OSDN Git Service

first commit
authorfuke masasi <yamat0jp@yahoo.co.jp>
Wed, 12 Apr 2017 20:50:11 +0000 (05:50 +0900)
committerfuke masasi <yamat0jp@yahoo.co.jp>
Wed, 12 Apr 2017 20:50:11 +0000 (05:50 +0900)
check procedure created

Unit1.dfm [new file with mode: 0644]
Unit1.pas [new file with mode: 0644]
marupeke.dpr [new file with mode: 0644]
marupeke.dproj [new file with mode: 0644]
marupeke.res [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/Unit1.dfm b/Unit1.dfm
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8450193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unit1.dfm
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+object Form1: TForm1\r
+  Left = 0\r
+  Top = 0\r
+  Caption = 'Form1'\r
+  ClientHeight = 392\r
+  ClientWidth = 635\r
+  Color = clBtnFace\r
+  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET\r
+  Font.Color = clWindowText\r
+  Font.Height = -11\r
+  Font.Name = 'Tahoma'\r
+  Font.Style = []\r
+  OldCreateOrder = False\r
+  OnCreate = FormCreate\r
+  PixelsPerInch = 96\r
+  TextHeight = 13\r
+  object Bevel4: TBevel\r
+    Left = 136\r
+    Top = 32\r
+    Width = 50\r
+    Height = 154\r
+    Shape = bsLeftLine\r
+  end\r
+  object Bevel1: TBevel\r
+    Left = 32\r
+    Top = 80\r
+    Width = 153\r
+    Height = 50\r
+    Shape = bsTopLine\r
+  end\r
+  object Bevel2: TBevel\r
+    Left = 32\r
+    Top = 136\r
+    Width = 151\r
+    Height = 50\r
+    Shape = bsTopLine\r
+  end\r
+  object Bevel3: TBevel\r
+    Left = 80\r
+    Top = 32\r
+    Width = 50\r
+    Height = 154\r
+    Shape = bsLeftLine\r
+  end\r
+  object SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton\r
+    Left = 32\r
+    Top = 40\r
+    Width = 23\r
+    Height = 22\r
+    OnClick = SpeedButton1Click\r
+  end\r
+  object SpeedButton2: TSpeedButton\r
+    Left = 96\r
+    Top = 40\r
+    Width = 23\r
+    Height = 22\r
+    OnClick = SpeedButton1Click\r
+  end\r
+  object SpeedButton3: TSpeedButton\r
+    Left = 160\r
+    Top = 40\r
+    Width = 23\r
+    Height = 22\r
+    OnClick = SpeedButton1Click\r
+  end\r
+  object SpeedButton4: TSpeedButton\r
+    Left = 32\r
+    Top = 96\r
+    Width = 23\r
+    Height = 22\r
+    OnClick = SpeedButton1Click\r
+  end\r
+  object SpeedButton5: TSpeedButton\r
+    Left = 96\r
+    Top = 96\r
+    Width = 23\r
+    Height = 22\r
+    OnClick = SpeedButton1Click\r
+  end\r
+  object SpeedButton6: TSpeedButton\r
+    Left = 160\r
+    Top = 96\r
+    Width = 23\r
+    Height = 22\r
+    OnClick = SpeedButton1Click\r
+  end\r
+  object SpeedButton7: TSpeedButton\r
+    Left = 32\r
+    Top = 152\r
+    Width = 23\r
+    Height = 22\r
+    OnClick = SpeedButton1Click\r
+  end\r
+  object SpeedButton8: TSpeedButton\r
+    Left = 96\r
+    Top = 152\r
+    Width = 23\r
+    Height = 22\r
+    OnClick = SpeedButton1Click\r
+  end\r
+  object SpeedButton9: TSpeedButton\r
+    Left = 160\r
+    Top = 152\r
+    Width = 23\r
+    Height = 22\r
+    OnClick = SpeedButton1Click\r
+  end\r
+  object SpeedButton10: TSpeedButton\r
+    Left = 64\r
+    Top = 224\r
+    Width = 97\r
+    Height = 22\r
+    Caption = 'GAME START'\r
+    OnClick = SpeedButton10Click\r
+  end\r
+  object RadioButton1: TRadioButton\r
+    Left = 73\r
+    Top = 280\r
+    Width = 113\r
+    Height = 17\r
+    Caption = 'RadioButton1'\r
+    Checked = True\r
+    TabOrder = 0\r
+    TabStop = True\r
+  end\r
+  object RadioButton2: TRadioButton\r
+    Left = 73\r
+    Top = 312\r
+    Width = 113\r
+    Height = 17\r
+    Caption = 'RadioButton2'\r
+    TabOrder = 1\r
+  end\r
+  object Timer1: TTimer\r
+    Interval = 100\r
+    OnTimer = Timer1Timer\r
+    Left = 312\r
+    Top = 200\r
+  end\r
diff --git a/Unit1.pas b/Unit1.pas
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..12a4891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Unit1.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+unit Unit1;\r
+  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants,\r
+  System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,\r
+  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Vcl.Buttons, Vcl.StdCtrls;\r
+  TState = (MARU, PEKE, KARA);\r
+  TLine = array [0 .. 2] of TSpeedButton;\r
+  TForm1 = class(TForm)\r
+    SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton;\r
+    SpeedButton2: TSpeedButton;\r
+    SpeedButton3: TSpeedButton;\r
+    Bevel1: TBevel;\r
+    SpeedButton4: TSpeedButton;\r
+    SpeedButton5: TSpeedButton;\r
+    SpeedButton6: TSpeedButton;\r
+    SpeedButton7: TSpeedButton;\r
+    SpeedButton8: TSpeedButton;\r
+    SpeedButton9: TSpeedButton;\r
+    Bevel2: TBevel;\r
+    Bevel3: TBevel;\r
+    Bevel4: TBevel;\r
+    SpeedButton10: TSpeedButton;\r
+    Timer1: TTimer;\r
+    RadioButton1: TRadioButton;\r
+    RadioButton2: TRadioButton;\r
+    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);\r
+    procedure SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject);\r
+    procedure SpeedButton10Click(Sender: TObject);\r
+    procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);\r
+  private\r
+    { Private 宣言 }\r
+    List: array [0 .. 7] of TLine;\r
+    player: Boolean;\r
+    procedure Check;\r
+    procedure Start;\r
+  public\r
+    { Public 宣言 }\r
+  end;\r
+  Form1: TForm1;\r
+{$R *.dfm}\r
+procedure TForm1.Check;\r
+  i: Integer;\r
+  s: string;\r
+  j: Integer;\r
+  function local(A: TState): Boolean;\r
+  var\r
+    j: Integer;\r
+  begin\r
+    result := true;\r
+    for j := 0 to 2 do\r
+      if List[i][j].Tag <> Ord(A) then\r
+        result := false;\r
+  end;\r
+  s := 'DRAW';\r
+  for i := 0 to High(List) do\r
+    for j := 0 to 2 do\r
+      if List[i][j].Tag = Ord(KARA) then\r
+        s := '';\r
+  for i := 0 to High(List) do\r
+    if local(MARU) = true then\r
+      s := 'WIN';\r
+  for i := 0 to High(List) do\r
+    if local(PEKE) = true then\r
+      s := 'LOSE';\r
+  if s <> '' then\r
+  begin\r
+    Showmessage(s);\r
+    Start;\r
+  end;\r
+procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);\r
+  i: Integer;\r
+  j: Integer;\r
+  k: Integer;\r
+  i := 0;\r
+  k := 1;\r
+  while i <= 2 do\r
+  begin\r
+    for j := 0 to 2 do\r
+    begin\r
+      List[i][j] := Self.FindComponent(Format('SpeedButton%d', [k]))\r
+        as TSpeedButton;\r
+      inc(k);\r
+    end;\r
+    inc(i);\r
+  end;\r
+  k := 1;\r
+  while i <= 5 do\r
+  begin\r
+    for j := 0 to 2 do\r
+    begin\r
+      List[i][j] := Self.FindComponent(Format('SpeedButton%d', [k + j * 3]))\r
+        as TSpeedButton;\r
+    end;\r
+    inc(i);\r
+    inc(k);\r
+  end;\r
+  List[6][0] := SpeedButton1;\r
+  List[6][1] := SpeedButton5;\r
+  List[6][2] := SpeedButton9;\r
+  List[7][0] := SpeedButton7;\r
+  List[7][1] := SpeedButton5;\r
+  List[7][2] := SpeedButton3;\r
+  Start;\r
+procedure TForm1.SpeedButton10Click(Sender: TObject);\r
+  Start;\r
+procedure TForm1.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject);\r
+  if player = false then\r
+    Exit;\r
+  with Sender as TSpeedButton do\r
+  begin\r
+    if Tag = Ord(KARA) then\r
+    begin\r
+      if player = true then\r
+      begin\r
+        Tag := Ord(MARU);\r
+        Caption := '〇';\r
+      end\r
+      else\r
+      begin\r
+        Tag := Ord(PEKE);\r
+        Caption := '✖';\r
+      end;\r
+      Check;\r
+      player := false;\r
+    end;\r
+  end;\r
+procedure TForm1.Start;\r
+  i: Integer;\r
+  j: Integer;\r
+  for i := 0 to High(List) do\r
+    for j := 0 to 2 do\r
+      with List[i][j] do\r
+      begin\r
+        Caption := '';\r
+        Tag := Ord(KARA);\r
+      end;\r
+  player := RadioButton1.Checked;\r
+procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);\r
+  s: TList;\r
+  i: Integer;\r
+  j: Integer;\r
+  k, m: Integer;\r
+  if player = false then\r
+  begin\r
+    for i := 0 to High(List) do\r
+    begin\r
+      k := 0;\r
+      for j := 0 to 2 do\r
+        case List[i][j].Tag of\r
+          Ord(MARU):\r
+            dec(k);\r
+          Ord(PEKE):\r
+            inc(k);\r
+        end;\r
+      case k of\r
+        - 2, 2:\r
+          begin\r
+            for j := 0 to 2 do\r
+              with List[i][j] do\r
+              begin\r
+                if Tag = Ord(KARA) then\r
+                begin\r
+                  Caption := '✖';\r
+                  Tag := Ord(PEKE);\r
+                  Check;\r
+                end;\r
+              end;\r
+            break;\r
+          end;\r
+      else\r
+      end;\r
+    end;\r
+    player := true;\r
+  end;\r
diff --git a/marupeke.dpr b/marupeke.dpr
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3a71a16
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program marupeke;\r
+  Vcl.Forms,\r
+  Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {Form1};\r
+{$R *.res}\r
+  Application.Initialize;\r
+  Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;\r
+  Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);\r
+  Application.Run;\r
diff --git a/marupeke.dproj b/marupeke.dproj
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7dbd189
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">\r
+    <PropertyGroup>\r
+        <ProjectGuid>{CDC597A7-20ED-46A2-9B14-85E1D5993E96}</ProjectGuid>\r
+        <ProjectVersion>16.1</ProjectVersion>\r
+        <FrameworkType>VCL</FrameworkType>\r
+        <MainSource>marupeke.dpr</MainSource>\r
+        <Base>True</Base>\r
+        <Config Condition="'$(Config)'==''">Debug</Config>\r
+        <Platform Condition="'$(Platform)'==''">Win64</Platform>\r
+        <TargetedPlatforms>3</TargetedPlatforms>\r
+        <AppType>Application</AppType>\r
+    </PropertyGroup>\r
+    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Config)'=='Base' or '$(Base)'!=''">\r
+        <Base>true</Base>\r
+    </PropertyGroup>\r
+    <PropertyGroup Condition="('$(Platform)'=='Win32' and '$(Base)'=='true') or '$(Base_Win32)'!=''">\r
+        <Base_Win32>true</Base_Win32>\r
+        <CfgParent>Base</CfgParent>\r
+        <Base>true</Base>\r
+    </PropertyGroup>\r
+    <PropertyGroup Condition="('$(Platform)'=='Win64' and '$(Base)'=='true') or '$(Base_Win64)'!=''">\r
+        <Base_Win64>true</Base_Win64>\r
+        <CfgParent>Base</CfgParent>\r
+        <Base>true</Base>\r
+    </PropertyGroup>\r
+    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Config)'=='Debug' or '$(Cfg_1)'!=''">\r
+        <Cfg_1>true</Cfg_1>\r
+        <CfgParent>Base</CfgParent>\r
+        <Base>true</Base>\r
+    </PropertyGroup>\r
+    <PropertyGroup Condition="('$(Platform)'=='Win32' and '$(Cfg_1)'=='true') or '$(Cfg_1_Win32)'!=''">\r
+        <Cfg_1_Win32>true</Cfg_1_Win32>\r
+        <CfgParent>Cfg_1</CfgParent>\r
+        <Cfg_1>true</Cfg_1>\r
+        <Base>true</Base>\r
+    </PropertyGroup>\r
+    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Config)'=='Release' or '$(Cfg_2)'!=''">\r
+        <Cfg_2>true</Cfg_2>\r
+        <CfgParent>Base</CfgParent>\r
+        <Base>true</Base>\r
+    </PropertyGroup>\r
+    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Base)'!=''">\r
+        <Icon_MainIcon>$(BDS)\bin\delphi_PROJECTICON.ico</Icon_MainIcon>\r
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+        <SanitizedProjectName>marupeke</SanitizedProjectName>\r
+        <DCC_DcuOutput>.\$(Platform)\$(Config)</DCC_DcuOutput>\r
+        <DCC_ExeOutput>.\$(Platform)\$(Config)</DCC_ExeOutput>\r
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+    </PropertyGroup>\r
+    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Cfg_1)'!=''">\r
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+    </PropertyGroup>\r
+    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Cfg_1_Win32)'!=''">\r
+        <DCC_RemoteDebug>false</DCC_RemoteDebug>\r
+    </PropertyGroup>\r
+    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Cfg_2)'!=''">\r
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+        <DCC_DebugInformation>0</DCC_DebugInformation>\r
+    </PropertyGroup>\r
+    <ItemGroup>\r
+        <DelphiCompile Include="$(MainSource)">\r
+            <MainSource>MainSource</MainSource>\r
+        </DelphiCompile>\r
+        <DCCReference Include="Unit1.pas">\r
+            <Form>Form1</Form>\r
+            <FormType>dfm</FormType>\r
+        </DCCReference>\r
+        <BuildConfiguration Include="Release">\r
+            <Key>Cfg_2</Key>\r
+            <CfgParent>Base</CfgParent>\r
+        </BuildConfiguration>\r
+        <BuildConfiguration Include="Base">\r
+            <Key>Base</Key>\r
+        </BuildConfiguration>\r
+        <BuildConfiguration Include="Debug">\r
+            <Key>Cfg_1</Key>\r
+            <CfgParent>Base</CfgParent>\r
+        </BuildConfiguration>\r
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+        <Borland.ProjectType>Application</Borland.ProjectType>\r
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+            <Delphi.Personality>\r
+                <Source>\r
+                    <Source Name="MainSource">marupeke.dpr</Source>\r
+                </Source>\r
+            </Delphi.Personality>\r
+            <Deployment>\r
+                <DeployFile LocalName="Win32\Debug\marupeke.exe" Configuration="Debug" Class="ProjectOutput">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Win32">\r
+                        <RemoteName>marupeke.exe</RemoteName>\r
+                        <Overwrite>true</Overwrite>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployFile>\r
+                <DeployClass Required="true" Name="DependencyPackage">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                        <Extensions>.dylib</Extensions>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="Win32">\r
+                        <Operation>0</Operation>\r
+                        <Extensions>.bpl</Extensions>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="OSX32">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>Contents\MacOS</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                        <Extensions>.dylib</Extensions>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                        <Extensions>.dylib</Extensions>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="DependencyModule">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                        <Extensions>.dylib</Extensions>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="Win32">\r
+                        <Operation>0</Operation>\r
+                        <Extensions>.dll;.bpl</Extensions>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="OSX32">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>Contents\MacOS</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                        <Extensions>.dylib</Extensions>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                        <Extensions>.dylib</Extensions>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="iPad_Launch2048">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="ProjectOSXInfoPList">\r
+                    <Platform Name="OSX32">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>Contents</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="ProjectiOSDeviceDebug">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="Android_SplashImage470">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>res\drawable-normal</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="AndroidLibnativeX86File">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>library\lib\x86</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="ProjectiOSResource">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="ProjectOSXEntitlements">\r
+                    <Platform Name="OSX32">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>../</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="AndroidGDBServer">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>library\lib\armeabi-v7a</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="iPhone_Launch640">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="Android_SplashImage960">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>res\drawable-xlarge</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="Android_LauncherIcon96">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>res\drawable-xhdpi</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="iPhone_Launch320">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="Android_LauncherIcon144">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>res\drawable-xxhdpi</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="AndroidLibnativeMipsFile">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>library\lib\mips</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
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+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>res\drawable</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="DebugSymbols">\r
+                    <Platform Name="OSX32">\r
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+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="Win32">\r
+                        <Operation>0</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="DependencyFramework">\r
+                    <Platform Name="OSX32">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>Contents\MacOS</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                        <Extensions>.framework</Extensions>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="Win32">\r
+                        <Operation>0</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="Android_SplashImage426">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>res\drawable-small</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="ProjectiOSEntitlements">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>../</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="AdditionalDebugSymbols">\r
+                    <Platform Name="OSX32">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>Contents\MacOS</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="Win32">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>Contents\MacOS</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>0</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="AndroidClassesDexFile">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>classes</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="ProjectiOSInfoPList">\r
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+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="iPad_Launch1024">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="Android_DefaultAppIcon">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
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+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="ProjectOSXResource">\r
+                    <Platform Name="OSX32">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>Contents\Resources</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="ProjectiOSDeviceResourceRules">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="iPad_Launch768">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Required="true" Name="ProjectOutput">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>library\lib\armeabi-v7a</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="Win32">\r
+                        <Operation>0</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="OSX32">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>Contents\MacOS</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="AndroidLibnativeArmeabiFile">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>library\lib\armeabi</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="Android_SplashImage640">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>res\drawable-large</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="File">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <Operation>0</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <Operation>0</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="Win32">\r
+                        <Operation>0</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="OSX32">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>Contents\MacOS</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>0</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>0</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="iPhone_Launch640x1136">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="Android_LauncherIcon36">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>res\drawable-ldpi</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="AndroidSplashStyles">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>res\values</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="iPad_Launch1536">\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSDevice">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                    <Platform Name="iOSSimulator">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="Android_LauncherIcon48">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>res\drawable-mdpi</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="Android_LauncherIcon72">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <RemoteDir>res\drawable-hdpi</RemoteDir>\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <DeployClass Name="ProjectAndroidManifest">\r
+                    <Platform Name="Android">\r
+                        <Operation>1</Operation>\r
+                    </Platform>\r
+                </DeployClass>\r
+                <ProjectRoot Platform="Android" Name="$(PROJECTNAME)"/>\r
+                <ProjectRoot Platform="iOSDevice" Name="$(PROJECTNAME).app"/>\r
+                <ProjectRoot Platform="Win32" Name="$(PROJECTNAME)"/>\r
+                <ProjectRoot Platform="OSX32" Name="$(PROJECTNAME).app"/>\r
+                <ProjectRoot Platform="iOSSimulator" Name="$(PROJECTNAME).app"/>\r
+                <ProjectRoot Platform="Win64" Name="$(PROJECTNAME)"/>\r
+            </Deployment>\r
+            <Platforms>\r
+                <Platform value="Win32">True</Platform>\r
+                <Platform value="Win64">True</Platform>\r
+            </Platforms>\r
+        </BorlandProject>\r
+        <ProjectFileVersion>12</ProjectFileVersion>\r
+    </ProjectExtensions>\r
+    <Import Project="$(BDS)\Bin\CodeGear.Delphi.Targets" Condition="Exists('$(BDS)\Bin\CodeGear.Delphi.Targets')"/>\r
+    <Import Project="$(APPDATA)\Embarcadero\$(BDSAPPDATABASEDIR)\$(PRODUCTVERSION)\UserTools.proj" Condition="Exists('$(APPDATA)\Embarcadero\$(BDSAPPDATABASEDIR)\$(PRODUCTVERSION)\UserTools.proj')"/>\r
+    <Import Project="$(MSBuildProjectName).deployproj" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildProjectName).deployproj')"/>\r
diff --git a/marupeke.res b/marupeke.res
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0f3facb
Binary files /dev/null and b/marupeke.res differ