OSDN Git Service

[handbrake-jp/handbrake-jp-git.git] / win / C# / frmMain.cs
1 /*  frmMain.cs $\r
2     This file is part of the HandBrake source code.\r
3     Homepage: <http://handbrake.fr/>.\r
4     It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */\r
5 \r
6 namespace Handbrake\r
7 {\r
8     using System;\r
9     using System.Collections.Generic;\r
10     using System.ComponentModel;\r
11     using System.Diagnostics;\r
12     using System.Drawing;\r
13     using System.Globalization;\r
14     using System.IO;\r
15     using System.Linq;\r
16     using System.Threading;\r
17     using System.Windows.Forms;\r
18     using Functions;\r
19 \r
20     using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.EventArgs;\r
21     using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Utilities;\r
22     using HandBrake.Framework.Model;\r
23     using HandBrake.Framework.Services;\r
24     using HandBrake.Framework.Views;\r
25     using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Functions;\r
26     using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Model;\r
27     using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Parsing;\r
28     using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Services;\r
29     using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Services.Interfaces;\r
30 \r
31     using Handbrake.ToolWindows;\r
32 \r
33     using Model;\r
34     using Properties;\r
35 \r
36     using Main = Handbrake.Functions.Main;\r
37 \r
38     /// <summary>\r
39     /// The Main Window\r
40     /// </summary>\r
41     public partial class frmMain : Form\r
42     {\r
43         // Objects which may be used by one or more other objects *************\r
44         private IQueueProcessor queueProcessor = new QueueProcessor(Program.InstanceId);\r
45         private PresetService presetHandler = new PresetService();\r
46 \r
47         // Windows ************************************************************\r
48         private frmQueue queueWindow;\r
49         private frmPreview qtpreview;\r
50         private frmActivityWindow activityWindow;\r
51 \r
52         // Globals: Mainly used for tracking. *********************************\r
53         public Title selectedTitle;\r
54         public string sourcePath;\r
55         private SourceType selectedSourceType;\r
56         private string dvdDrivePath;\r
57         private string dvdDriveLabel;\r
58         private Preset currentlySelectedPreset;\r
59         private Source currentSource;\r
60 \r
61         private IScan SourceScan;\r
62         private List<DriveInformation> drives;\r
63         private QueueTask queueEdit;\r
64 \r
65         // Delegates **********************************************************\r
66         private delegate void UpdateWindowHandler();\r
67 \r
68         // Applicaiton Startup ************************************************\r
69 \r
70         #region Properties\r
71 \r
72         /// <summary>\r
73         /// Gets SourceName.\r
74         /// </summary>\r
75         public string SourceName\r
76         {\r
77             get\r
78             {\r
79                 if (this.selectedSourceType == SourceType.DvdDrive)\r
80                 {\r
81                     return this.dvdDriveLabel;\r
82                 }\r
83 \r
84                 if (selectedTitle != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedTitle.SourceName))\r
85                 {\r
86                     return Path.GetFileName(selectedTitle.SourceName);\r
87                 }\r
88 \r
89                 // We have a drive, selected as a folder.\r
90                 if (this.sourcePath.EndsWith("\\"))\r
91                 {\r
92                     drives = UtilityService.GetDrives();\r
93                     foreach (DriveInformation item in drives)\r
94                     {\r
95                         if (item.RootDirectory.Contains(this.sourcePath))\r
96                         {\r
97                             return item.VolumeLabel;\r
98                         }\r
99                     }\r
100                 }\r
101 \r
102                 if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.sourcePath) != "VIDEO_TS")\r
103                     return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.sourcePath);\r
104 \r
105                 return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetDirectoryName(this.sourcePath));\r
106             }\r
107         }\r
108 \r
109         #endregion\r
110 \r
111         #region Application Startup\r
112 \r
113         /// <summary>\r
114         /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="frmMain"/> class.\r
115         /// </summary>\r
116         /// <param name="args">\r
117         /// The arguments passed in on application startup.\r
118         /// </param>\r
119         public frmMain(string[] args)\r
120         {\r
121             InitializeComponent();\r
122 \r
123             // We can use LibHB, if the library hb.dll exists.\r
124             this.SourceScan = File.Exists("hb.dll") ? (IScan)new LibScan() : new ScanService();\r
125 \r
126             // Update the users config file with the CLI version data.\r
127             Main.SetCliVersionData();\r
128 \r
129             if (Settings.Default.hb_version.Contains("svn"))\r
130             {\r
131                 this.Text += " " + Settings.Default.hb_version;\r
132             }\r
133 \r
134             // Check for new versions, if update checking is enabled\r
135             if (Settings.Default.updateStatus)\r
136             {\r
137                 if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(Settings.Default.lastUpdateCheckDate).TotalDays > Properties.Settings.Default.daysBetweenUpdateCheck)\r
138                 {\r
139                     // Set when the last update was\r
140                     Settings.Default.lastUpdateCheckDate = DateTime.Now;\r
141                     Settings.Default.Save();\r
142                     string url = Settings.Default.hb_build.ToString().EndsWith("1")\r
143                                                   ? Settings.Default.appcast_unstable\r
144                                                   : Settings.Default.appcast;\r
145                     UpdateService.BeginCheckForUpdates(new AsyncCallback(UpdateCheckDone), false, url, Settings.Default.hb_build, Settings.Default.skipversion, Settings.Default.hb_version);\r
146                 }\r
147             }\r
148 \r
149             // Clear the log files in the background\r
150             if (Settings.Default.clearOldLogs)\r
151             {\r
152                 Thread clearLog = new Thread(() => UtilityService.ClearLogFiles(30));\r
153                 clearLog.Start();\r
154             }\r
155 \r
156             // Setup the GUI components\r
157             LoadPresetPanel(); // Load the Preset Panel\r
158             treeView_presets.ExpandAll();\r
159             lbl_encode.Text = string.Empty;\r
160             drop_mode.SelectedIndex = 0;\r
161             queueWindow = new frmQueue(this.queueProcessor, this); // Prepare the Queue\r
162             if (!Settings.Default.QueryEditorTab)\r
163                 tabs_panel.TabPages.RemoveAt(7); // Remove the query editor tab if the user does not want it enabled.\r
164             if (Settings.Default.tooltipEnable)\r
165                 ToolTip.Active = true;\r
166 \r
167             // Load the user's default settings or Normal Preset\r
168             if (Settings.Default.defaultPreset != string.Empty && presetHandler.GetPreset(Properties.Settings.Default.defaultPreset) != null)\r
169             {\r
170                 string query = presetHandler.GetPreset(Settings.Default.defaultPreset).Query;\r
171                 if (query != null)\r
172                 {\r
173                     x264Panel.Reset2Defaults();\r
174 \r
175                     EncodeTask presetQuery = QueryParserUtility.Parse(query);\r
176                     PresetLoader.LoadPreset(this, presetQuery, Settings.Default.defaultPreset);\r
177 \r
178                     x264Panel.StandardizeOptString();\r
179                     x264Panel.SetCurrentSettingsInPanel();\r
180                 }\r
181             }\r
182             else\r
183                 loadNormalPreset();\r
184 \r
185             // Register with Growl (if not using Growl for the encoding completion action, this wont hurt anything)\r
186             GrowlCommunicator.Register();\r
187 \r
188             // Event Handlers and Queue Recovery\r
189             events();\r
190             Main.RecoverQueue(this.queueProcessor);\r
191 \r
192             // If have a file passed in via command arguemtents, check it's a file and try scanning it.\r
193             if (args.Length >= 1 && (File.Exists(args[0]) || Directory.Exists(args[0])))\r
194             {\r
195                 this.StartScan(args[0], 0);\r
196             }\r
197         }\r
198 \r
199         /// <summary>\r
200         /// When the update check is done, process the results.\r
201         /// </summary>\r
202         /// <param name="result">IAsyncResult result</param>\r
203         private void UpdateCheckDone(IAsyncResult result)\r
204         {\r
205             if (InvokeRequired)\r
206             {\r
207                 Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => UpdateCheckDone(result)));\r
208                 return;\r
209             }\r
210 \r
211             try\r
212             {\r
213                 UpdateCheckInformation info = UpdateService.EndCheckForUpdates(result);\r
214 \r
215                 if (info.NewVersionAvailable)\r
216                 {\r
217                     UpdateInfo updateWindow = new UpdateInfo(info.BuildInformation, Settings.Default.hb_version, Settings.Default.hb_build.ToString());\r
218                     updateWindow.ShowDialog();\r
219                 }\r
220             }\r
221             catch (Exception ex)\r
222             {\r
223                 if ((bool)result.AsyncState)\r
224                     Main.ShowExceptiowWindow("Unable to check for updates, Please try again later.", ex.ToString());\r
225             }\r
226         }\r
227 \r
228         #endregion\r
229 \r
230         #region Events\r
231 \r
232         // Encoding Events for setting up the GUI\r
233         private void events()\r
234         {\r
235             // Handle Widget changes when preset is selected.\r
236             RegisterPresetEventHandler();\r
237 \r
238             // Handle Window Resize\r
239             if (Settings.Default.MainWindowMinimize)\r
240                 this.Resize += this.frmMain_Resize;\r
241 \r
242             // Handle Encode Start / Finish / Pause\r
243             this.queueProcessor.EncodeService.EncodeStarted += this.encodeStarted;\r
244             this.queueProcessor.EncodeService.EncodeCompleted += encodeEnded;\r
245 \r
246             // Scan Started and Completed Events\r
247             SourceScan.ScanStatusChanged += this.SourceScanScanStatusChanged;\r
248             SourceScan.ScanCompleted += this.SourceScanScanCompleted;\r
249 \r
250             // Handle a file being draged onto the GUI.\r
251             this.DragEnter += frmMain_DragEnter;\r
252             this.DragDrop += this.frmMain_DragDrop;\r
253         }\r
254 \r
255         // Change the preset label to custom when a user changes a setting. Don't want to give the impression that users can change settings and still be using a preset\r
256         private void RegisterPresetEventHandler()\r
257         {\r
258             // Output Settings\r
259             drop_format.SelectedIndexChanged += this.changePresetLabel;\r
260             check_largeFile.CheckedChanged += this.changePresetLabel;\r
261             check_iPodAtom.CheckedChanged += this.changePresetLabel;\r
262             check_optimiseMP4.CheckedChanged += this.changePresetLabel;\r
263 \r
264             // Picture Settings\r
265             PictureSettings.PictureSettingsChanged += this.changePresetLabel;\r
266 \r
267             // Filter Settings\r
268             Filters.FilterSettingsChanged += this.changePresetLabel;\r
269 \r
270             // Video Tab\r
271             drp_videoEncoder.SelectedIndexChanged += this.changePresetLabel;\r
272             check_2PassEncode.CheckedChanged += this.changePresetLabel;\r
273             check_turbo.CheckedChanged += this.changePresetLabel;\r
274             text_bitrate.TextChanged += this.changePresetLabel;\r
275             slider_videoQuality.ValueChanged += this.changePresetLabel;\r
276 \r
277             // Audio Panel\r
278             AudioSettings.AudioListChanged += this.changePresetLabel;\r
279 \r
280             // Advanced Tab\r
281             x264Panel.rtf_x264Query.TextChanged += this.changePresetLabel;\r
282         }\r
283 \r
284         private void UnRegisterPresetEventHandler()\r
285         {\r
286             // Output Settings \r
287             drop_format.SelectedIndexChanged -= this.changePresetLabel;\r
288             check_largeFile.CheckedChanged -= this.changePresetLabel;\r
289             check_iPodAtom.CheckedChanged -= this.changePresetLabel;\r
290             check_optimiseMP4.CheckedChanged -= this.changePresetLabel;\r
291 \r
292             // Picture Settings\r
293             PictureSettings.PictureSettingsChanged -= this.changePresetLabel;\r
294 \r
295             // Filter Settings\r
296             Filters.FilterSettingsChanged -= this.changePresetLabel;\r
297 \r
298             // Video Tab\r
299             drp_videoEncoder.SelectedIndexChanged -= this.changePresetLabel;\r
300             check_2PassEncode.CheckedChanged -= this.changePresetLabel;\r
301             check_turbo.CheckedChanged -= this.changePresetLabel;\r
302             text_bitrate.TextChanged -= this.changePresetLabel;\r
303             slider_videoQuality.ValueChanged -= this.changePresetLabel;\r
304 \r
305             // Audio Panel\r
306             AudioSettings.AudioListChanged -= this.changePresetLabel;\r
307 \r
308             // Advanced Tab\r
309             x264Panel.rtf_x264Query.TextChanged -= this.changePresetLabel;\r
310         }\r
311 \r
312         private void changePresetLabel(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
313         {\r
314             labelPreset.Text = "Output Settings (Preset: Custom)";\r
315             this.currentlySelectedPreset = null;\r
316         }\r
317 \r
318         private static void frmMain_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)\r
319         {\r
320             if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop, false))\r
321                 e.Effect = DragDropEffects.All;\r
322         }\r
323 \r
324         private void frmMain_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)\r
325         {\r
326             string[] fileList = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop) as string[];\r
327             sourcePath = string.Empty;\r
328 \r
329             if (fileList != null)\r
330             {\r
331                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileList[0]))\r
332                 {\r
333                     this.selectedSourceType = SourceType.VideoFile;\r
334                     StartScan(fileList[0], 0);\r
335                 }\r
336                 else\r
337                     UpdateSourceLabel();\r
338             }\r
339             else\r
340                 UpdateSourceLabel();\r
341         }\r
342 \r
343         private void encodeStarted(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
344         {\r
345             SetEncodeStarted();\r
346             this.queueProcessor.EncodeService.EncodeStatusChanged += EncodeQueue_EncodeStatusChanged;\r
347         }\r
348 \r
349         private void encodeEnded(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
350         {\r
351             this.queueProcessor.EncodeService.EncodeStatusChanged -= EncodeQueue_EncodeStatusChanged;\r
352             SetEncodeFinished();\r
353         }\r
354         #endregion\r
355 \r
356         // User Interface Menus / Tool Strips *********************************\r
357 \r
358         #region File Menu\r
359 \r
360         /// <summary>\r
361         /// Kill The scan menu Item\r
362         /// </summary>\r
363         /// <param name="sender">\r
364         /// The sender.\r
365         /// </param>\r
366         /// <param name="e">\r
367         /// The e.\r
368         /// </param>\r
369         private void mnu_killCLI_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
370         {\r
371             KillScan();\r
372         }\r
373 \r
374         /// <summary>\r
375         /// Exit the Application Menu Item\r
376         /// </summary>\r
377         /// <param name="sender">\r
378         /// The sender.\r
379         /// </param>\r
380         /// <param name="e">\r
381         /// The e.\r
382         /// </param>\r
383         private void mnu_exit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
384         {\r
385             Application.Exit();\r
386         }\r
387 \r
388         #endregion\r
389 \r
390         #region Tools Menu\r
391 \r
392         /// <summary>\r
393         /// Menu - Start Button\r
394         /// </summary>\r
395         /// <param name="sender">\r
396         /// The sender.\r
397         /// </param>\r
398         /// <param name="e">\r
399         /// The e.\r
400         /// </param>\r
401         private void mnu_encode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
402         {\r
403             queueWindow.Show();\r
404         }\r
405 \r
406         /// <summary>\r
407         /// Menu - Display the Log Window\r
408         /// </summary>\r
409         /// <param name="sender">\r
410         /// The sender.\r
411         /// </param>\r
412         /// <param name="e">\r
413         /// The e.\r
414         /// </param>\r
415         private void mnu_encodeLog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
416         {\r
417             this.btn_ActivityWindow_Click(this, null);\r
418         }\r
419 \r
420         /// <summary>\r
421         /// Menu - Display the Options Window\r
422         /// </summary>\r
423         /// <param name="sender">\r
424         /// The sender.\r
425         /// </param>\r
426         /// <param name="e">\r
427         /// The e.\r
428         /// </param>\r
429         private void mnu_options_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
430         {\r
431             Form options = new frmOptions(this);\r
432             options.ShowDialog();\r
433         }\r
434 \r
435         #endregion\r
436 \r
437         #region Presets Menu\r
438 \r
439         /// <summary>\r
440         /// Reset the Built in Presets\r
441         /// </summary>\r
442         /// <param name="sender">\r
443         /// The sender.\r
444         /// </param>\r
445         /// <param name="e">\r
446         /// The e.\r
447         /// </param>\r
448         private void mnu_presetReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
449         {\r
450             presetHandler.UpdateBuiltInPresets(string.Empty);\r
451             LoadPresetPanel();\r
452             if (treeView_presets.Nodes.Count == 0)\r
453                 MessageBox.Show(\r
454                     "Unable to load the presets.xml file. Please select \"Update Built-in Presets\" from the Presets Menu. \nMake sure you are running the program in Admin mode if running on Vista. See Windows FAQ for details!",\r
455                     "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);\r
456             else\r
457                 MessageBox.Show("Presets have been updated!", "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);\r
458 \r
459             treeView_presets.ExpandAll();\r
460         }\r
461 \r
462         /// <summary>\r
463         /// Delete the selected preset\r
464         /// </summary>\r
465         /// <param name="sender">\r
466         /// The sender.\r
467         /// </param>\r
468         /// <param name="e">\r
469         /// The e.\r
470         /// </param>\r
471         private void mnu_delete_preset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
472         {\r
473             presetHandler.ClearBuiltIn();\r
474             LoadPresetPanel(); // Reload the preset panel\r
475         }\r
476 \r
477         /// <summary>\r
478         /// Select the Normal preset\r
479         /// </summary>\r
480         /// <param name="sender">\r
481         /// The sender.\r
482         /// </param>\r
483         /// <param name="e">\r
484         /// The e.\r
485         /// </param>\r
486         private void mnu_SelectDefault_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
487         {\r
488             loadNormalPreset();\r
489         }\r
490 \r
491         /// <summary>\r
492         /// Import a plist Preset\r
493         /// </summary>\r
494         /// <param name="sender">\r
495         /// The sender.\r
496         /// </param>\r
497         /// <param name="e">\r
498         /// The e.\r
499         /// </param>\r
500         private void mnu_importMacPreset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
501         {\r
502             ImportPreset();\r
503         }\r
504 \r
505         /// <summary>\r
506         /// Export a Plist Preset\r
507         /// </summary>\r
508         /// <param name="sender">\r
509         /// The sender.\r
510         /// </param>\r
511         /// <param name="e">\r
512         /// The e.\r
513         /// </param>\r
514         private void mnu_exportMacPreset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
515         {\r
516             ExportPreset();\r
517         }\r
518 \r
519         /// <summary>\r
520         /// Create a new Preset\r
521         /// </summary>\r
522         /// <param name="sender">\r
523         /// The sender.\r
524         /// </param>\r
525         /// <param name="e">\r
526         /// The e.\r
527         /// </param>\r
528         private void btn_new_preset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
529         {\r
530             Form preset = new frmAddPreset(this, presetHandler);\r
531             if (preset.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)\r
532             {\r
533                 TreeNode presetTreeview = new TreeNode(presetHandler.LastPresetAdded.Name) { ForeColor = Color.Black };\r
534                 treeView_presets.Nodes.Add(presetTreeview);\r
535                 presetHandler.LastPresetAdded = null;\r
536             }\r
537         }\r
538 \r
539         #endregion\r
540 \r
541         #region Help Menu\r
542 \r
543         /// <summary>\r
544         /// Menu - Display the User Guide Web Page\r
545         /// </summary>\r
546         /// <param name="sender">\r
547         /// The sender.\r
548         /// </param>\r
549         /// <param name="e">\r
550         /// The e.\r
551         /// </param>\r
552         private void mnu_user_guide_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
553         {\r
554             Process.Start("http://trac.handbrake.fr/wiki/HandBrakeGuide");\r
555         }\r
556 \r
557         /// <summary>\r
558         /// Menu - Check for Updates\r
559         /// </summary>\r
560         /// <param name="sender">\r
561         /// The sender.\r
562         /// </param>\r
563         /// <param name="e">\r
564         /// The e.\r
565         /// </param>\r
566         private void mnu_UpdateCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
567         {\r
568             lbl_updateCheck.Visible = true;\r
569             Settings.Default.lastUpdateCheckDate = DateTime.Now;\r
570             Settings.Default.Save();\r
571             string url = Settings.Default.hb_build.ToString().EndsWith("1")\r
572                                                   ? Settings.Default.appcast_unstable\r
573                                                   : Settings.Default.appcast;\r
574             UpdateService.BeginCheckForUpdates(new AsyncCallback(UpdateCheckDoneMenu), false, url, Settings.Default.hb_build, Settings.Default.skipversion, Settings.Default.hb_version);\r
575         }\r
576 \r
577         /// <summary>\r
578         /// Menu - Display the About Window\r
579         /// </summary>\r
580         /// <param name="sender">\r
581         /// The sender.\r
582         /// </param>\r
583         /// <param name="e">\r
584         /// The e.\r
585         /// </param>\r
586         private void mnu_about_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
587         {\r
588             using (frmAbout About = new frmAbout())\r
589             {\r
590                 About.ShowDialog();\r
591             }\r
592         }\r
593 \r
594         #endregion\r
595 \r
596         #region Preset Bar\r
597 \r
598         /// <summary>\r
599         /// RMenu - Expand All\r
600         /// </summary>\r
601         /// <param name="sender">\r
602         /// The sender.\r
603         /// </param>\r
604         /// <param name="e">\r
605         /// The e.\r
606         /// </param>\r
607         private void pmnu_expandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
608         {\r
609             treeView_presets.ExpandAll();\r
610         }\r
611 \r
612         /// <summary>\r
613         /// RMenu - Collaspe All\r
614         /// </summary>\r
615         /// <param name="sender">\r
616         /// The sender.\r
617         /// </param>\r
618         /// <param name="e">\r
619         /// The e.\r
620         /// </param>\r
621         private void pmnu_collapse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
622         {\r
623             treeView_presets.CollapseAll();\r
624         }\r
625 \r
626         /// <summary>\r
627         /// Menu - Import Preset\r
628         /// </summary>\r
629         /// <param name="sender">\r
630         /// The sender.\r
631         /// </param>\r
632         /// <param name="e">\r
633         /// The e.\r
634         /// </param>\r
635         private void pmnu_import_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
636         {\r
637             ImportPreset();\r
638         }\r
639 \r
640         /// <summary>\r
641         /// RMenu - Save Changes to Preset\r
642         /// </summary>\r
643         /// <param name="sender">\r
644         /// The sender.\r
645         /// </param>\r
646         /// <param name="e">\r
647         /// The e.\r
648         /// </param>\r
649         private void pmnu_saveChanges_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
650         {\r
651             DialogResult result =\r
652                 MessageBox.Show(\r
653                     "Do you wish to include picture settings when updating the preset: " +\r
654                     treeView_presets.SelectedNode.Text, "Update Preset", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel,\r
655                     MessageBoxIcon.Question);\r
656 \r
657             Preset preset = new Preset\r
658                 {\r
659                     Name = this.treeView_presets.SelectedNode.Text,\r
660                     Query =\r
661                         QueryGenerator.GenerateQueryForPreset(this, QueryPictureSettingsMode.SourceMaximum, true, 0, 0),\r
662                     CropSettings = (result == DialogResult.Yes)\r
663                 };\r
664 \r
665             presetHandler.Update(preset);\r
666         }\r
667 \r
668         /// <summary>\r
669         /// RMenu - Delete Preset\r
670         /// </summary>\r
671         /// <param name="sender">\r
672         /// The sender.\r
673         /// </param>\r
674         /// <param name="e">\r
675         /// The e.\r
676         /// </param>\r
677         private void pmnu_delete_click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
678         {\r
679             if (treeView_presets.SelectedNode != null)\r
680             {\r
681                 presetHandler.Remove((Preset)treeView_presets.SelectedNode.Tag);\r
682                 treeView_presets.Nodes.Remove(treeView_presets.SelectedNode);\r
683             }\r
684             treeView_presets.Select();\r
685         }\r
686 \r
687         /// <summary>\r
688         /// Preset Menu Is Opening. Setup the Menu\r
689         /// </summary>\r
690         /// <param name="sender">\r
691         /// The sender.\r
692         /// </param>\r
693         /// <param name="e">\r
694         /// The e.\r
695         /// </param>\r
696         private void presets_menu_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)\r
697         {\r
698             // Make sure that the save menu is always disabled by default\r
699             pmnu_saveChanges.Enabled = false;\r
700 \r
701             // Now enable the save menu if the selected preset is a user preset\r
702             if (treeView_presets.SelectedNode != null)\r
703                 if (presetHandler.CheckIfPresetExists(treeView_presets.SelectedNode.Text))\r
704                     pmnu_saveChanges.Enabled = true;\r
705 \r
706             treeView_presets.Select();\r
707         }\r
708 \r
709         // Presets Management\r
710 \r
711         /// <summary>\r
712         /// Button - Add a preset\r
713         /// </summary>\r
714         /// <param name="sender">\r
715         /// The sender.\r
716         /// </param>\r
717         /// <param name="e">\r
718         /// The e.\r
719         /// </param>\r
720         private void btn_addPreset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
721         {\r
722             Form preset = new frmAddPreset(this, presetHandler);\r
723             if (preset.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)\r
724             {\r
725                 TreeNode presetTreeview = new TreeNode(presetHandler.LastPresetAdded.Name) { ForeColor = Color.Black };\r
726                 treeView_presets.Nodes.Add(presetTreeview);\r
727                 presetHandler.LastPresetAdded = null;\r
728             }\r
729         }\r
730 \r
731         /// <summary>\r
732         /// Button - remove a Preset\r
733         /// </summary>\r
734         /// <param name="sender">\r
735         /// The sender.\r
736         /// </param>\r
737         /// <param name="e">\r
738         /// The e.\r
739         /// </param>\r
740         private void btn_removePreset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
741         {\r
742             DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you wish to delete the selected preset?", "Preset",\r
743                                                   MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);\r
744             if (result == DialogResult.Yes)\r
745             {\r
746                 if (treeView_presets.SelectedNode != null)\r
747                 {\r
748                     presetHandler.Remove((Preset)treeView_presets.SelectedNode.Tag);\r
749                     treeView_presets.Nodes.Remove(treeView_presets.SelectedNode);\r
750                 }\r
751             }\r
752             treeView_presets.Select();\r
753         }\r
754 \r
755         /// <summary>\r
756         /// Button - Set the selected preset as the default\r
757         /// </summary>\r
758         /// <param name="sender">\r
759         /// The sender.\r
760         /// </param>\r
761         /// <param name="e">\r
762         /// The e.\r
763         /// </param>\r
764         private void btn_setDefault_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
765         {\r
766             if (treeView_presets.SelectedNode != null)\r
767             {\r
768                 DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you wish to set this preset as the default?",\r
769                                                       "Preset", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);\r
770                 if (result == DialogResult.Yes)\r
771                 {\r
772                     Properties.Settings.Default.defaultPreset = treeView_presets.SelectedNode.Text;\r
773                     Properties.Settings.Default.Save();\r
774                     MessageBox.Show("New default preset set.", "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);\r
775                 }\r
776             }\r
777             else\r
778                 MessageBox.Show("Please select a preset first.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);\r
779         }\r
780 \r
781         /// <summary>\r
782         /// PresetBar Mouse Down event\r
783         /// </summary>\r
784         /// <param name="sender">\r
785         /// The sender.\r
786         /// </param>\r
787         /// <param name="e">\r
788         /// The e.\r
789         /// </param>\r
790         private void treeview_presets_mouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)\r
791         {\r
792             if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)\r
793                 treeView_presets.SelectedNode = treeView_presets.GetNodeAt(e.Location);\r
794             else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)\r
795             {\r
796                 if (treeView_presets.GetNodeAt(e.Location) != null)\r
797                 {\r
798                     if (labelPreset.Text.Contains(treeView_presets.GetNodeAt(e.Location).Text))\r
799                         selectPreset();\r
800                 }\r
801             }\r
802 \r
803             treeView_presets.Select();\r
804         }\r
805 \r
806         /// <summary>\r
807         /// Preset Bar after selecting the preset\r
808         /// </summary>\r
809         /// <param name="sender">\r
810         /// The sender.\r
811         /// </param>\r
812         /// <param name="e">\r
813         /// The e.\r
814         /// </param>\r
815         private void treeView_presets_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)\r
816         {\r
817             selectPreset();\r
818         }\r
819 \r
820         /// <summary>\r
821         /// When the mouse moves, display a preset\r
822         /// </summary>\r
823         /// <param name="sender">The Sender</param>\r
824         /// <param name="e">the MouseEventArgs</param>\r
825         private void TreeViewPresetsMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)\r
826         {\r
827             TreeNode theNode = this.treeView_presets.GetNodeAt(e.X, e.Y);\r
828 \r
829             if ((theNode != null))\r
830             {\r
831                 // Change the ToolTip only if the pointer moved to a new node.\r
832                 if (theNode.ToolTipText != this.ToolTip.GetToolTip(this.treeView_presets))\r
833                 {\r
834                     this.ToolTip.SetToolTip(this.treeView_presets, theNode.ToolTipText);\r
835                 }\r
836             }\r
837             else     // Pointer is not over a node so clear the ToolTip.\r
838             {\r
839                 this.ToolTip.SetToolTip(this.treeView_presets, string.Empty);\r
840             }\r
841         }\r
842 \r
843         /// <summary>\r
844         /// Preset Bar - Handle the Delete Key\r
845         /// </summary>\r
846         /// <param name="sender">\r
847         /// The sender.\r
848         /// </param>\r
849         /// <param name="e">\r
850         /// The e.\r
851         /// </param>\r
852         private void treeView_presets_deleteKey(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)\r
853         {\r
854             if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete)\r
855             {\r
856                 DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you wish to delete the selected preset?", "Preset",\r
857                                                       MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);\r
858                 if (result == DialogResult.Yes)\r
859                 {\r
860                     if (treeView_presets.SelectedNode != null)\r
861                         presetHandler.Remove((Preset)treeView_presets.SelectedNode.Tag);\r
862 \r
863                     // Remember each nodes expanded status so we can reload it\r
864                     List<bool> nodeStatus = new List<bool>();\r
865                     foreach (TreeNode node in treeView_presets.Nodes)\r
866                         nodeStatus.Add(node.IsExpanded);\r
867 \r
868                     // Now reload the preset panel\r
869                     LoadPresetPanel();\r
870 \r
871                     // And finally, re-expand any of the nodes if required\r
872                     int i = 0;\r
873                     foreach (TreeNode node in treeView_presets.Nodes)\r
874                     {\r
875                         if (nodeStatus[i])\r
876                             node.Expand();\r
877 \r
878                         i++;\r
879                     }\r
880                 }\r
881             }\r
882         }\r
883 \r
884         /// <summary>\r
885         /// Select the selected preset and setup the GUI\r
886         /// </summary>\r
887         private void selectPreset()\r
888         {\r
889             if (treeView_presets.SelectedNode != null)\r
890             {\r
891                 // Ok, so, we've selected a preset. Now we want to load it.\r
892                 string presetName = treeView_presets.SelectedNode.Text;\r
893                 Preset preset = presetHandler.GetPreset(presetName);\r
894                 if (preset != null)\r
895                 {\r
896                     string query = presetHandler.GetPreset(presetName).Query;\r
897 \r
898                     if (query != null)\r
899                     {\r
900                         // Ok, Reset all the H264 widgets before changing the preset\r
901                         x264Panel.Reset2Defaults();\r
902 \r
903                         // Send the query from the file to the Query Parser class\r
904                         EncodeTask presetQuery = QueryParserUtility.Parse(query);\r
905 \r
906                         // Now load the preset\r
907                         PresetLoader.LoadPreset(this, presetQuery, presetName);\r
908 \r
909                         // The x264 widgets will need updated, so do this now:\r
910                         x264Panel.StandardizeOptString();\r
911                         x264Panel.SetCurrentSettingsInPanel();\r
912 \r
913                         // Finally, let this window have a copy of the preset settings.\r
914                         this.currentlySelectedPreset = preset;\r
915                         PictureSettings.SetPresetCropWarningLabel(preset);\r
916                     }\r
917                 }\r
918             }\r
919         }\r
920 \r
921         /// <summary>\r
922         /// Load the Normal Preset\r
923         /// </summary>\r
924         private void loadNormalPreset()\r
925         {\r
926             foreach (TreeNode treenode in treeView_presets.Nodes)\r
927             {\r
928                 foreach (TreeNode node in treenode.Nodes)\r
929                 {\r
930                     if (node.Text.Equals("Normal"))\r
931                         treeView_presets.SelectedNode = treeView_presets.Nodes[treenode.Index].Nodes[0];\r
932                 }\r
933             }\r
934         }\r
935 \r
936         /// <summary>\r
937         /// Import a plist preset\r
938         /// </summary>\r
939         private void ImportPreset()\r
940         {\r
941             if (openPreset.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)\r
942             {\r
943                 EncodeTask parsed = PlistPresetHandler.Import(openPreset.FileName);\r
944                 if (presetHandler.CheckIfPresetExists(parsed.PresetName + " (Imported)"))\r
945                 {\r
946                     DialogResult result =\r
947                         MessageBox.Show("This preset appears to already exist. Would you like to overwrite it?",\r
948                                         "Overwrite preset?",\r
949                                         MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);\r
950                     if (result == DialogResult.Yes)\r
951                     {\r
952                         PresetLoader.LoadPreset(this, parsed, parsed.PresetName);\r
953 \r
954                         Preset preset = new Preset\r
955                             {\r
956                                 Name = parsed.PresetName + " (Imported)",\r
957                                 Query = QueryGenerator.GenerateFullQuery(this),\r
958                                 CropSettings = parsed.UsesPictureSettings\r
959                             };\r
960 \r
961                         presetHandler.Update(preset);\r
962                     }\r
963                 }\r
964                 else\r
965                 {\r
966                     PresetLoader.LoadPreset(this, parsed, parsed.PresetName);\r
967 \r
968                     Preset preset = new Preset\r
969                     {\r
970                         Name = parsed.PresetName + " (Imported)",\r
971                         Query = QueryGenerator.GenerateFullQuery(this),\r
972                         CropSettings = parsed.UsesPictureSettings\r
973                     };\r
974 \r
975                     if (presetHandler.Add(preset))\r
976                     {\r
977                         TreeNode preset_treeview = new TreeNode(parsed.PresetName + " (Imported)")\r
978                                                        {\r
979                                                            ForeColor = Color.Black\r
980                                                        };\r
981                         treeView_presets.Nodes.Add(preset_treeview);\r
982                     }\r
983                 }\r
984             }\r
985         }\r
986 \r
987         /// <summary>\r
988         /// Export a plist Preset\r
989         /// </summary>\r
990         private void ExportPreset()\r
991         {\r
992             SaveFileDialog savefiledialog = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = "plist|*.plist" };\r
993 \r
994             if (treeView_presets.SelectedNode != null)\r
995             {\r
996                 if (savefiledialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)\r
997                 {\r
998                     Preset preset = presetHandler.GetPreset(treeView_presets.SelectedNode.Text);\r
999                     PlistPresetHandler.Export(savefiledialog.FileName, preset);\r
1000                 }\r
1001             }\r
1002         }\r
1003 \r
1004         #endregion\r
1005 \r
1006         #region ToolStrip\r
1007 \r
1008         /// <summary>\r
1009         /// Toolbar - When the Source button is clicked, Clear any DVD drives and add any available DVD drives that can be used as a source.\r
1010         /// </summary>\r
1011         /// <param name="sender">\r
1012         /// The sender.\r
1013         /// </param>\r
1014         /// <param name="e">\r
1015         /// The e.\r
1016         /// </param>\r
1017         private void btn_source_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1018         {\r
1019             // Remove old Drive Menu Items.\r
1020             List<ToolStripMenuItem> itemsToRemove = new List<ToolStripMenuItem>();\r
1021             foreach (var item in btn_source.DropDownItems)\r
1022             {\r
1023                 if (item.GetType() == typeof(ToolStripMenuItem))\r
1024                 {\r
1025                     ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)item;\r
1026                     if (menuItem.Name.StartsWith("Drive"))\r
1027                     {\r
1028                         itemsToRemove.Add(menuItem);\r
1029                     }\r
1030                 }\r
1031             }\r
1032 \r
1033             foreach (ToolStripMenuItem item in itemsToRemove)\r
1034                 btn_source.DropDownItems.Remove(item);\r
1035 \r
1036             Thread driveInfoThread = new Thread(SetDriveSelectionMenuItem);\r
1037             driveInfoThread.Start();\r
1038         }\r
1039 \r
1040         /// <summary>\r
1041         /// Toolbar - Start The Encode\r
1042         /// </summary>\r
1043         /// <param name="sender">\r
1044         /// The sender.\r
1045         /// </param>\r
1046         /// <param name="e">\r
1047         /// The e.\r
1048         /// </param>\r
1049         private void btn_start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1050         {\r
1051             if (btn_start.Text == "Stop")\r
1052             {\r
1053                 DialogResult result = !Properties.Settings.Default.showCliForInGuiEncodeStatus\r
1054                              ? MessageBox.Show(\r
1055                                  "Are you sure you wish to cancel the encode?\n\nPlease note: Stopping this encode will render the file unplayable. ",\r
1056                                  "Cancel Encode?",\r
1057                                  MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,\r
1058                                  MessageBoxIcon.Question)\r
1059                              : MessageBox.Show(\r
1060                                  "Are you sure you wish to cancel the encode?",\r
1061                                  "Cancel Encode?",\r
1062                                  MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,\r
1063                                  MessageBoxIcon.Question);\r
1064 \r
1065                 if (result == DialogResult.Yes)\r
1066                 {\r
1067                     // Pause The Queue\r
1068                     this.queueProcessor.Pause();\r
1069 \r
1070                     if (Settings.Default.showCliForInGuiEncodeStatus)\r
1071                         this.queueProcessor.EncodeService.SafelyStop();\r
1072                     else\r
1073                         this.queueProcessor.EncodeService.Stop();\r
1074                 }\r
1075             }\r
1076             else\r
1077             {\r
1078                 // If we have a custom query, then we'll want to figure out what the new source and destination is, otherwise we'll just use the gui components.\r
1079                 string jobSourcePath = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtf_query.Text) ? Main.GetSourceFromQuery(rtf_query.Text) : sourcePath;\r
1080                 string jobDestination = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtf_query.Text) ? Main.GetDestinationFromQuery(rtf_query.Text) : text_destination.Text;\r
1081 \r
1082                 if (this.queueProcessor.QueueManager.Count != 0 || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobSourcePath) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobDestination)))\r
1083                 {\r
1084                     string generatedQuery = QueryGenerator.GenerateFullQuery(this);\r
1085                     string specifiedQuery = rtf_query.Text != string.Empty\r
1086                                                 ? rtf_query.Text\r
1087                                                 : QueryGenerator.GenerateFullQuery(this);\r
1088                     string query = string.Empty;\r
1089 \r
1090                     // Check to make sure the generated query matches the GUI settings\r
1091                     if (Properties.Settings.Default.PromptOnUnmatchingQueries && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(specifiedQuery) &&\r
1092                         generatedQuery != specifiedQuery)\r
1093                     {\r
1094                         DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("The query under the \"Query Editor\" tab " +\r
1095                                                               "does not match the current GUI settings.\n\nBecause the manual query takes " +\r
1096                                                               "priority over the GUI, your recently updated settings will not be taken " +\r
1097                                                               "into account when encoding this job." +\r
1098                                                               Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +\r
1099                                                               "Do you want to replace the manual query with the updated GUI-generated query?",\r
1100                                                               "Manual Query does not Match GUI",\r
1101                                                               MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk,\r
1102                                                               MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button3);\r
1103 \r
1104                         switch (result)\r
1105                         {\r
1106                             case DialogResult.Yes:\r
1107                                 // Replace the manual query with the generated one\r
1108                                 query = generatedQuery;\r
1109                                 rtf_query.Text = generatedQuery;\r
1110                                 break;\r
1111                             case DialogResult.No:\r
1112                                 // Use the manual query\r
1113                                 query = specifiedQuery;\r
1114                                 break;\r
1115                             case DialogResult.Cancel:\r
1116                                 // Don't start the encode\r
1117                                 return;\r
1118                         }\r
1119                     }\r
1120                     else\r
1121                     {\r
1122                         query = specifiedQuery;\r
1123                     }\r
1124 \r
1125                     DialogResult overwrite = DialogResult.Yes;\r
1126                     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobDestination) && File.Exists(jobDestination))\r
1127                     {\r
1128                         overwrite = MessageBox.Show(\r
1129                                 "The destination file already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?",\r
1130                                 "Overwrite File?",\r
1131                                 MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,\r
1132                                 MessageBoxIcon.Question);\r
1133                     }\r
1134 \r
1135                     if (overwrite == DialogResult.Yes)\r
1136                     {\r
1137                         QueueTask task = new QueueTask(query)\r
1138                             {\r
1139                                 Title = this.GetTitle(),\r
1140                                 Source = jobSourcePath,\r
1141                                 Destination = jobDestination,\r
1142                                 CustomQuery = (this.rtf_query.Text != string.Empty)\r
1143                             };\r
1144 \r
1145                         if (this.queueProcessor.QueueManager.Count == 0)\r
1146                             this.queueProcessor.QueueManager.Add(task);\r
1147 \r
1148                         queueWindow.SetQueue();\r
1149                         if (this.queueProcessor.QueueManager.Count > 1)\r
1150                             queueWindow.Show(false);\r
1151 \r
1152                         SetEncodeStarted(); // Encode is running, so setup the GUI appropriately\r
1153                         this.queueProcessor.Start(); // Start The Queue Encoding Process\r
1154                     }\r
1155 \r
1156                     this.Focus();\r
1157                 }\r
1158                 else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourcePath) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(text_destination.Text))\r
1159                     MessageBox.Show("No source or destination selected.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK,\r
1160                                     MessageBoxIcon.Warning);\r
1161             }\r
1162         }\r
1163 \r
1164         /// <summary>\r
1165         /// Toolbar - Add the current job to the Queue\r
1166         /// </summary>\r
1167         /// <param name="sender">\r
1168         /// The sender.\r
1169         /// </param>\r
1170         /// <param name="e">\r
1171         /// The e.\r
1172         /// </param>\r
1173         private void btn_add2Queue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1174         {\r
1175             // Add the item to the queue.\r
1176             AddItemToQueue(true);\r
1177             queueWindow.Show();\r
1178         }\r
1179 \r
1180         /// <summary>\r
1181         /// Add Multiple Items to the Queue at once.\r
1182         /// </summary>\r
1183         /// <param name="sender">The Sender</param>\r
1184         /// <param name="e">The EventArgs</param>\r
1185         private void MnuAddMultiToQueueClick(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1186         {\r
1187             if (!Settings.Default.autoNaming)\r
1188             {\r
1189                 MessageBox.Show("Destination Auto Naming must be enabled in preferences for this feature to work.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);\r
1190                 return;\r
1191             }\r
1192 \r
1193             if (this.SourceScan.SouceData == null)\r
1194             {\r
1195                 MessageBox.Show("You must first scan a source or collection of source to use this feature.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);\r
1196                 return;\r
1197             }\r
1198 \r
1199             BatchAdd batchAdd = new BatchAdd();\r
1200             if (batchAdd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)\r
1201             {\r
1202                 int min = batchAdd.Min;\r
1203                 int max = batchAdd.Max;\r
1204                 bool errors = false;\r
1205 \r
1206                 foreach (Title title in this.SourceScan.SouceData.Titles)\r
1207                 {\r
1208                     if (title.Duration.TotalMinutes > min && title.Duration.TotalMinutes < max)\r
1209                     {\r
1210                         // Add to Queue\r
1211                         this.drp_dvdtitle.SelectedItem = title;\r
1212 \r
1213                         if (!this.AddItemToQueue(false))\r
1214                         {\r
1215                             errors = true;\r
1216                         }\r
1217                     }\r
1218                 }\r
1219 \r
1220                 if (errors)\r
1221                 {\r
1222                     MessageBox.Show(\r
1223                         "One or more items could not be added to the queue. You should check your queue and manually add any missing jobs.",\r
1224                         "Warning",\r
1225                         MessageBoxButtons.OK,\r
1226                         MessageBoxIcon.Warning);\r
1227                 }\r
1228             }\r
1229         }\r
1230 \r
1231         private bool AddItemToQueue(bool showError)\r
1232         {\r
1233             string query = QueryGenerator.GenerateFullQuery(this);\r
1234             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtf_query.Text))\r
1235                 query = rtf_query.Text;\r
1236 \r
1237             // If we have a custom query, then we'll want to figure out what the new source and destination is, otherwise we'll just use the gui components.\r
1238             string jobSourcePath = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtf_query.Text) ? Main.GetSourceFromQuery(rtf_query.Text) : sourcePath;\r
1239             string jobDestination = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rtf_query.Text) ? Main.GetDestinationFromQuery(rtf_query.Text) : text_destination.Text;\r
1240 \r
1241             // Make sure we have a Source and Destination.\r
1242             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobSourcePath) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobDestination))\r
1243             {\r
1244                 if (showError)\r
1245                     MessageBox.Show("No source or destination selected.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);\r
1246                 return false;\r
1247             }\r
1248 \r
1249             // Make sure the destination path exists.\r
1250             if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(jobDestination)))\r
1251             {\r
1252                 if (showError)\r
1253                     MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Destination Path does not exist.\nPath: {0}\n\nThis item was not added to the Queue.", Path.GetDirectoryName(jobDestination)), "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);\r
1254                 return false;\r
1255             }\r
1256 \r
1257             // Make sure we don't have a duplciate on the queue.\r
1258             if (this.queueProcessor.QueueManager.CheckForDestinationPathDuplicates(jobDestination))\r
1259             {\r
1260                 if (showError)\r
1261                 {\r
1262                     DialogResult result;\r
1263                     result =\r
1264                         MessageBox.Show(\r
1265                             string.Format(\r
1266                                 "There is already a queue item for this destination path.\nDestination Path: {0} \n\nIf you continue, the encode will be overwritten. Do you wish to continue?",\r
1267                                 jobDestination),\r
1268                             "Warning",\r
1269                             MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,\r
1270                             MessageBoxIcon.Warning);\r
1271 \r
1272                     if (result != DialogResult.Yes) return false;\r
1273                 }\r
1274                 else\r
1275                 {\r
1276                     return false;\r
1277                 }\r
1278             }\r
1279 \r
1280             // Add the job.\r
1281             QueueTask task = new QueueTask(query)\r
1282             {\r
1283                 Title = this.GetTitle(),\r
1284                 Source = jobSourcePath,\r
1285                 Destination = jobDestination,\r
1286                 CustomQuery = (this.rtf_query.Text != string.Empty)\r
1287             };\r
1288             this.queueProcessor.QueueManager.Add(task);\r
1289 \r
1290             lbl_encode.Text = this.queueProcessor.QueueManager.Count + " encode(s) pending in the queue";\r
1291 \r
1292             return true;\r
1293         }\r
1294 \r
1295         /// <summary>\r
1296         /// Toolbar - Show the Queue\r
1297         /// </summary>\r
1298         /// <param name="sender">\r
1299         /// The sender.\r
1300         /// </param>\r
1301         /// <param name="e">\r
1302         /// The e.\r
1303         /// </param>\r
1304         private void btn_showQueue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1305         {\r
1306             queueWindow.Show();\r
1307             queueWindow.Activate();\r
1308         }\r
1309 \r
1310         /// <summary>\r
1311         /// Toolbar - Show the Preview Window\r
1312         /// </summary>\r
1313         /// <param name="sender">\r
1314         /// The sender.\r
1315         /// </param>\r
1316         /// <param name="e">\r
1317         /// The e.\r
1318         /// </param>\r
1319         private void tb_preview_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1320         {\r
1321             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourcePath) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(text_destination.Text))\r
1322                 MessageBox.Show("No source or destination selected.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK,\r
1323                                 MessageBoxIcon.Warning);\r
1324             else\r
1325             {\r
1326                 if (qtpreview == null)\r
1327                 {\r
1328                     qtpreview = new frmPreview(this);\r
1329                     qtpreview.Show();\r
1330                 }\r
1331                 else if (qtpreview.IsDisposed)\r
1332                 {\r
1333                     qtpreview = new frmPreview(this);\r
1334                     qtpreview.Show();\r
1335                 }\r
1336                 else\r
1337                     MessageBox.Show(qtpreview, "The preview window is already open!", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK,\r
1338                                     MessageBoxIcon.Warning);\r
1339             }\r
1340         }\r
1341 \r
1342         /// <summary>\r
1343         /// Toolbar - Show the Activity log Window\r
1344         /// </summary>\r
1345         /// <param name="sender">\r
1346         /// The sender.\r
1347         /// </param>\r
1348         /// <param name="e">\r
1349         /// The e.\r
1350         /// </param>\r
1351         private void btn_ActivityWindow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1352         {\r
1353             if (this.activityWindow == null || !this.activityWindow.IsHandleCreated)\r
1354                 this.activityWindow = new frmActivityWindow(this.queueProcessor.EncodeService, SourceScan);\r
1355 \r
1356             this.activityWindow.Show();\r
1357             this.activityWindow.Activate();\r
1358         }\r
1359 \r
1360         #endregion\r
1361 \r
1362         #region System Tray Icon\r
1363 \r
1364         /// <summary>\r
1365         /// Handle Resizing of the main window when deaing with the Notify Icon\r
1366         /// </summary>\r
1367         /// <param name="sender">\r
1368         /// The sender.\r
1369         /// </param>\r
1370         /// <param name="e">\r
1371         /// The e.\r
1372         /// </param>\r
1373         private void frmMain_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1374         {\r
1375             if (FormWindowState.Minimized == this.WindowState)\r
1376             {\r
1377                 notifyIcon.Visible = true;\r
1378                 this.Hide();\r
1379             }\r
1380             else if (FormWindowState.Normal == this.WindowState)\r
1381                 notifyIcon.Visible = false;\r
1382         }\r
1383 \r
1384         /// <summary>\r
1385         /// Double Click the Tray Icon\r
1386         /// </summary>\r
1387         /// <param name="sender">\r
1388         /// The sender.\r
1389         /// </param>\r
1390         /// <param name="e">\r
1391         /// The e.\r
1392         /// </param>\r
1393         private void notifyIcon_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)\r
1394         {\r
1395             this.Visible = true;\r
1396             this.Activate();\r
1397             this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;\r
1398             notifyIcon.Visible = false;\r
1399         }\r
1400 \r
1401         /// <summary>\r
1402         /// Tray Icon - Restore Menu Item - Resture the Window\r
1403         /// </summary>\r
1404         /// <param name="sender">\r
1405         /// The sender.\r
1406         /// </param>\r
1407         /// <param name="e">\r
1408         /// The e.\r
1409         /// </param>\r
1410         private void btn_restore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1411         {\r
1412             this.Visible = true;\r
1413             this.Activate();\r
1414             this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;\r
1415             notifyIcon.Visible = false;\r
1416         }\r
1417 \r
1418         #endregion\r
1419 \r
1420         #region Main Window and Tab Control\r
1421 \r
1422         // Source\r
1423         private void BtnFolderScanClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1424         {\r
1425             this.btn_source.HideDropDown();\r
1426             if (DVD_Open.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)\r
1427             {\r
1428                 this.selectedSourceType = SourceType.Folder;\r
1429                 SelectSource(DVD_Open.SelectedPath, 0);\r
1430             }\r
1431             else\r
1432                 UpdateSourceLabel();\r
1433         }\r
1434 \r
1435         private void BtnFileScanClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1436         {\r
1437             this.btn_source.HideDropDown();\r
1438             if (ISO_Open.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)\r
1439             {\r
1440                 this.selectedSourceType = SourceType.VideoFile;\r
1441                 SelectSource(ISO_Open.FileName, 0);\r
1442             }\r
1443             else\r
1444                 UpdateSourceLabel();\r
1445         }\r
1446 \r
1447         private void MnuDvdDriveClick(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1448         {\r
1449             ToolStripMenuItem item = sender as ToolStripMenuItem;\r
1450             if (item != null)\r
1451             {\r
1452                 string driveId = item.Name.Replace("Drive", string.Empty);\r
1453                 int id;\r
1454                 if (int.TryParse(driveId, out id))\r
1455                 {\r
1456                     this.dvdDrivePath = drives[id].RootDirectory;\r
1457                     this.dvdDriveLabel = drives[id].VolumeLabel;\r
1458 \r
1459                     if (this.dvdDrivePath == null) return;\r
1460                     this.selectedSourceType = SourceType.DvdDrive;\r
1461                     SelectSource(this.dvdDrivePath, 0);\r
1462                 }\r
1463             }\r
1464         }\r
1465 \r
1466         private void VideoTitleSpecificScanClick(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1467         {\r
1468             this.btn_source.HideDropDown();\r
1469             if (ISO_Open.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)\r
1470             {\r
1471                 this.selectedSourceType = SourceType.VideoFile;\r
1472 \r
1473                 int sourceTitle = 0;\r
1474                 TitleSpecificScan title = new TitleSpecificScan();\r
1475                 if (title.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)\r
1476                 {\r
1477                     sourceTitle = title.Title;\r
1478                     SelectSource(ISO_Open.FileName, sourceTitle);\r
1479                 }\r
1480             }\r
1481             else\r
1482                 UpdateSourceLabel();\r
1483         }\r
1484 \r
1485         private void FolderTitleSpecificScanClick(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1486         {\r
1487             this.btn_source.HideDropDown();\r
1488             if (DVD_Open.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)\r
1489             {\r
1490                 this.selectedSourceType = SourceType.Folder;\r
1491 \r
1492                 int sourceTitle = 0;\r
1493                 TitleSpecificScan title = new TitleSpecificScan();\r
1494                 if (title.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)\r
1495                 {\r
1496                     sourceTitle = title.Title;\r
1497                     SelectSource(DVD_Open.SelectedPath, sourceTitle);\r
1498                 }\r
1499             }\r
1500             else\r
1501                 UpdateSourceLabel();\r
1502         }\r
1503 \r
1504         private void SelectSource(string file, int titleSpecific)\r
1505         {\r
1506             Check_ChapterMarkers.Enabled = true;\r
1507             sourcePath = string.Empty;\r
1508 \r
1509             if (file == string.Empty) // Must have a file or path\r
1510             {\r
1511                 UpdateSourceLabel();\r
1512                 return;\r
1513             }\r
1514 \r
1515             sourcePath = Path.GetFileName(file);\r
1516             StartScan(file, titleSpecific);\r
1517         }\r
1518 \r
1519         private void drp_dvdtitle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1520         {\r
1521             if ((drp_dvdtitle.Items.Count == 1) && (drp_dvdtitle.Items[0].ToString() == "Automatic"))\r
1522                 MessageBox.Show(\r
1523                     "There are no titles to select. Please load a source file by clicking the 'Source' button above before trying to select a title.",\r
1524                     "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);\r
1525         }\r
1526 \r
1527         private void drp_dvdtitle_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1528         {\r
1529             UnRegisterPresetEventHandler();\r
1530             drop_mode.SelectedIndex = 0;\r
1531 \r
1532             drop_chapterStart.Items.Clear();\r
1533             drop_chapterFinish.Items.Clear();\r
1534 \r
1535             // If the dropdown is set to automatic nothing else needs to be done.\r
1536             // Otheriwse if its not, title data has to be loaded from parsing.\r
1537             if (drp_dvdtitle.Text != "Automatic")\r
1538             {\r
1539                 selectedTitle = drp_dvdtitle.SelectedItem as Title;\r
1540                 lbl_duration.Text = selectedTitle.Duration.ToString();\r
1541                 PictureSettings.CurrentlySelectedPreset = this.currentlySelectedPreset;\r
1542                 PictureSettings.Source = selectedTitle; // Setup Picture Settings Tab Control\r
1543 \r
1544                 // Populate the Angles dropdown\r
1545                 drop_angle.Items.Clear();\r
1546                 if (!Properties.Settings.Default.noDvdNav)\r
1547                 {\r
1548                     drop_angle.Visible = true;\r
1549                     lbl_angle.Visible = true;\r
1550 \r
1551                     for (int i = 1; i <= selectedTitle.AngleCount; i++)\r
1552                         drop_angle.Items.Add(i.ToString());\r
1553 \r
1554                     if (drop_angle.Items.Count == 0)\r
1555                     {\r
1556                         drop_angle.Visible = false;\r
1557                         lbl_angle.Visible = false;\r
1558                     }\r
1559 \r
1560                     if (drop_angle.Items.Count != 0)\r
1561                         drop_angle.SelectedIndex = 0;\r
1562                 }\r
1563                 else\r
1564                 {\r
1565                     drop_angle.Visible = false;\r
1566                     lbl_angle.Visible = false;\r
1567                 }\r
1568 \r
1569                 // Populate the Start chapter Dropdown\r
1570                 drop_chapterStart.Items.Clear();\r
1571                 drop_chapterStart.Items.AddRange(selectedTitle.Chapters.ToArray());\r
1572                 if (drop_chapterStart.Items.Count > 0)\r
1573                     drop_chapterStart.Text = drop_chapterStart.Items[0].ToString();\r
1574 \r
1575                 // Populate the Final Chapter Dropdown\r
1576                 drop_chapterFinish.Items.Clear();\r
1577                 drop_chapterFinish.Items.AddRange(selectedTitle.Chapters.ToArray());\r
1578                 if (drop_chapterFinish.Items.Count > 0)\r
1579                     drop_chapterFinish.Text = drop_chapterFinish.Items[drop_chapterFinish.Items.Count - 1].ToString();\r
1580 \r
1581                 // Populate the Audio Channels Dropdown\r
1582                 AudioSettings.SetTrackListFromPreset(selectedTitle, this.currentlySelectedPreset);\r
1583 \r
1584                 // Populate the Subtitles dropdown\r
1585                 Subtitles.SetSubtitleTrackAuto(selectedTitle.Subtitles.ToArray());\r
1586             }\r
1587             // Update the source label if we have multiple streams\r
1588             if (selectedTitle != null)\r
1589                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedTitle.SourceName))\r
1590                     labelSource.Text = Path.GetFileName(selectedTitle.SourceName);\r
1591 \r
1592             // Run the AutoName & ChapterNaming functions\r
1593             if (Properties.Settings.Default.autoNaming)\r
1594             {\r
1595                 string autoPath = Main.AutoName(this);\r
1596                 if (autoPath != null)\r
1597                     text_destination.Text = autoPath;\r
1598                 else\r
1599                     MessageBox.Show(\r
1600                         "You currently have \"Automatically name output files\" enabled for the destination file box, but you do not have a valid default directory set.\n\nYou should set a \"Default Path\" in HandBrakes preferences. (See 'Tools' menu -> 'Options' -> 'General' Tab -> 'Default Path')",\r
1601                         "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);\r
1602             }\r
1603 \r
1604             data_chpt.Rows.Clear();\r
1605             if (selectedTitle.Chapters.Count != 1)\r
1606             {\r
1607                 DataGridView chapterGridView = Main.ChapterNaming(selectedTitle, data_chpt, drop_chapterFinish.Text);\r
1608                 if (chapterGridView != null)\r
1609                     data_chpt = chapterGridView;\r
1610             }\r
1611             else\r
1612             {\r
1613                 Check_ChapterMarkers.Checked = false;\r
1614                 Check_ChapterMarkers.Enabled = false;\r
1615             }\r
1616 \r
1617             // Hack to force the redraw of the scrollbars which don't resize properly when the control is disabled.\r
1618             data_chpt.Columns[0].Width = 166;\r
1619             data_chpt.Columns[0].Width = 165;\r
1620 \r
1621             RegisterPresetEventHandler();\r
1622         }\r
1623 \r
1624         private void chapersChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1625         {\r
1626             if (drop_mode.SelectedIndex != 0) // Function is not used if we are not in chapters mode.\r
1627                 return;\r
1628 \r
1629             Control ctl = (Control)sender;\r
1630             int chapterStart, chapterEnd;\r
1631             int.TryParse(drop_chapterStart.Text, out chapterStart);\r
1632             int.TryParse(drop_chapterFinish.Text, out chapterEnd);\r
1633 \r
1634             switch (ctl.Name)\r
1635             {\r
1636                 case "drop_chapterStart":\r
1637                     if (drop_chapterFinish.SelectedIndex == -1 && drop_chapterFinish.Items.Count != 0)\r
1638                         drop_chapterFinish.SelectedIndex = drop_chapterFinish.Items.Count - 1;\r
1639 \r
1640                     if (chapterEnd != 0)\r
1641                         if (chapterStart > chapterEnd)\r
1642                             drop_chapterFinish.Text = chapterStart.ToString();\r
1643                     break;\r
1644                 case "drop_chapterFinish":\r
1645                     if (drop_chapterStart.Items.Count >= 1 && drop_chapterStart.SelectedIndex == -1)\r
1646                         drop_chapterStart.SelectedIndex = 0;\r
1647 \r
1648                     if (chapterStart != 0)\r
1649                         if (chapterEnd < chapterStart)\r
1650                             drop_chapterFinish.Text = chapterStart.ToString();\r
1651 \r
1652                     // Add more rows to the Chapter menu if needed.\r
1653                     if (Check_ChapterMarkers.Checked)\r
1654                     {\r
1655                         int i = data_chpt.Rows.Count, finish = 0;\r
1656                         int.TryParse(drop_chapterFinish.Text, out finish);\r
1657 \r
1658                         while (i < finish)\r
1659                         {\r
1660                             int n = data_chpt.Rows.Add();\r
1661                             data_chpt.Rows[n].Cells[0].Value = (i + 1);\r
1662                             data_chpt.Rows[n].Cells[1].Value = "Chapter " + (i + 1);\r
1663                             data_chpt.Rows[n].Cells[0].ValueType = typeof(int);\r
1664                             data_chpt.Rows[n].Cells[1].ValueType = typeof(string);\r
1665                             i++;\r
1666                         }\r
1667                     }\r
1668                     break;\r
1669             }\r
1670 \r
1671             // Update the Duration\r
1672             lbl_duration.Text =\r
1673                 Main.CalculateDuration(drop_chapterStart.SelectedIndex, drop_chapterFinish.SelectedIndex, selectedTitle)\r
1674                     .ToString();\r
1675 \r
1676             // Run the Autonaming function\r
1677             if (Properties.Settings.Default.autoNaming)\r
1678                 text_destination.Text = Main.AutoName(this);\r
1679 \r
1680             // Disable chapter markers if only 1 chapter is selected.\r
1681             if (chapterStart == chapterEnd)\r
1682             {\r
1683                 Check_ChapterMarkers.Enabled = false;\r
1684                 btn_importChapters.Enabled = false;\r
1685                 data_chpt.Enabled = false;\r
1686             }\r
1687             else\r
1688             {\r
1689                 Check_ChapterMarkers.Enabled = true;\r
1690                 if (Check_ChapterMarkers.Checked)\r
1691                 {\r
1692                     btn_importChapters.Enabled = true;\r
1693                     data_chpt.Enabled = true;\r
1694                 }\r
1695             }\r
1696         }\r
1697 \r
1698         private void SecondsOrFramesChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1699         {\r
1700             int start, end;\r
1701             int.TryParse(drop_chapterStart.Text, out start);\r
1702             int.TryParse(drop_chapterFinish.Text, out end);\r
1703             double duration = end - start;\r
1704 \r
1705             switch (drop_mode.SelectedIndex)\r
1706             {\r
1707                 case 1:\r
1708                     lbl_duration.Text = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration).ToString();\r
1709                     return;\r
1710                 case 2:\r
1711                     if (selectedTitle != null)\r
1712                     {\r
1713                         duration = duration / selectedTitle.Fps;\r
1714                         lbl_duration.Text = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration).ToString();\r
1715                     }\r
1716                     else\r
1717                         lbl_duration.Text = "--:--:--";\r
1718 \r
1719                     return;\r
1720             }\r
1721         }\r
1722 \r
1723         private void drop_mode_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1724         {\r
1725             // Reset\r
1726             this.drop_chapterFinish.TextChanged -= new EventHandler(this.SecondsOrFramesChanged);\r
1727             this.drop_chapterStart.TextChanged -= new EventHandler(this.SecondsOrFramesChanged);\r
1728 \r
1729             // Do Work\r
1730             switch (drop_mode.SelectedIndex)\r
1731             {\r
1732                 case 0:\r
1733                     drop_chapterStart.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;\r
1734                     drop_chapterFinish.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;\r
1735                     if (drop_chapterStart.Items.Count != 0)\r
1736                     {\r
1737                         drop_chapterStart.SelectedIndex = 0;\r
1738                         drop_chapterFinish.SelectedIndex = drop_chapterFinish.Items.Count - 1;\r
1739                     }\r
1740                     else\r
1741                         lbl_duration.Text = "--:--:--";\r
1742                     return;\r
1743                 case 1:\r
1744                     this.drop_chapterStart.TextChanged += new EventHandler(this.SecondsOrFramesChanged);\r
1745                     this.drop_chapterFinish.TextChanged += new EventHandler(this.SecondsOrFramesChanged);\r
1746                     drop_chapterStart.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple;\r
1747                     drop_chapterFinish.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple;\r
1748                     if (selectedTitle != null)\r
1749                     {\r
1750                         drop_chapterStart.Text = "0";\r
1751                         drop_chapterFinish.Text = selectedTitle.Duration.TotalSeconds.ToString();\r
1752                     }\r
1753                     return;\r
1754                 case 2:\r
1755                     this.drop_chapterStart.TextChanged += new EventHandler(this.SecondsOrFramesChanged);\r
1756                     this.drop_chapterFinish.TextChanged += new EventHandler(this.SecondsOrFramesChanged);\r
1757                     drop_chapterStart.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple;\r
1758                     drop_chapterFinish.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple;\r
1759                     if (selectedTitle != null)\r
1760                     {\r
1761                         drop_chapterStart.Text = "0";\r
1762                         drop_chapterFinish.Text = (selectedTitle.Fps * selectedTitle.Duration.TotalSeconds).ToString();\r
1763                     }\r
1764                     return;\r
1765             }\r
1766         }\r
1767 \r
1768         // Destination\r
1769         private void btn_destBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1770         {\r
1771             // This removes the file extension from the filename box on the save file dialog.\r
1772             // It's daft but some users don't realise that typing an extension overrides the dropdown extension selected.\r
1773             DVD_Save.FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(text_destination.Text);\r
1774 \r
1775             if (Path.IsPathRooted(text_destination.Text))\r
1776                 DVD_Save.InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(text_destination.Text);\r
1777 \r
1778             // Show the dialog and set the main form file path\r
1779             if (drop_format.SelectedIndex.Equals(0))\r
1780                 DVD_Save.FilterIndex = 1;\r
1781             else if (drop_format.SelectedIndex.Equals(1))\r
1782                 DVD_Save.FilterIndex = 2;\r
1783 \r
1784             if (DVD_Save.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)\r
1785             {\r
1786                 // Add a file extension manually, as FileDialog.AddExtension has issues with dots in filenames\r
1787                 switch (DVD_Save.FilterIndex)\r
1788                 {\r
1789                     case 1:\r
1790                         if (\r
1791                             !Path.GetExtension(DVD_Save.FileName).Equals(".mp4",\r
1792                                                                          StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))\r
1793                             if (Properties.Settings.Default.useM4v)\r
1794                                 DVD_Save.FileName = DVD_Save.FileName.Replace(".mp4", ".m4v").Replace(".mkv", ".m4v");\r
1795                             else\r
1796                                 DVD_Save.FileName = DVD_Save.FileName.Replace(".m4v", ".mp4").Replace(".mkv", ".mp4");\r
1797                         break;\r
1798                     case 2:\r
1799                         if (\r
1800                             !Path.GetExtension(DVD_Save.FileName).Equals(".mkv", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))\r
1801                             DVD_Save.FileName = DVD_Save.FileName.Replace(".mp4", ".mkv").Replace(".m4v", ".mkv");\r
1802                         break;\r
1803                     default:\r
1804                         // do nothing  \r
1805                         break;\r
1806                 }\r
1807                 text_destination.Text = DVD_Save.FileName;\r
1808 \r
1809                 // Quicktime requires .m4v file for chapter markers to work. If checked, change the extension to .m4v (mp4 and m4v are the same thing)\r
1810                 if (Check_ChapterMarkers.Checked && DVD_Save.FilterIndex != 2)\r
1811                     SetExtension(".m4v");\r
1812             }\r
1813         }\r
1814 \r
1815         private void text_destination_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1816         {\r
1817             string path = text_destination.Text;\r
1818             if (path.EndsWith(".mp4") || path.EndsWith(".m4v"))\r
1819                 drop_format.SelectedIndex = 0;\r
1820             else if (path.EndsWith(".mkv"))\r
1821                 drop_format.SelectedIndex = 1;\r
1822         }\r
1823 \r
1824         // Output Settings\r
1825         private void drop_format_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1826         {\r
1827             switch (drop_format.SelectedIndex)\r
1828             {\r
1829                 case 0:\r
1830                     if (Properties.Settings.Default.useM4v || Check_ChapterMarkers.Checked ||\r
1831                         AudioSettings.RequiresM4V() || Subtitles.RequiresM4V())\r
1832                         SetExtension(".m4v");\r
1833                     else\r
1834                         SetExtension(".mp4");\r
1835                     break;\r
1836                 case 1:\r
1837                     SetExtension(".mkv");\r
1838                     break;\r
1839             }\r
1840 \r
1841             AudioSettings.SetContainer(drop_format.Text);\r
1842 \r
1843             if (drop_format.Text.Contains("MP4"))\r
1844             {\r
1845                 if (drp_videoEncoder.Items.Contains("VP3 (Theora)"))\r
1846                 {\r
1847                     drp_videoEncoder.Items.Remove("VP3 (Theora)");\r
1848                     drp_videoEncoder.SelectedIndex = 1;\r
1849                 }\r
1850             }\r
1851             else if (drop_format.Text.Contains("MKV"))\r
1852                 drp_videoEncoder.Items.Add("VP3 (Theora)");\r
1853         }\r
1854 \r
1855         public void SetExtension(string newExtension)\r
1856         {\r
1857             if (newExtension == ".mp4" || newExtension == ".m4v")\r
1858                 if (Properties.Settings.Default.useM4v || Check_ChapterMarkers.Checked || AudioSettings.RequiresM4V() ||\r
1859                     Subtitles.RequiresM4V())\r
1860                     newExtension = ".m4v";\r
1861                 else\r
1862                     newExtension = ".mp4";\r
1863 \r
1864             if (Path.HasExtension(newExtension))\r
1865                 text_destination.Text = Path.ChangeExtension(text_destination.Text, newExtension);\r
1866         }\r
1867 \r
1868         // Video Tab\r
1869         private void drp_videoEncoder_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1870         {\r
1871             setContainerOpts();\r
1872 \r
1873             // Turn off some options which are H.264 only when the user selects a non h.264 encoder\r
1874             if (drp_videoEncoder.Text.Contains("H.264"))\r
1875             {\r
1876                 if (check_2PassEncode.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)\r
1877                     check_turbo.Enabled = true;\r
1878 \r
1879                 tab_advanced.Enabled = true;\r
1880                 if ((drop_format.Text.Contains("MP4")) || (drop_format.Text.Contains("M4V")))\r
1881                     check_iPodAtom.Enabled = true;\r
1882                 else\r
1883                     check_iPodAtom.Enabled = false;\r
1884             }\r
1885             else\r
1886             {\r
1887                 check_turbo.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;\r
1888                 check_turbo.Enabled = false;\r
1889                 tab_advanced.Enabled = false;\r
1890                 x264Panel.X264Query = string.Empty;\r
1891                 check_iPodAtom.Enabled = false;\r
1892                 check_iPodAtom.Checked = false;\r
1893             }\r
1894 \r
1895             // Setup the CQ Slider\r
1896             switch (drp_videoEncoder.Text)\r
1897             {\r
1898                 case "MPEG-4 (FFmpeg)":\r
1899                     if (slider_videoQuality.Value > 31)\r
1900                         slider_videoQuality.Value = 20; // Just reset to 70% QP 10 on encode change.\r
1901                     slider_videoQuality.Minimum = 1;\r
1902                     slider_videoQuality.Maximum = 31;\r
1903                     break;\r
1904                 case "H.264 (x264)":\r
1905                     slider_videoQuality.Minimum = 0;\r
1906                     slider_videoQuality.TickFrequency = 1;\r
1907 \r
1908                     CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");\r
1909                     double cqStep = Properties.Settings.Default.x264cqstep;\r
1910                     double multiplier = 1.0 / cqStep;\r
1911                     double value = slider_videoQuality.Value * multiplier;\r
1912 \r
1913                     slider_videoQuality.Maximum = (int)(51 / Properties.Settings.Default.x264cqstep);\r
1914 \r
1915                     if (value < slider_videoQuality.Maximum)\r
1916                         slider_videoQuality.Value = slider_videoQuality.Maximum - (int)value;\r
1917 \r
1918                     break;\r
1919                 case "VP3 (Theora)":\r
1920                     if (slider_videoQuality.Value > 63)\r
1921                         slider_videoQuality.Value = 45; // Just reset to 70% QP 45 on encode change.\r
1922                     slider_videoQuality.Minimum = 0;\r
1923                     slider_videoQuality.Maximum = 63;\r
1924                     break;\r
1925             }\r
1926         }\r
1927 \r
1928         /// <summary>\r
1929         /// When the FrameRate is not Same As Source, show the Max/Constant Mode dropdown\r
1930         /// </summary>\r
1931         /// <param name="sender">\r
1932         /// The sender.\r
1933         /// </param>\r
1934         /// <param name="e">\r
1935         /// The e.\r
1936         /// </param>\r
1937         private void drp_videoFramerate_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
1938         {\r
1939             if (this.drp_videoFramerate.SelectedIndex == 0)\r
1940             {\r
1941                 this.checkMaximumFramerate.Visible = false;\r
1942                 this.checkMaximumFramerate.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;\r
1943             }\r
1944             else\r
1945             {\r
1946                 this.checkMaximumFramerate.Visible = true;\r
1947             }\r
1948         }\r
1949 \r
1950         /// <summary>\r
1951         /// Set the container format options\r
1952         /// </summary>\r
1953         public void setContainerOpts()\r
1954         {\r
1955             if ((drop_format.Text.Contains("MP4")) || (drop_format.Text.Contains("M4V")))\r
1956             {\r
1957                 check_largeFile.Enabled = true;\r
1958                 check_optimiseMP4.Enabled = true;\r
1959                 check_iPodAtom.Enabled = true;\r
1960             }\r
1961             else\r
1962             {\r
1963                 check_largeFile.Enabled = false;\r
1964                 check_optimiseMP4.Enabled = false;\r
1965                 check_iPodAtom.Enabled = false;\r
1966                 check_largeFile.Checked = false;\r
1967                 check_optimiseMP4.Checked = false;\r
1968                 check_iPodAtom.Checked = false;\r
1969             }\r
1970         }\r
1971 \r
1972         private double cachedCqStep = Properties.Settings.Default.x264cqstep;\r
1973 \r
1974         /// <summary>\r
1975         /// Update the CQ slider for x264 for a new CQ step. This is set from option\r
1976         /// </summary>\r
1977         public void setQualityFromSlider()\r
1978         {\r
1979             // Work out the current RF value.\r
1980             double cqStep = this.cachedCqStep;\r
1981             double rfValue = 51.0 - slider_videoQuality.Value * cqStep;\r
1982 \r
1983             // Change the maximum value for the slider\r
1984             slider_videoQuality.Maximum = (int)(51 / Properties.Settings.Default.x264cqstep);\r
1985 \r
1986             // Reset the CQ slider to RF0\r
1987             slider_videoQuality.Value = slider_videoQuality.Maximum;\r
1988 \r
1989             // Reset the CQ slider back to the previous value as close as possible\r
1990             double cqStepNew = Properties.Settings.Default.x264cqstep;\r
1991             double rfValueCurrent = 51.0 - slider_videoQuality.Value * cqStepNew;\r
1992             while (rfValueCurrent < rfValue)\r
1993             {\r
1994                 slider_videoQuality.Value--;\r
1995                 rfValueCurrent = 51.0 - slider_videoQuality.Value * cqStepNew;\r
1996             }\r
1997 \r
1998             // Cache the CQ step for the next calculation\r
1999             this.cachedCqStep = Properties.Settings.Default.x264cqstep;\r
2000         }\r
2001 \r
2002         private void slider_videoQuality_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
2003         {\r
2004             double cqStep = Properties.Settings.Default.x264cqstep;\r
2005             switch (drp_videoEncoder.Text)\r
2006             {\r
2007                 case "MPEG-4 (FFmpeg)":\r
2008                     lbl_SliderValue.Text = "QP:" + (32 - slider_videoQuality.Value);\r
2009                     break;\r
2010                 case "H.264 (x264)":\r
2011                     double rfValue = 51.0 - slider_videoQuality.Value * cqStep;\r
2012                     rfValue = Math.Round(rfValue, 2);\r
2013                     lbl_SliderValue.Text = "RF:" + rfValue.ToString(new CultureInfo("en-US"));\r
2014                     this.lbl_rfwarn.Visible = rfValue == 0;\r
2015                     break;\r
2016                 case "VP3 (Theora)":\r
2017                     lbl_SliderValue.Text = "QP:" + slider_videoQuality.Value;\r
2018                     break;\r
2019             }\r
2020         }\r
2021 \r
2022         private void radio_avgBitrate_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
2023         {\r
2024             text_bitrate.Enabled = true;\r
2025             slider_videoQuality.Enabled = false;\r
2026 \r
2027             check_2PassEncode.Enabled = true;\r
2028         }\r
2029 \r
2030         private void radio_cq_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
2031         {\r
2032             text_bitrate.Enabled = false;\r
2033             slider_videoQuality.Enabled = true;\r
2034 \r
2035             check_2PassEncode.Enabled = false;\r
2036             check_2PassEncode.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;\r
2037         }\r
2038 \r
2039         private void check_2PassEncode_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
2040         {\r
2041             if (check_2PassEncode.CheckState.ToString() == "Checked")\r
2042             {\r
2043                 if (drp_videoEncoder.Text.Contains("H.264"))\r
2044                     check_turbo.Enabled = true;\r
2045             }\r
2046             else\r
2047             {\r
2048                 check_turbo.Enabled = false;\r
2049                 check_turbo.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;\r
2050             }\r
2051         }\r
2052 \r
2053         // Chapter Marker Tab\r
2054         private void Check_ChapterMarkers_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
2055         {\r
2056             if (Check_ChapterMarkers.Checked)\r
2057             {\r
2058                 if (drop_format.SelectedIndex != 1)\r
2059                     SetExtension(".m4v");\r
2060                 data_chpt.Enabled = true;\r
2061                 btn_importChapters.Enabled = true;\r
2062             }\r
2063             else\r
2064             {\r
2065                 if (drop_format.SelectedIndex != 1 && !Properties.Settings.Default.useM4v)\r
2066                     SetExtension(".mp4");\r
2067                 data_chpt.Enabled = false;\r
2068                 btn_importChapters.Enabled = false;\r
2069             }\r
2070         }\r
2071 \r
2072         private void btn_importChapters_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
2073         {\r
2074             if (File_ChapterImport.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)\r
2075             {\r
2076                 string filename = File_ChapterImport.FileName;\r
2077                 DataGridView imported = Main.ImportChapterNames(data_chpt, filename);\r
2078                 if (imported != null)\r
2079                     data_chpt = imported;\r
2080             }\r
2081         }\r
2082 \r
2083         private void btn_export_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
2084         {\r
2085             SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();\r
2086             saveFileDialog.Filter = "Csv File|*.csv";\r
2087             saveFileDialog.DefaultExt = "csv";\r
2088             if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)\r
2089             {\r
2090                 string filename = saveFileDialog.FileName;\r
2091 \r
2092                 Main.SaveChapterMarkersToCsv(this, filename);\r
2093             }\r
2094         }\r
2095 \r
2096         private void mnu_resetChapters_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
2097         {\r
2098             data_chpt.Rows.Clear();\r
2099             DataGridView chapterGridView = Main.ChapterNaming(selectedTitle, data_chpt, drop_chapterFinish.Text);\r
2100             if (chapterGridView != null)\r
2101             {\r
2102                 data_chpt = chapterGridView;\r
2103             }\r
2104         }\r
2105 \r
2106         // Query Editor Tab\r
2107         private void btn_generate_Query_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
2108         {\r
2109             rtf_query.Text = QueryGenerator.GenerateFullQuery(this);\r
2110         }\r
2111 \r
2112         private void btn_clear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
2113         {\r
2114             rtf_query.Clear();\r
2115         }\r
2116 \r
2117         #endregion\r
2118 \r
2119         // MainWindow Components, Actions and Functions ***********************\r
2120 \r
2121         #region Source Scan\r
2122 \r
2123         /// <summary>\r
2124         /// Start the Scan Process\r
2125         /// </summary>\r
2126         /// <param name="filename">\r
2127         /// The filename.\r
2128         /// </param>\r
2129         /// <param name="title">\r
2130         /// The title.\r
2131         /// </param>\r
2132         private void StartScan(string filename, int title)\r
2133         {\r
2134             // Setup the GUI components for the scan.\r
2135             sourcePath = filename;\r
2136 \r
2137             this.DisableGUI();\r
2138 \r
2139             // Start the Scan\r
2140             try\r
2141             {\r
2142                 SourceScan.Scan(sourcePath, title);\r
2143             }\r
2144             catch (Exception exc)\r
2145             {\r
2146                 MessageBox.Show("frmMain.cs - StartScan " + exc, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);\r
2147             }\r
2148         }\r
2149 \r
2150         /// <summary>\r
2151         /// Update the Status label for the scan\r
2152         /// </summary>\r
2153         /// <param name="sender">\r
2154         /// The sender.\r
2155         /// </param>\r
2156         /// <param name="e">\r
2157         /// The e.\r
2158         /// </param>\r
2159         private void SourceScanScanStatusChanged(object sender, ScanProgressEventArgs e)\r
2160         {\r
2161             if (this.InvokeRequired)\r
2162             {\r
2163                 this.BeginInvoke(new ScanProgessStatus(this.SourceScanScanStatusChanged), new[] { sender, e });\r
2164                 return;\r
2165             }\r
2166 \r
2167             labelSource.Text = string.Format("Processing Title: {0} of {1}", e.CurrentTitle, e.Titles);\r
2168         }\r
2169 \r
2170         /// <summary>\r
2171         /// Update the UI after the scan has completed\r
2172         /// </summary>\r
2173         /// <param name="sender">\r
2174         /// The sender.\r
2175         /// </param>\r
2176         /// <param name="e">\r
2177         /// The e.\r
2178         /// </param>\r
2179         private void SourceScanScanCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)\r
2180         {\r
2181             if (this.InvokeRequired)\r
2182             {\r
2183                 this.BeginInvoke(new ScanCompletedStatus(this.SourceScanScanCompleted), new[] { sender, e });\r
2184                 return;\r
2185             }\r
2186 \r
2187             try\r
2188             {\r
2189                 currentSource = SourceScan.SouceData;\r
2190 \r
2191                 // Setup some GUI components\r
2192                 drp_dvdtitle.Items.Clear();\r
2193                 if (currentSource.Titles.Count != 0)\r
2194                     drp_dvdtitle.Items.AddRange(currentSource.Titles.ToArray());\r
2195 \r
2196                 foreach (Title title in currentSource.Titles)\r
2197                 {\r
2198                     if (title.MainTitle)\r
2199                     {\r
2200                         drp_dvdtitle.SelectedItem = title;\r
2201                     }\r
2202                 }\r
2203 \r
2204                 if (drp_dvdtitle.SelectedItem == null && drp_dvdtitle.Items.Count > 0)\r
2205                 {\r
2206                     drp_dvdtitle.SelectedIndex = 0;\r
2207                 }\r
2208 \r
2209                 // Enable the creation of chapter markers if the file is an image of a dvd\r
2210                 if (drop_chapterStart.Items.Count > 0)\r
2211                 {\r
2212                     int start, end;\r
2213                     int.TryParse(drop_chapterStart.Items[0].ToString(), out start);\r
2214                     int.TryParse(drop_chapterFinish.Items[drop_chapterFinish.Items.Count - 1].ToString(), out end);\r
2215                     if (end > start) Check_ChapterMarkers.Enabled = true;\r
2216                     else\r
2217                     {\r
2218                         Check_ChapterMarkers.Enabled = false;\r
2219                         Check_ChapterMarkers.Checked = false;\r
2220                         data_chpt.Rows.Clear();\r
2221                     }\r
2222                 }\r
2223 \r
2224                 // If no titles were found, Display an error message\r
2225                 if (drp_dvdtitle.Items.Count == 0)\r
2226                 {\r
2227                     MessageBox.Show(\r
2228                         "No Title(s) found. \n\nYour Source may be copy protected, badly mastered or in a format which HandBrake does not support. \nPlease refer to the Documentation and FAQ (see Help Menu).",\r
2229                         "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);\r
2230                     sourcePath = string.Empty;\r
2231                 }\r
2232                 UpdateSourceLabel();\r
2233 \r
2234                 // This is a bit of a hack to fix the queue editing.\r
2235                 // If afte the scan, we find a job sitting in queueEdit, then the user has rescaned the source from the queue by clicking edit.\r
2236                 // When this occures, we want to repopulate their old settings.\r
2237                 if (queueEdit != null)\r
2238                 {\r
2239                     // Setup UI\r
2240                     if (queueEdit.Query != null)\r
2241                     {\r
2242                         // Send the query from the file to the Query Parser class\r
2243                         EncodeTask presetQuery = QueryParserUtility.Parse(queueEdit.Query);\r
2244 \r
2245                         // Now load the preset\r
2246                         PresetLoader.LoadPreset(this, presetQuery, "Load Back From Queue");\r
2247 \r
2248                         // Set the destination path\r
2249                         this.text_destination.Text = queueEdit.Destination;\r
2250 \r
2251                         // The x264 widgets will need updated, so do this now:\r
2252                         x264Panel.StandardizeOptString();\r
2253                         x264Panel.SetCurrentSettingsInPanel();\r
2254 \r
2255                         // Set the crop label\r
2256                         PictureSettings.SetPresetCropWarningLabel(null);\r
2257                     }\r
2258 \r
2259                     queueEdit = null;\r
2260                 }\r
2261 \r
2262                 // Enable the GUI components and enable any disabled components\r
2263                 EnableGUI();\r
2264             }\r
2265             catch (Exception exc)\r
2266             {\r
2267                 MessageBox.Show("frmMain.cs - updateUIafterScan " + exc, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,\r
2268                                 MessageBoxIcon.Error);\r
2269                 EnableGUI();\r
2270             }\r
2271         }\r
2272 \r
2273         /// <summary>\r
2274         /// Enable the GUI\r
2275         /// </summary>\r
2276         private void EnableGUI()\r
2277         {\r
2278             try\r
2279             {\r
2280                 if (InvokeRequired)\r
2281                     BeginInvoke(new UpdateWindowHandler(EnableGUI));\r
2282                 foreach (Control ctrl in Controls)\r
2283                     ctrl.Enabled = true;\r
2284                 btn_start.Enabled = true;\r
2285                 btn_showQueue.Enabled = true;\r
2286                 btn_add2Queue.Enabled = true;\r
2287                 tb_preview.Enabled = true;\r
2288                 btn_source.Enabled = true;\r
2289                 mnu_killCLI.Visible = false;\r
2290             }\r
2291             catch (Exception exc)\r
2292             {\r
2293                 MessageBox.Show("frmMain.cs - EnableGUI() " + exc, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);\r
2294             }\r
2295         }\r
2296 \r
2297         /// <summary>\r
2298         /// Disable the GUI\r
2299         /// </summary>\r
2300         private void DisableGUI()\r
2301         {\r
2302             foreach (Control ctrl in Controls)\r
2303                 if (!(ctrl is StatusStrip || ctrl is MenuStrip || ctrl is ToolStrip))\r
2304                     ctrl.Enabled = false;\r
2305 \r
2306             labelSource.Enabled = true;\r
2307             labelStaticSource.Enabled = true;\r
2308             SourceLayoutPanel.Enabled = true;\r
2309             btn_source.Enabled = false;\r
2310             btn_start.Enabled = false;\r
2311             btn_showQueue.Enabled = false;\r
2312             btn_add2Queue.Enabled = false;\r
2313             tb_preview.Enabled = false;\r
2314             mnu_killCLI.Visible = true;\r
2315         }\r
2316 \r
2317         /// <summary>\r
2318         /// Kill the Scan\r
2319         /// </summary>\r
2320         private void KillScan()\r
2321         {\r
2322             SourceScan.ScanCompleted -= this.SourceScanScanCompleted;\r
2323             EnableGUI();\r
2324             ResetGUI();\r
2325 \r
2326             SourceScan.Stop();\r
2327 \r
2328             labelSource.Text = "Scan Cancelled";\r
2329         }\r
2330 \r
2331         /// <summary>\r
2332         /// Reset the GUI\r
2333         /// </summary>\r
2334         private void ResetGUI()\r
2335         {\r
2336             drp_dvdtitle.Items.Clear();\r
2337             drop_chapterStart.Items.Clear();\r
2338             drop_chapterFinish.Items.Clear();\r
2339             lbl_duration.Text = "Select a Title";\r
2340             PictureSettings.lbl_src_res.Text = "Select a Title";\r
2341             sourcePath = String.Empty;\r
2342             text_destination.Text = String.Empty;\r
2343             selectedTitle = null;\r
2344         }\r
2345 \r
2346         /// <summary>\r
2347         /// Update the Source Label\r
2348         /// </summary>\r
2349         private void UpdateSourceLabel()\r
2350         {\r
2351             labelSource.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourcePath) ? "Select \"Source\" to continue." : this.SourceName;\r
2352         }\r
2353 \r
2354         /// <summary>\r
2355         /// Take a job from the Queue, rescan it, and reload the GUI for that job.\r
2356         /// </summary>\r
2357         /// <param name="job">\r
2358         /// The job.\r
2359         /// </param>\r
2360         public void RecievingJob(QueueTask job)\r
2361         {\r
2362             // Reset\r
2363             this.currentlySelectedPreset = null;\r
2364             x264Panel.Reset2Defaults();\r
2365 \r
2366             // Scan\r
2367             queueEdit = job; // Nasty but will do for now. TODO\r
2368             StartScan(job.Source, job.Title);\r
2369         }\r
2370 \r
2371         #endregion\r
2372 \r
2373         #region GUI Functions and Actions\r
2374 \r
2375         /// <summary>\r
2376         /// Set the GUI to it's finished encoding state.\r
2377         /// </summary>\r
2378         private void SetEncodeFinished()\r
2379         {\r
2380             try\r
2381             {\r
2382                 if (InvokeRequired)\r
2383                 {\r
2384                     BeginInvoke(new UpdateWindowHandler(SetEncodeFinished));\r
2385                     return;\r
2386                 }\r
2387 \r
2388                 lbl_encode.Text = "Encoding Finished";\r
2389                 ProgressBarStatus.Visible = false;\r
2390                 btn_start.Text = "Start";\r
2391                 btn_start.ToolTipText = "Start the encoding process";\r
2392                 btn_start.Image = Properties.Resources.Play;\r
2393 \r
2394                 // If the window is minimized, display the notification in a popup.\r
2395                 if (Properties.Settings.Default.trayIconAlerts)\r
2396                     if (FormWindowState.Minimized == this.WindowState)\r
2397                     {\r
2398                         notifyIcon.BalloonTipText = lbl_encode.Text;\r
2399                         notifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip(500);\r
2400                     }\r
2401             }\r
2402             catch (Exception exc)\r
2403             {\r
2404                 MessageBox.Show(exc.ToString());\r
2405             }\r
2406         }\r
2407 \r
2408         /// <summary>\r
2409         /// Set the GUI to it's started encoding state.\r
2410         /// </summary>\r
2411         private void SetEncodeStarted()\r
2412         {\r
2413             try\r
2414             {\r
2415                 if (InvokeRequired)\r
2416                 {\r
2417                     BeginInvoke(new UpdateWindowHandler(SetEncodeStarted));\r
2418                     return;\r
2419                 }\r
2420                 lbl_encode.Visible = true;\r
2421                 ProgressBarStatus.Value = 0;\r
2422                 ProgressBarStatus.Visible = true;\r
2423                 lbl_encode.Text = "Encoding with " + this.queueProcessor.QueueManager.Count + " encode(s) pending";\r
2424                 btn_start.Text = "Stop";\r
2425                 btn_start.ToolTipText = "Stop the encoding process.";\r
2426                 btn_start.Image = Properties.Resources.stop;\r
2427             }\r
2428             catch (Exception exc)\r
2429             {\r
2430                 MessageBox.Show(exc.ToString());\r
2431             }\r
2432         }\r
2433 \r
2434         /// <summary>\r
2435         /// Display the Encode Status\r
2436         /// </summary>\r
2437         /// <param name="sender">\r
2438         /// The sender.\r
2439         /// </param>\r
2440         /// <param name="e">\r
2441         /// The e.\r
2442         /// </param>\r
2443         private void EncodeQueue_EncodeStatusChanged(object sender, EncodeProgressEventArgs e)\r
2444         {\r
2445             if (this.InvokeRequired)\r
2446             {\r
2447                 this.BeginInvoke(new EncodeProgessStatus(EncodeQueue_EncodeStatusChanged), new[] { sender, e });\r
2448                 return;\r
2449             }\r
2450 \r
2451             lbl_encode.Text =\r
2452                 string.Format(\r
2453                 "{0:00.00}%,  FPS: {1:000.0},  Avg FPS: {2:000.0},  Time Remaining: {3},  Encode(s) Pending {4}",\r
2454                 e.PercentComplete,\r
2455                 e.CurrentFrameRate,\r
2456                 e.AverageFrameRate,\r
2457                 e.EstimatedTimeLeft,\r
2458                 this.queueProcessor.QueueManager.Count);\r
2459 \r
2460             ProgressBarStatus.Value = (int)Math.Round(e.PercentComplete);\r
2461         }\r
2462 \r
2463         /// <summary>\r
2464         /// Set the DVD Drive selection in the "Source" Menu\r
2465         /// </summary>\r
2466         private void SetDriveSelectionMenuItem()\r
2467         {\r
2468             try\r
2469             {\r
2470                 if (InvokeRequired)\r
2471                 {\r
2472                     BeginInvoke(new UpdateWindowHandler(SetDriveSelectionMenuItem));\r
2473                     return;\r
2474                 }\r
2475 \r
2476                 drives = UtilityService.GetDrives();\r
2477 \r
2478                 List<ToolStripMenuItem> menuItems = new List<ToolStripMenuItem>();\r
2479                 foreach (DriveInformation drive in drives)\r
2480                 {\r
2481                     ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem\r
2482                         {\r
2483                             Name = drive.ToString(),\r
2484                             Text = drive.RootDirectory + " (" + drive.VolumeLabel + ")",\r
2485                             Image = Resources.disc_small\r
2486                         };\r
2487                     menuItem.Click += new EventHandler(MnuDvdDriveClick);\r
2488                     menuItems.Add(menuItem);\r
2489                 }\r
2490 \r
2491                 foreach (ToolStripMenuItem item in menuItems)\r
2492                     btn_source.DropDownItems.Add(item);\r
2493             }\r
2494             catch (Exception exc)\r
2495             {\r
2496                 MessageBox.Show("Error in SetDriveSelectionMenuItem" + exc);\r
2497             }\r
2498         }\r
2499 \r
2500         /// <summary>\r
2501         /// Access the preset Handler and setup the preset panel.\r
2502         /// </summary>\r
2503         private void LoadPresetPanel()\r
2504         {\r
2505             if (presetHandler.CheckIfPresetsAreOutOfDate())\r
2506                 if (!Settings.Default.presetNotification)\r
2507                     MessageBox.Show(this,\r
2508                                     "HandBrake has determined your built-in presets are out of date... These presets will now be updated.",\r
2509                                     "Preset Update", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);\r
2510 \r
2511             // Clear the old presets\r
2512             treeView_presets.Nodes.Clear();\r
2513 \r
2514 \r
2515             string category = string.Empty; // The category we are currnetly processing\r
2516             TreeNode rootNode = null;\r
2517             foreach (Preset preset in this.presetHandler.Presets.Where(p => p.IsBuildIn))\r
2518             {\r
2519                 // If the category of this preset doesn't match the current category we are processing\r
2520                 // Then we need to create a new root node.\r
2521                 if (preset.Category != category)\r
2522                 {\r
2523                     rootNode = new TreeNode(preset.Category) { ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue };\r
2524                     treeView_presets.Nodes.Add(rootNode);\r
2525                     category = preset.Category;\r
2526                 }\r
2527 \r
2528                 if (preset.Category == category && rootNode != null)\r
2529                     rootNode.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(preset.Name) { ToolTipText = preset.Description, ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue });\r
2530             }\r
2531 \r
2532             rootNode = null;\r
2533             category = null;\r
2534             foreach (Preset preset in this.presetHandler.Presets.Where(p => !p.IsBuildIn)) // User Presets\r
2535             {\r
2536                 if (preset.Category != category && preset.Category != string.Empty)\r
2537                 {\r
2538                     rootNode = new TreeNode(preset.Category) { ForeColor = Color.Black };\r
2539                     treeView_presets.Nodes.Add(rootNode);\r
2540                     category = preset.Category;\r
2541                 }\r
2542 \r
2543                 if (preset.Category == category && rootNode != null)\r
2544                     rootNode.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(preset.Name) { ForeColor = Color.Black, ToolTipText = preset.Description });\r
2545                 else\r
2546                     treeView_presets.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(preset.Name) { ForeColor = Color.Black, ToolTipText = preset.Description });\r
2547             }\r
2548 \r
2549             treeView_presets.Update();\r
2550         }\r
2551 \r
2552         /// <summary>\r
2553         /// Get the title from the selected item in the title dropdown.\r
2554         /// </summary>\r
2555         /// <returns>\r
2556         /// The title.\r
2557         /// </returns>\r
2558         private int GetTitle()\r
2559         {\r
2560             int title = 0;\r
2561             if (drp_dvdtitle.SelectedItem != null)\r
2562             {\r
2563                 string[] titleInfo = drp_dvdtitle.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(' ');\r
2564                 int.TryParse(titleInfo[0], out title);\r
2565             }\r
2566 \r
2567             return title;\r
2568         }\r
2569 \r
2570         /// <summary>\r
2571         /// Handle the Update Check Finishing.\r
2572         /// </summary>\r
2573         /// <param name="result">\r
2574         /// The result.\r
2575         /// </param>\r
2576         private void UpdateCheckDoneMenu(IAsyncResult result)\r
2577         {\r
2578             // Make sure it's running on the calling thread\r
2579             if (InvokeRequired)\r
2580             {\r
2581                 Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => this.UpdateCheckDoneMenu(result)));\r
2582                 return;\r
2583             }\r
2584             UpdateCheckInformation info;\r
2585             try\r
2586             {\r
2587                 // Get the information about the new build, if any, and close the window\r
2588                 info = UpdateService.EndCheckForUpdates(result);\r
2589 \r
2590                 if (info.NewVersionAvailable && info.BuildInformation != null)\r
2591                 {\r
2592                     UpdateInfo updateWindow = new UpdateInfo(info.BuildInformation, Settings.Default.hb_version, Settings.Default.hb_build.ToString());\r
2593                     updateWindow.ShowDialog();\r
2594                 }\r
2595                 else\r
2596                     MessageBox.Show("There are no new updates at this time.", "Update Check", MessageBoxButtons.OK,\r
2597                                     MessageBoxIcon.Information);\r
2598                 lbl_updateCheck.Visible = false;\r
2599                 return;\r
2600             }\r
2601             catch (Exception ex)\r
2602             {\r
2603                 if ((bool)result.AsyncState)\r
2604                     MessageBox.Show(\r
2605                         "Unable to check for updates, Please try again later.\n\nDetailed Error Information:\n" + ex,\r
2606                         "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);\r
2607             }\r
2608         }\r
2609 \r
2610         #endregion\r
2611 \r
2612         #region Overrides\r
2613 \r
2614         /// <summary>\r
2615         /// Handle GUI shortcuts\r
2616         /// </summary>\r
2617         /// <param name="msg">Message</param>\r
2618         /// <param name="keyData">Keys</param>\r
2619         /// <returns>Bool</returns>\r
2620         protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)\r
2621         {\r
2622             if (keyData == (Keys.Control | Keys.S))\r
2623             {\r
2624                 btn_start_Click(this, new EventArgs());\r
2625                 return true;\r
2626             }\r
2627 \r
2628             if (keyData == (Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.A))\r
2629             {\r
2630                 btn_add2Queue_Click(this, new EventArgs());\r
2631                 return true;\r
2632             }\r
2633             return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);\r
2634         }\r
2635 \r
2636         /// <summary>\r
2637         /// If the queue is being processed, prompt the user to confirm application close.\r
2638         /// </summary>\r
2639         /// <param name="e">FormClosingEventArgs</param>\r
2640         protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e)\r
2641         {\r
2642             try\r
2643             {\r
2644                 // If currently encoding, the queue isn't paused, and there are queue items to process, prompt to confirm close.\r
2645                 if (this.queueProcessor.EncodeService.IsEncoding)\r
2646                 {\r
2647                     DialogResult result =\r
2648                         MessageBox.Show(\r
2649                             "HandBrake is currently encoding. Closing HandBrake will stop the current encode and will result in an unplayable file.\n\nDo you want to close HandBrake?",\r
2650                             "Close HandBrake?",\r
2651                             MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,\r
2652                             MessageBoxIcon.Question);\r
2653 \r
2654                     if (result == DialogResult.No)\r
2655                     {\r
2656                         e.Cancel = true;\r
2657                         return;\r
2658                     }\r
2659 \r
2660                     this.queueProcessor.Pause();\r
2661                     this.queueProcessor.EncodeService.Stop();\r
2662                 }\r
2663 \r
2664                 if (SourceScan.IsScanning)\r
2665                 {\r
2666                     SourceScan.Stop();\r
2667                 }\r
2668 \r
2669                 SourceScan.ScanCompleted -= this.SourceScanScanCompleted;\r
2670                 SourceScan.ScanStatusChanged -= this.SourceScanScanStatusChanged;\r
2671             }\r
2672             catch (Exception exc)\r
2673             {\r
2674                 Main.ShowExceptiowWindow("HandBrake was not able to shutdown properly. You may need to forcefully quit HandBrake CLI from TaskManager if it's still running.", exc.ToString());\r
2675             }\r
2676             finally\r
2677             {\r
2678                 base.OnFormClosing(e);\r
2679             }\r
2680         }\r
2681 \r
2682         #endregion\r
2683 \r
2684         // This is the END of the road ****************************************\r
2685     }\r
2686 }