- テストディレクトリ以下をincludeするように修正
2009-04-12 maru_cc- ディレクトリ変更仮
2009-04-12 sotarok * merged
2009-04-12 sotarok * add default directory
2009-04-12 sotarok * fix typo
2009-04-12 sotarok * comply with Ethna naming comvention
2009-04-12 mumumu-org- added layout template and header related method imple...
2009-04-11 sotarok * mod CHANGES
2009-04-11 sotarok * plugin_search_appids にかかわるコードを除去
2009-04-11 sotarok * ファイル名修正にあわせて,コメントを修正
2009-04-11 sotarok * rename more
2009-04-11 sotarok * テスト結果レポートが見づらかったので修正
2009-04-11 mumumu-org- now ethna_run_test.sh does not need "Ethna" symbolic...
2009-04-11 mumumu-org- now ethna_run_test command does not need "Ethna"...
2009-04-11 maru_cc- create test dir idea branche.
2009-04-11 mumumu-org- CHANGES tweaks
2009-04-11 mumumu-org- newly implemented Ethna_View_Json.php
2009-04-11 maru_cc- changed ethna command help.
2009-04-11 sotarok * rename plugin to comply with new naming convention
2009-04-11 maru_cc- create ethna command idea branche
2009-04-11 sotarok * extlibディレクトリ作成とプラグイン検索パス変更のブランチ
2009-03-28 sotarok- 汎用ビュークラス実装しようブランチ