OSDN Git Service

(split) git commit -m "LDP: Update the version to 3.63 in PO files"
[linuxjm/LDP_man-pages.git] / stats / math
1 # pagename,#complete,#remaining,#all
2 INFINITY.3,24,1,25
3 asinh.3,35,2,37
4 atan.3,31,2,33
5 cbrt.3,33,2,35
6 copysign.3,31,4,35
7 cos.3,35,2,37
8 erf.3,39,2,41
9 erfc.3,41,3,44
10 expm1.3,45,2,47
11 isgreater.3,47,2,49
12 j0.3,41,2,43
13 lgamma.3,50,2,52
14 log1p.3,43,2,45
15 logb.3,39,2,41
16 lrint.3,39,2,41
17 lround.3,40,1,41
18 sin.3,35,2,37
19 sincos.3,33,2,35
20 tan.3,38,2,40
21 tanh.3,32,2,34
22 y0.3,51,2,53