OSDN Git Service

[nucleus-jp/nucleus-plugins.git] / NP_TagEX / trunk / NP_TagEX.php
1 <?php
2 /**
3  *
5  * PHP versions 4 and 5
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  * (see nucleus/documentation/index.html#license for more info)
12  * 
13  * 
14  * @author     Original Author nakahara21
15  * @copyright  2005-2006 nakahara21
16  * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
17  *             GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991
18  * @version    0.41
19  * @link       http://nakahara21.com
20  *
21  * 0.65 clean up
22  * 0.64 modified createTagLink function
23  * 0.63 fix Magical code
24  * 0.62 add function doIf() for NucleusCMS version3.3
25  * 0.6  fix delete tags when item update(425)
26  *      mod scanExistTags function
27  *      mod get tagLink title
28  * 0.51 typo fix
29  * 0.5  TAG sort modified
30  * 0.43 fix URL generate
31  * 0.42 add URL selected tag check
32  * 0.41 security fix and add some trick
33  * 0.4  fixed bug: numlic only
34  * 0.3  fixed bug: delete action
35  * 0.2  supports and/or query
36  *
37  * 
40  *
41  **/
43 if (!defined('_TAGEX_TABLE_DEFINED')) {
44         define('_TAGEX_TABLE_DEFINED', 1);
45         define('_TAGEX_TABLE',         sql_table('plug_tagex'));
46         define('_TAGEX_KLIST_TABLE',   sql_table('plug_tagex_klist'));
47 }
49 class NP_TagEX extends NucleusPlugin
50 {
52         function getName()
53         {
54                 return 'Tags Extension';
55         }
56         function getAuthor()
57         {
58                 return 'nakahara21 + shizuki';
59         }
60         function getURL()
61         {
62                 return 'http://nakahara21.com';
63         }
64         function getVersion()
65         {
66                 return '0.65';
67         }
68         function getDescription()
69         {
70                 return 'Tags Extension (for Japanese users)';
71         }
73         function supportsFeature($what)
74         {
75                 switch ($what) {
76                         case 'SqlTablePrefix':
77                                 return 1;
78                         default:
79                                 return 0;
80                 }
81         }
83         function install()
84         {
85                 $this->createOption('flg_erase',         'Erase data on uninstall.',                            'yesno',        'no');
86 // <editable template mod by shizuki>
87                 $this->createOption('editTagOrder',      'editform tag order',                 'select',
88                                                         '1', 'amount(desc)|1|amount(asc)|2|tag\'s order|3|random|4');
89                 $this->createOption('and',               'template for \'and\'',               'textarea',
90                                     '<span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:smaller;"> '
91                                   . ' <a href="<%andurl%>" title="narrow">&amp;</a>.');
92                 $this->createOption('or',                'template for \'or\'',                'textarea',
93                                                         '<a href="<%orurl%>" title="expand">or</a> </span>');
94                 $this->createOption('tagIndex',          'template for \'tagIndex\'',          'textarea',
95                                                         '<%and%><%or%><span style="font-size:<%fontlevel%>em" '
96                                                   . 'title="<%tagamount%> post(s)! <%tagitems%>"><a href="<%taglinkurl%>"><%tag%></a></span>');
97                 $this->createOption('tagItemHeader',     'template for \'tagItemHeader\'',     'textarea',
98                                                         '');
99                 $this->createOption('tagItem',           'template for \'tagItem\'',           'textarea',
100                                                         '<%itemid%>:<%itemtitle%>');//<%
101                 $this->createOption('tagItemSeparator',  'template for \'tagItemSeparator\'',  'text',
102                                                         ' , ');
103                 $this->createOption('tagItemFooter',     'template for \'tagItemFooter\'',     'textarea',
104                                                         '');
105                 $this->createOption('tagIndexSeparator', 'template for \'tagIndexSeparator\'', 'text',
106                                                         ' | ');
107                 $this->createOption('tagsonlycurrent',   'show tags only current blog have',   'yesno',
108                                                         'no');
109                 $this->createOption('colorfulhighlight', 'colorful highlight mode ?',          'yesno',
110                                                         'no');
111                 $this->createOption('highlight',         'template for normal highlightmode',  'text',
112                                                         '<span class="highlight">\0</span>');
113 //</mod by shizuki>*/
114                 $table_q = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . _TAGEX_TABLE . ' ('
115                                  . ' `inum`    INT(9)        NOT NULL default "0" PRIMARY KEY, '
116                                  . ' `itags`   TEXT          NOT NULL, '
117                                  . ' `itagreg` TIMESTAMP(14) NOT NULL'
118                                  . ' )';
119                 sql_query($table_q);
120                 $table_q = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . _TAGEX_KLIST_TABLE . ' ('
121                                  . ' `listid`      INT(9)        NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, '
122                                  . ' `tag`         VARCHAR(255)           default NULL, '
123                                  . ' `inums`       TEXT          NOT NULL, '
124                                  . ' `inums_count` INT(11)       NOT NULL default "0", '
125                                  . ' `ireg`        TIMESTAMP(14) NOT NULL'
126                                  . ' )';
127                 sql_query($table_q);
128         }
130         function uninstall()
131         {
132                 if ($this->getOption('flg_erase') == 'yes') {
133                         sql_query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . _TAGEX_TABLE);
134                         sql_query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . _TAGEX_KLIST_TABLE);
135                 }
136         }
138         function getTableList()
139         {
140                 return array(
141                         _TAGEX_TABLE,
142                         _TAGEX_KLIST_TABLE
143                 );
144         }
146         function getEventList()
147         {
148                 return array(
149                                          'PostAddItem',
150                                          'AddItemFormExtras',
151                                          'PreUpdateItem',
152                                          'EditItemFormExtras',
153                                          'PreItem',
154                                          'PreDeleteItem'
155                                         );
156         }
158 /**
159  *
160  * Nucleus event functions
161  *
162  */
163         function quote_smart($value)
164         {
165 // Escape SQL query strings
166                 if (is_array($value)) {
167                         if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
168                                 $value = array_map("stripslashes", $value);
169                         }
170                         if (!array_map("is_numeric",$value)) {
171                                 if (version_compare(phpversion(),"4.3.0") == "-1") {
172                                         $value = array_map("mysql_escape_string", $value);
173                                 } else {
174                                         $value = array_map("mysql_real_escape_string", $value);
175                                 }
176                         } else {
177                                 $value = intval($value);
178                         }
179                 } else {
180                         if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
181                                 $value = stripslashes($value);
182                         }
183                         if (!is_numeric($value)) {
184                                 if (version_compare(phpversion(), "4.3.0") == "-1") {
185                                         $value = "'" . mysql_escape_string($value) . "'";
186                                 } else {
187                                         $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'";
188                                 }
189                         } else {
190                                 $value     = intval($value);
191                         }
192                 }
193                 return $value;
194         }
196         function event_PreItem($data)
197         {
198 // Hightlight tags
199                 global $currentTemplateName;
200                 $currTemplateName    = $this->quote_smart($currentTemplateName);
201                 $templateDescTable   = sql_table('template_desc');
202                 $q_query             = 'SELECT tddesc as result '
203                                                          . 'FROM %s '
204                                                          . 'WHERE tdname = %s';
205                 $q_query             = sprintf($q_query, $templateDescTable, $currTemplateName);
206                 $currentTemplateDesc = quickQuery($q_query);
207                 if (eregi('<highlightTagsAll>', $currentTemplateDesc)) {
208                         $tags = $this->scanExistTags(0, 99999999);
209                         if (empty($tags)) {
210                                 return;
211                         } else {
212                                 $highlightKeys = array_keys($tags);
213                         }
214                 } elseif (eregi('<highlightTags>', $currentTemplateDesc)) {
215                         $requestT = $this->getNoDecodeQuery('tag');
216                         if (empty($requestT)) {
217                                 return;
218                         }
219                         $requestTarray = $this->splitRequestTags($requestT);
220                         $reqAND        = array_map(array(&$this, "_rawdecode"), $requestTarray['and']);
221                         if ($requestTarray['or']) {
222                                 $reqOR     = array_map(array(&$this, "_rawdecode"), $requestTarray['or']);
223                         }
224                         if (isset($reqOR)) {
225                                 $highlightKeys = array_merge($reqAND, $reqOR);
226                         } else {
227                                 $highlightKeys = $reqAND;
228                         }
229                 } else {
230                         return;
231                 }
232                 $template['highlight'] =  $this->getOption('highlight');
233                 $curItem               =& $data['item'];
234                 if ($this->getOption('colorfulhighlight') == 'no') {// original mode
235                         $curItem->body  = highlight($curItem->body, $highlightKeys, $template['highlight']);
236                         $curItem->more  = highlight($curItem->more, $highlightKeys, $template['highlight']);
237                 } else {
238 /**
239  *
240  * use other color for each tags
241  * mod by shizuki
242  *
243  */
244                         $sh = 0;
245                         foreach ($highlightKeys as $qValue) {
246                                 $pattern       = '<span class=\'highlight_' . $sh . '\'>\0</span>';
247                                 $curItem->body = highlight($curItem->body, $qValue, $pattern);
248                                 $sh++;
249                                 if ($sh == 10) {
250                                         $sh = 0;
251                                 }
252                         }
253                         if ($curItem->more) {
254                                 $sh = 0;
255                                 foreach ($highlightKeys as $qValue) {
256                                         $pattern       = '<span class=\'highlight_' . $sh . '\'>\0</span>';
257                                         $curItem->more = highlight($curItem->more, $qValue, $pattern);
258                                         $sh++;
259                                         if ($sh == 10) {
260                                                 $sh = 0;
261                                         }
262                                 }
263                         }
264                 }
265         }
267 /**
268  *
269  * extra forms function
270  * mod by shizuki
271  *
272  */
273 /**
274  *
275  * TAG list
276  * Add or Edit Item
277  * TAGs only current blog
278  * written by shizuki
279  * From http://blog.uribou.net/
280  *
281  */
282         function _ItemFormExtras($oldforj = '', $itags = '', $tagrows, $tagcols, $blogid = 0)
283         {
284                 $blogid = intval($blogid);
285 // Exstra form for add or update Item
286                 if (strstr(serverVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), 'Gecko')) {
287                         $divStyles = 'height: 24em;'
288                                            . 'overflow: auto;'
289                                            . 'border:1px solid lightblue;'
290                                            . 'margin-top:3.8em;'
291                                            . 'padding-left:0.5em;'
292                                            . '-moz-column-count: 3;'
293                                            . '-moz-column-gap: 0.5em;';
294                         $txAStyles = 'width:10em;'
295                                            . 'height: 200px;'
296                                            . 'width: 120px;';
297                 } else {
298                         $divStyles = 'height: 200px;'
299                                            . 'overflow: auto;';
300                         $txAStyles = 'width:60%;';
301                 }
302                 $printData = "\t\t"
303                                    . "<h3>TagEX</h3>\n\t\t"
304                                    . '<p style="float:left">' . "\n\t\t\t"
305                                    . '<label for="tagex">Tag(s):</label>' . "\n\t\t\t"
306                                    . '<a href="javascript:resetOlder'
307                                    . "('" . $oldforj . "')"
308                                    . '">[Reset]</a><br />' . "\n\t\t\t"
309                                    . '<textarea id="tagex" name="itags" rows="' . intval($tagrows)
310                                    . '" cols="' . intval($tagcols) . '" style="' . $txAStyles . '"'
311                                    . ' class="tagex">'
312                                    . htmlspecialchars($itags) . '</textarea>' . "\n\t\t"
313                                    . '</p>'
314                                    . '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">' . "\n"
315                                    . '<!--' . "\n"
316                                    . 'function insertag(tag){' . "\n\t"
317                                    . "if(document.getElementById('tagex').value != '')\n\t\t"
318                                    . 'tag = "\n" + tag;' . "\n\t"
319                                    . "document.getElementById('tagex').value += tag;\n"
320                                    . "}\n"
321                                    . "function resetOlder(old){\n\t"
322                                    . "document.getElementById('tagex').value = old;\n"
323                                    . "}\n//-->\n"
324                                    . "</script>\n"
325                                    . '<div style="' . $divStyles . '" class="tagex">' . "\n";
326                 echo $printData;
327                 $tagOrder = intval($this->getOption('editTagOrder'));
328                 if ($this->getOption('tagsonlycurrent') == no) {
329                         $existTags = $this->scanExistTags(0, 99999999, $tagOrder);
330                 } else {
331                         $existTags = $this->scanExistTags(1, 99999999, $tagOrder, $blogid);
332                 }
333                 if ($existTags) {
334                         $existTags = array_keys($existTags);
335                 }
336                 for ($i=0; $i < count($existTags); $i++) {
337                         $exTags    = htmlspecialchars($existTags[$i]);
338                         $printData = '<li><a href="javascript:insertag'
339                                            . "('" . $exTags . "')" . '">'
340                                            . $exTags . '</a></li>' . "\n";
341                         echo $printData;
342                 }
343                 echo '</div><br style="clear:all;" />' . "\n";
344         }
346         function event_AddItemFormExtras($data)
347         {
348                 global $CONF, $blogid;
349                 if (is_numeric($blogid)) {
350                         $blogid = intval($blogid);
351                 } else {
352                         $blogid = intval(getBlogIDFromName($blogid));
353                 }
354                 if (empty($blogid)) {
355                         $blogid = intval($CONF['DefaultBlog']);
356                 }
357 // Call exstra form
358                 $oldforj    = $itags = '';
359                 $this->_ItemFormExtras($oldforj, $itags, 3, 40, $blogid);// <current blog only />
360         }
362         function event_EditItemFormExtras($data)
363         {
364 // Initialize tags when it have
365                 $item_id = intval($data['variables']['itemid']);
366                 $query   = 'SELECT itags FROM %s WHERE inum = %d';
367                 $result  = sql_query(sprintf($query, _TAGEX_TABLE, $item_id));
368                 if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
369                         $itags  = mysql_result($result,0,0);
370                 }
371                 $oldforj = str_replace("\n", '\n', htmlspecialchars($itags));
372                 $blogid  = getBlogIDFromItemID($item_id);
373                 $blogid  = intval($blogid);
374 // Call exstra form
375 // current blog onry mode
376                 $this->_ItemFormExtras($oldforj, $itags, 5, 20, $blogid);
377         }
379         function event_PostAddItem($data)
380         {
381 // Add tags when it add for Item
382                 $itags  = trim(requestVar('itags'));
383                 if (!$itags) {
384                         return;
385                 }
386                 $inum   = intval($data['itemid']);
387                 $query  = 'INSERT INTO %s (inum, itags) VALUES (%d, %s)';
388                 $query  = sprintf($query, _TAGEX_TABLE, $inum, $this->quote_smart($itags));
389                 sql_query($query);
390                 $temp_tags_array = preg_split("/[\r\n,]+/", $itags);
391                 for ($i=0; $i < count($temp_tags_array); $i++) {
392                         $this->mergeTags(trim($temp_tags_array[$i]), $inum);
393                 }
394         } 
396         function event_PreUpdateItem($data)
397         {
398 // Add tags when it add for Item
399                 $itags   = trim(requestVar('itags'));
400                 $inum    = intval($data['itemid']);
401                 $query   = 'SELECT itags as result FROM %s WHERE inum = %d';
402                 $oldTags = quickQuery(sprintf($query, _TAGEX_TABLE, $inum));
403                 if ($itags == $oldTags) {
404                         return;
405                 }
406                 $query = 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE inum = %d';
407                 sql_query(sprintf($query, _TAGEX_TABLE, $inum));
408                 if (!empty($itags)) {
409                         $query  = 'INSERT INTO %s (inum, itags) VALUES (%d, %s)';
410                         $query  = sprintf($query, _TAGEX_TABLE, $inum, $this->quote_smart($itags));
411                         sql_query($query);
412                 }
413                 $old_tags_array = $this->getTags($oldTags);
414                 $new_tags_array = $this->getTags($itags);
415                 $deleteTags     = $this->array_minus_array($old_tags_array, $new_tags_array);
416                 for ($i=0; $i < count($deleteTags); $i++) {
417                         $this->deleteTags($deleteTags[$i], $inum);
418                 }
419                 $addTags = $this->array_minus_array($new_tags_array, $old_tags_array);
420                 for ($i=0; $i < count($addTags); $i++) {
421                         $this->mergeTags($addTags[$i], $inum);
422                 }
424         }
426         function event_PreDeleteItem($data)
427         {
428 // Delete tags when it for deleted Item
429 // or delete Itemid from TAG table
430                 $inum    = intval($data['itemid']);
431                 $query   = 'SELECT itags as result FROM %s WHERE inum = %d';
432                 $oldTags = quickQuery(sprintf($query, _TAGEX_TABLE, $inum));
433                 if (empty($oldTags)) {
434                         return;
435                 } else {
436                         $query      = 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE inum = %d';
437                         sql_query(sprintf($query, _TAGEX_TABLE, $inum));
438                         $deleteTags = $this->getTags($oldTags);
439                         for ($i=0; $i < count($deleteTags); $i++) {
440                                 $this->deleteTags($deleteTags[$i], $inum);
441                         }
442                 }
443         }
445 //------------------------------------------------------
447         function getTags($str)
448         {
449 // extract Item's TAG for array
450                 $tempArray   = preg_split("/[\r\n,]+/", $str);
451                 $returnArray = array_map('trim', $tempArray);
452                 return array_unique($returnArray);
453         }
455         function array_minus_array($a, $b)
456         {
457 // update Item's TAGs
458                 $c = array_diff($a,$b);
459                 $c = array_intersect($c, $a);
460                 return array_values($c); 
461         }
463         function deleteTags($tag, $inum)
464         {
465 // Delete TAGs and TAG's Item
466                 $inum    = intval($inum);
467                 $tag     = $this->quote_smart($tag);
468                 $f_query = "SELECT inums FROM " . _TAGEX_KLIST_TABLE
469                                  . " WHERE tag = " . $tag
470                                  . '       AND inums REGEXP "(^|,)' . $inum . '(,|$)"'
471                                  . ' ORDER BY ireg DESC';
472                 $findres = sql_query($f_query);
473                 if (mysql_num_rows($findres) == 0) {
474                         return;
475                 }
476                 $temp_inums = mysql_result($findres, 0, 0);
477                 if ($temp_inums == $inum) {
478                         $query = 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE tag = %s';
479                         sql_query(sprintf($query, _TAGEX_KLIST_TABLE, $tag));
480                         return;
481                 }
482                 $inums_array = array();
483                 $inums_array = explode(',', $temp_inums);
484                 $trans       = array_flip($inums_array);
485                 unset($trans[$inum]);
486                 $inums_array = array_flip($trans);
487                 $inums_count = count($inums_array);
488 //              $inums       = @implode(",", $inums_array);
489                 $inums       = implode(",", $inums_array);
490                 if (!empty($inums)) {
491                         $update_query = 'UPDATE %s '
492                                                   . 'SET inums   = %s, '
493                                                   . 'inums_count = %d '
494                                                   . 'WHERE tag   = %s';
495                         $iCount       = intval($inums_count);
496                         $quoteInums   = $this->quote_smart($inums);
497                         sql_query(sprintf($update_query, _TAGEX_KLIST_TABLE, $quoteInums, $iCount, $tag));
498                 }
499         }
501         function mergeTags($tag, $inum)
502         {
503 // Add TAG's Item
504                 if (empty($tag)) {
505                         return;
506                 }
508                 $inums_array = array();
510                 $inum    = intval($inum);
511                 $tag     = $this->quote_smart($tag);
512                 $f_query = 'SELECT inums'
513                                  . ' FROM ' . _TAGEX_KLIST_TABLE
514                                  . ' WHERE tag = ' . $tag
515                                  . ' ORDER BY ireg DESC';
516                 $findres = sql_query($f_query);
517                 if (mysql_num_rows($findres) > 0) {
518                         $temp_inums  = mysql_result($findres, 0, 0);
519                         $inums_array = explode(',', $temp_inums);
520                         if (!in_array($inum, $inums_array)) {
521                                 $inums       = $temp_inums . ',' . $inum;
522                                 $inums_count = count($inums_array) + 1;
523                         }
524                 } else {
525                         $q_query = 'INSERT INTO %s '
526                                          . '(tag, inums, inums_count) '
527                                          . 'VALUES (%s, %d, 1)';
528                         sql_query(sprintf($q_query, _TAGEX_KLIST_TABLE, $tag, intval($inum)));
529                 }
531                 if (!empty($inums)) {
532                         $q_query    = 'UPDATE %s SET inums = %s, inums_count = %d WHERE tag = %s';
533                         $iCount     = intval($inums_count);
534                         $quoteInums = $this->quote_smart($inums);
535                         sql_query(sprintf($q_query, _TAGEX_KLIST_TABLE, $quoteInums, $iCount, $tag));
536                 }
537         }
539         function scanExistItem($narrowMode = 0, $blogid = 0)
540         {
541 /// Select Items when Categories or Sub-categories or Archive selected
542                 global $manager, $CONF, $blog, $catid, $archive;
543                 if (!$narrowMode) {
544                         return;
545                 }
546                 if ($blogid > 0) {
547                         $b =& $manager->getBlog($blogid);
548                 } elseif ($blog) {
549                         $b =& $blog; 
550                 } else {
551                         $b =& $manager->getBlog($CONF['DefaultBlog']);
552                 }
553                 $where = '';
554                 if ($narrowMode > 0) {
555                                 $where .= ' and i.iblog = ' . intval($b->getID());
556                 }
557                 if ($catid && $narrowMode > 1) {
558                         $catid = intval($catid);
559                         if ($manager->pluginInstalled('NP_MultipleCategories')) {
560                                 $where .= ' and ((i.inumber = p.item_id'
561                                                 . ' and (p.categories REGEXP "(^|,)' . $catid . '(,|$)"'
562                                                 . ' or  i.icat = ' . $catid . '))'
563                                                 . ' or (i.icat = ' . $catid
564                                                 . ' and p.item_id IS NULL))';
565                                 $mtable = ' LEFT JOIN '
566                                                 . sql_table('plug_multiple_categories') . ' as p'
567                                                 . ' ON  i.inumber = p.item_id';
568                                 $mplugin =& $manager->getPlugin('NP_MultipleCategories');
569                                 global $subcatid;
570                                 if ($subcatid && method_exists($mplugin, 'getRequestName')) {
571 //family
572                                         $subcatid   = intval($subcatid);
573                                         $scatTable  = sql_table('plug_multiple_categories_sub');
574                                         $tres_query = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE scatid = %d';
575                                         $tres_query = sprintf($tres_query, $scatTable, $subcatid);
576                                         $tres       = sql_query($tres_query);
577                                         $ra         = mysql_fetch_array($tres, MYSQL_ASSOC);
578                                         if (array_key_exists('parentid', $ra)) {
579                                                 $Children = array();
580                                                 $Children = explode('/', $subcatid . $this->getChildren($subcatid));
581                                         }
582                                         if ($loop = count($Children) >= 2) {
583                                                 for ($i=0; $i < $loop; $i++) {
584                                                         $chidID     = intval($Children[$i]);
585                                                         $temp_whr[] = ' p.subcategories REGEXP "(^|,)' . $chidID . '(,|$)" ';
586                                                 }
587                                                 $where .= ' and ( '
588                                                                 . implode (' or ', $temp_whr)
589                                                                 . ' )';
590                                         } else {
591                                                 $where .= ' and p.subcategories REGEXP "(^|,)' . $subcatid . '(,|$)"';
592                                         }
593 //family end
594                                 }
595                         } else {
596                                 $where .= ' and i.icat = ' . $catid;
597                         }
598                 }
600                 if ($archive) {
601                         $y = $m = $d = '';
602                         sscanf($archive, '%d-%d-%d', $y, $m, $d);
603                         if ($d) {
604                                 $timestamp_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m,   $d,   $y);
605                                 $timestamp_end   = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m,   $d+1, $y);  
606                         } elseif ($m) {
607                                 $timestamp_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m,   1,    $y);
608                                 $timestamp_end   = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m+1, 1,    $y);
609                         } else {
610                                 $timestamp_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1,    1,    $y);
611                                 $timestamp_end   = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1,    1,    $y+1);
612                         }
613                         $where .= ' and i.itime >= ' . mysqldate($timestamp_start)
614                                 . ' and i.itime < '  . mysqldate($timestamp_end);
615                 } else {
616                         $where .= ' and i.itime <= ' . mysqldate($b->getCorrectTime());
617                 }
619                 $iquery = 'SELECT i.inumber '
620                                 . 'FROM %s as i'
621                                 . $mtable
622                                 . ' WHERE i.idraft = 0'
623                                 . $where;
624                 $res    = sql_query(sprintf($iquery, sql_table('item')));
625                 while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
626                         $existInums[] = $row[0];
627                 }
628                 return $existInums;
629         }
631 /**
632  *
633  * TAG list sort
634  * add TAG's order and Random sort
635  * written by shizuki
636  * From http://blog.uribou.net/
637  *
638  */
639         function sortTags($tags, $sortMode = 0)
640         {
641                 // sortMode 0:none
642                 // sortMode 1:max first
643                 // sortMode 2:min first
644                 // sortMode 3:tag's order
645                 // sortMode 4:random
646                 $sortMode = intval($sortMode);
647                 if (!$tags || $sortMode == 0) {
648                         return $tags;
649                 }
650                 foreach ($tags as $tag => $inums) {
651                         $tagCount[$tag] = count($inums);
652                 }
653                 switch ($sortMode) {
654                         case 1:
655                                 arsort($tagCount);
656                                 break;
657                         case 2:
658                                 asort($tagCount);
659                                 break;
660                         case 3:
661                                 uksort($tagCount, array(&$this, 'sortTagOrder'));
662                                 break;
663                         case 4:
664                                 srand ((float) microtime() * 10000000);
665                                 $tmp_key  = array_rand($tagCount, count($tagCount));
666                                 unset($tagCount);
667                                 $tagCount = array();
668                                 foreach ($tmp_key as $k => $v) {
669                                         $tagCount[$v] = 0;
670                                 }
671                                 break;
672                         default:
673                                 break;
674                 }
675                 foreach ($tagCount as $k => $v) {
676                         $r[$k] = $tags[$k];
677                 }
678                 return $r;
679         }
681         function sortTagOrder($a, $b)
682         {
683                 return strcasecmp($a, $b);
684         }
686         function scanExistTags($narrowMode = 0, $amount = 99999999, $sortmode = 0, $blogid = 0)
687         {
688 // Select TAG's Item
689                 // $narrowMode = 0: all blogs
690                 // $narrowMode = 1: currentblog only
691                 // $narrowMode = 2: narrowed with catid/subcatid
692                 $narrowMode = intval($narrowMode);
693                 $amount     = intval($amount);
694                 $sortmode   = intval($sortmode);
695 // <mod by shizuki />
696                 if (is_numeric($blogid)) {
697                         $blogid = intval($blogid);
698                 } else {
699                         $blogid = intval(getBlogIDFromName($blogid));
700                 }
701                 $existInums = array();
702                 $existInums = $this->scanExistItem($narrowMode, $blogid);
703                 $res        = sql_query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s', _TAGEX_KLIST_TABLE));
704                 while ($o = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
705                         $tagsk[$o->tag] = explode(',', $o->inums);
706                         if ($existInums) {
707                                 $tagsk[$o->tag] = array_intersect($tagsk[$o->tag], $existInums);
708                                 $tagsk[$o->tag] = array_values($tagsk[$o->tag]);
709                         }
710                         if (empty($tagsk[$o->tag])) {
711                                 unset($tagsk[$o->tag]);
712                         }
713                 }
714                 $tagsk = $this->sortTags($tagsk, $sortmode);
715                 if (count($tagsk) > $amount) {
716                         $tagsk = array_slice($tagsk, 0, $amount);
717                 }
718                 return $tagsk;
719         }
721         function scanCount($tags)
722         {
723 // ? count TAGs have Item ?
724                 $max = $min = 1;
725                 foreach ($tags as $tag) {
726                         $tempCount = count($tag);
727                         $max       = max($max, $tempCount);
728                         $min       = min($min, $tempCount);
729                 }
730                 return array($max, $min);
731         }
733         function getNoDecodeQuery($q)
734         {
735 // Get urlencoded TAGs
736                 global $CONF, $manager;
737 // FancyURL
738                 if ($CONF['URLMode'] == 'pathinfo') {
739                         $urlq  = serverVar('REQUEST_URI');
740                         $tempq = explode($q . '/', $urlq, 2);
741                         if ($manager->pluginInstalled('NP_MagicalURL2') || $manager->pluginInstalled('NP_Magical')) {
742                                 $tempq = explode($q . '_', $urlq, 2);
743                         }
744 //                      if ($tempq[1]) {
745                         if (!empty($tempq[1])) {
746                                 $tagq = explode('/', $tempq[1]);
747                                 if ($manager->pluginInstalled('NP_MagicalURL2') || $manager->pluginInstalled('NP_Magical')) {
748                                         $tagq = explode('_', $tempq[1]);
749                                 }
750                                 $str  = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9-~+_.#;,:@%]|i', '', $tagq[0]);
751                                 return $str;
752                         }
753                 } else {
754 // NormalURL
755                         $urlq = serverVar('QUERY_STRING');
756                         $urlq = str_replace('?', '', $urlq);
757                         $urlq = explode('&', $urlq);
758                         $qCnt = count($urlq);
759                         for ($i=0; $i<$qCnt; $i++) {
760                                 $tempq = explode('=', $urlq[$i]);
761                                 if ($tempq[0] == $q) {
762                                         $str = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9-~+_.#;,:@%]|i', '', $tempq[1]);
763                                         return $str;
764                                 }
765                         }
766                 }
767                 return FALSE;
768         }
770         function splitRequestTags($q)
771         {
772 // extract TAGs to array
773                 if (!strpos($q, '+') && !strpos($q, ':')) {
774                         $res['and'][0] = $q;
775                         return $res;
776                 }
777                 $res     = array(
778                                                  'and' => array(),
779                                                  'or'  => array(),
780                                                 );
781                 $tempAnd = explode('+', $q);
782                 $andCnt  = count($tempAnd);
783                 for ($i=0; $i < $andCnt; $i++) {
784                         $temp         = explode(':', $tempAnd[$i]);
785                         $res['and'][] = array_shift($temp);
786                         if ($temp != array()) {
787                                 $res['or'] = array_merge($res['or'], $temp);
788                         }
789                 }
790                 return $res;
791         }
793         function doIf($key, $value)
794         {
795                 if ($key != 'tag') {
796                         return false;
797                 }
798                 $reqTags = $this->getNoDecodeQuery('tag');
799                 if (!empty($reqTags)) {
800                         $reqTagsArr = $this->splitRequestTags($reqTags);
801                         $reqAND     = array_map(array(&$this, "_rawdecode"), $reqTagsArr['and']);
802                         if ($requestTarray['or']) {
803                                 $reqOR = array_map(array(&$this, "_rawdecode"), $reqTagsArr['or']);
804                         }
805                 } else {
806                         return false;
807                 }
808                 if (empty($value)) {
809                         return true;
810                 } else {
811                         $tagsArray = ($reqOR) ? array_merge($reqAND, $reqOR) : $reqAND;
812                         return in_array($value, $tagsArray);
813                 }
814         }
816         function doSkinVar($skinType, $type='list20/1/0/1/4')
817         {
818                 // type[0]: type ( + amount (int))
819                 // type[1]: $narrowMode (0/1/2)
820                 // type[2]: sortMode (1/2/3/4)
821                 // type[3]: Minimum font-sizem(em) 0.5/1/1.5/2...
822                 // type[4]: Maximum font-sizem(em)
823 // default
824                 if (empty($type)) {
825                         $type = 'list20/2/1/1/4';
826                 }
827                 $type = explode('/', $type);
828                 if (eregi('list', $type[0])) {
829                         $amount  = eregi_replace("list", "", $type[0]);
830                         $type[0] = 'list';
831 // keywords="TAG"
832                 } elseif (eregi('meta', $type[0])) {
833                         $amount  = eregi_replace("meta", "", $type[0]);
834                         $type[0] = 'meta';
835                 }
836 // default amount
837                 $amount = (!empty($amount)) ?  intval($amount):  99999999;
839                 $defaultType = array('list', '1', '0', '1', '4');
840                 $type        = $type + $defaultType;
841                 $requestT = $this->getNoDecodeQuery('tag');
842                 if (!empty($requestT)) {
843                         $requestTarray = $this->splitRequestTags($requestT);
844                         $reqAND        = array_map(array(&$this, "_rawdecode"), $requestTarray['and']);
845                         if ($requestTarray['or']) {
846                                 $reqOR = array_map(array(&$this, "_rawdecode"), $requestTarray['or']);
847                         }
848                 }
849                 switch($type[0]){ 
851                         case 'tag':
852                                 if ($requestTarray) {
853                                         $reqAndLink = array();
854                                         foreach ($reqAND as $val) {
855                                                 $reqAndLink[] = '<a href="'
856                                                                           . $this->creatTagLink($val)
857                                                                           . '" title="' . $val . '">'
858                                                                           . $val . '</a>';
859                                         }
860                                         $reqANDp = implode('" + "', $reqAndLink);
861                                         if ($reqOR) {
862                                                 $reqOrLink = array();
863                                                 foreach ($reqOR as $val) {
864                                                         $reqOrLink[] = '<a href="'
865                                                                                  . $this->creatTagLink($val)
866                                                                                  . '" title="' . $val . '">'
867                                                                                  . $val . '</a>';
868                                                 }
869                                                 $reqORp = '"</u> or <u>"'
870                                                                 . implode('"</u> or <u>"', $reqOrLink);
871                                         }
872                                         echo '<h1> Tag for <u>"' . $reqANDp . $reqORp . '"</u></h1>';
873                                 }
874                                 break;
876 // meta keywords="TAG"
877 // and AWS keywords
878                         case 'meta':
879                                 global $manager, $itemid;
880                                 $itemid = intval($itemid);
881                                 if ($type[3] != 'ad') {
882                                         echo '<meta name="keywords" content="';
883                                         $sep = ' ';
884                                 } elseif ($type[3] == 'ad') {
885                                         $sep = ' ';
886                                 }
887                                 if ($skinType == 'item') {
888                                         $q   = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE inum = %d';
889                                         $res = sql_query(sprintf($q, _TAGEX_TABLE, $itemid));
890                                         while ($o = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
891                                                 $temp_tags_array = preg_split("/[\n,]+/", trim($o->itags));
892                                                 $temp_tags_count = count($temp_tags_array);
893                                                 for ($i=0; $i < $temp_tags_count; $i++) {
894                                                         $tag         = trim($temp_tags_array[$i]);
895                                                         $taglist[$i] = htmlspecialchars($tag, ENT_QUOTES, _CHARSET);
896                                                 }
897                                         }
898                                         if ($taglist)
899                                                 echo implode(' ', $taglist);
900                                 } else {
901                                         if ($tags = $this->scanExistTags(intval($type[1]), $amount, intval($type[2]))) {
902                                                 $eachTag = array();
903                                                 $t       = 0;
904                                                 foreach ($tags as $tag => $inums) {
905                                                         $eachTag[$t] = htmlspecialchars($tag, ENT_QUOTES, _CHARSET);
906                                                         $t++;
907                                                 }
908                                                 if ($type[3] != 'ad') {
909                                                         echo implode($sep, $eachTag);
910                                                 } elseif ($type[3] == 'ad') {
911                                                         $tag_str = implode($sep, $eachTag);
912                                                 }
913                                         }
914                                 }
915                                 if ($type[3] != 'ad') {
916                                         echo '" />';
917                                 } elseif ($type[3] == 'ad') {
918 //                                      $tag_str = mb_convert_encoding($tag_str, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8');
919                                         $tag_str = urlencode($tag_str);
920                                         echo $tag_str;
921                                 }
922                                 break;
923 // TAG list(tag cloud)
924                         case 'list':
925                                 $template['and']               = $this->getOption('and');
926                                 $template['or']                = $this->getOption('or');
927                                 $template['tagIndex']          = $this->getOption('tagIndex');
928                                 $template['tagItemHeader']     = $this->getOption('tagItemHeader');
929                                 $template['tagItem']           = $this->getOption('tagItem');
930                                 $template['tagItemSeparator']  = $this->getOption('tagItemSeparator');
931                                 $template['tagItemFooter']     = $this->getOption('tagItemFooter');
932                                 $template['tagIndexSeparator'] = $this->getOption('tagIndexSeparator');
933                                 if ($tags = $this->scanExistTags($type[1])) {
934                                         if ($type[3] != $type[4]) {
935                                                 $minFontSize               = min((float)$type[3], (float)$type[4]) - 0.5;
936                                                 $maxFontSize               = max((float)$type[3], (float)$type[4]);
937                                                 $levelsum                  = ($maxFontSize - $minFontSize) / 0.5;
938                                                 list($maxCount, $minCount) = $this->scanCount($tags);
939                                                 $eachCount                 = ceil(($maxCount - $minCount) / $levelsum);
940                                         }
941                                         $select = array();
942                                         if ($reqAND) {
943                                                 $req = ($reqOR) ? array_merge($reqAND, $reqOR) : $reqAND;
944                                                 foreach ($req as $tag) {
945                                                         if (array_key_exists($tag, $tags)) {
946                                                                 $select   = array_merge($select, $tags[$tag]);
947                                                                 $selected = array_unique($select);
948                                                         }
949                                                 }
950                                         }
951                                         foreach ($tags as $tag => $inums) {
952                                                 if ($selected) {
953                                                         if (!in_array($tag, $req)) {
954 // shiborikomi
955 //                                                      if (!in_array($tag, $req) && !array_diff($tags[$tag], $selected)) {
956                                                                 $tagCount[$tag] = count($inums);
957                                                         }
958                                                 } else {
959                                                         $tagCount[$tag] = count($inums);
960                                                 }
961                                         }
962                                         if ($tagCount) {
963                                                 arsort($tagCount);
964                                                 foreach ($tagCount as $k => $v) {
965                                                         $r[$k] = $tags[$k];
966                                                 }
967                                                 unset($tags);
968                                                 if (count($r) > $amount) {
969                                                         $r = array_slice($r, 0, $amount);
970                                                 }
971                                                 $tags = array();
972                                                 if (count($r) == 1) {
973                                                         $tags = $r;
974                                                 } else {
975                                                         $tags = $this->sortTags($r, intval($type[2]));
976                                                 }
977                                         } else {
978                                                 echo 'No Tags';
979                                                 return;
980                                         }
981                                         $eachTag = array();
982                                         $t       = 0;
983                                         foreach ($tags as $tag => $inums) {
984                                                 $tagitems  = array();
985                                                 $tagAmount = count($inums);
986                                                 if ($eachCount) {
987                                                         $fontlevel = ceil($tagAmount / $eachCount) * 0.5 + $minFontSize;
988                                                 } else {
989                                                         $fontlevel = 1;
990                                                 }
992 /// Item's name had TAGs 
993                                                 $iids = array_slice($inums, 0, 4);
994                                                 sort($iids);
995                                                 $qQuery  = ' SELECT '
996                                                                  . '   SUBSTRING(ititle, 1, 12) as short_title'
997                                                                  . ' FROM '
998                                                                  .     sql_table('item')
999                                                                  . ' WHERE '
1000                                                                  . '   inumber in (' . implode(',', $iids) . ') '
1001                                                                  . 'ORDER BY '
1002                                                                  . '   inumber';
1003                                                 $sTitles = sql_query($qQuery);
1004                                                 $i       = 0;
1005                                                 while ($sTitle = mysql_fetch_assoc($sTitles)) {
1006                                                         $shortTitle = mb_convert_encoding($sTitle['short_title'], _CHARSET, _CHARSET);
1007                                                         $shortTitle = htmlspecialchars($shortTitle, ENT_QUOTES, _CHARSET);
1008                                                         $printData['tagItem']
1009                                                                                 = array(
1010                                                                                                 'itemid'    => intval($iids[$i]),
1011                                                                                                 'itemtitle' => $shortTitle . '..',
1012                                                                                            );
1013                                                         $i++;
1014                                                         $tagitems[] = TEMPLATE::fill($template['tagItem'], $printData['tagItem']);
1015                                                 }
1016                                                 $tagitem = implode($template['tagItemSeparator'], $tagitems) . '...etc.';
1018 // Generate URL link to TAGs
1019                                                 $and = $or = '';
1020 /*********************
1021  * comment out this line when nodisplay selected TAGs */
1022 //                                              $req = ($reqOR) ? array_merge($reqAND, $reqOR) : $reqAND;
1023 /*********************/
1024                                                 if ($req && !in_array($tag, $req)) {
1025                                                         $printData['and'] = array(
1026                                                                 'andurl' => $this->creatTagLink($tag, $type[1], $requestT, '+') //AND link
1027                                                                                                          );
1028                                                         $printData['or']  = array(
1029                                                                 'orurl'  => $this->creatTagLink($tag, $type[1], $requestT, ':') //OR link
1030                                                                                                          );
1031                                                         $and = TEMPLATE::fill($template['and'], $printData['and']);     // insert URL to template
1032                                                         $or  = TEMPLATE::fill($template['or'], $printData['or']);
1033                                                 }
1035 // insert data to template
1036                                                 $printData['tagIndex'] = array(
1037                                                         'and'        => $and,
1038                                                         'or'         => $or,
1039                                                         'tag'        => htmlspecialchars($tag, ENT_QUOTES, _CHARSET),
1040                                                         'tagamount'  => $tagAmount,
1041                                                         'fontlevel'  => $fontlevel,
1042                                                         'taglinkurl' => $this->creatTagLink($tag, intval($type[1])),
1043                                                         'tagitems'   => $tagitem
1044                                                                                                           );
1045                                                 $eachTag[$t]  = TEMPLATE::fill($template['tagIndex'], $printData['tagIndex']);
1047 // format outputdata and data output
1048                                                 $eachTag[$t] .= $template['tagItemHeader'];
1049                                                 if (!ereg('<%tagitems%>', $template['tagIndex'])) {//<%
1050                                                         $eachTag[$t] .= $tagitem;
1051                                                 }
1052                                                 $eachTag[$t] .= $template['tagItemFooter'];
1053                                                 $t++;
1054                                         }
1055                                         echo implode($template['tagIndexSeparator'], $eachTag);
1056                                 }
1057                                 break;
1059 // show selected TAGs for <title></title>
1060                         case 'title':
1061                                 if ($reqAND) {
1062                                         $req  = ($reqOR) ? array_merge($reqAND, $reqOR) : $reqAND;
1063                                         $data = htmlspecialchars(implode('|', $req), ENT_QUOTES, _CHARSET);
1064                                         echo ' : Selected Tag(s) &raquo; "' . $data . '"';
1065                                 }
1066                                 break;
1067                         default:
1068                                 break;
1069                 }
1070 // end of switch(type)
1071         }
1073         function doTemplateVar(&$item, $type = '')
1074         {
1075 // <highlight selected TAGs mod by shizuki>
1076                 $requestT = $this->getNoDecodeQuery('tag');
1077                 if (!empty($requestT)) {
1078                         $requestTarray = $this->splitRequestTags($requestT);
1079                         $reqAND        = array_map(array(&$this, "_rawdecode"), $requestTarray['and']);
1080                         if($requestTarray['or']) {
1081                                 $reqOR = array_map(array(&$this, "_rawdecode"), $requestTarray['or']);
1082                         }
1083                         $words = ($reqOR)? array_merge($reqAND, $reqOR): $reqAND;
1084                 } else {
1085                         $words = array();
1086                 }
1087                 $iid = intval($item->itemid);
1088                 $q   = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE inum = %d';
1089                 $res = sql_query(sprintf($q, _TAGEX_TABLE, $iid));
1090                 while ($o = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
1091                         $temp_tags_array = preg_split("/[\n,]+/", trim($o->itags));
1092                         $temp_tags_count = count($temp_tags_array);
1093                         for ($i=0; $i < $temp_tags_count; $i++) {
1094                                 $tag     = trim($temp_tags_array[$i]);
1095                                 $taglink = $this->creatTagLink($tag, 0);
1096 // highlight selected TAGs
1097                                 $key     = array_search($tag, $words);
1098                                 if ($key >= 10) {
1099                                         $key = $key - 10;
1100                                 }
1101                                 if (in_array($tag, $words)) {
1102                                         $taglist[$i] = '<a href="'
1103                                                                  . $this->creatTagLink($tag, 0)
1104                                                                  . '" class="highlight_0" rel="tag">'
1105                                                                  . htmlspecialchars($tag, ENT_QUOTES, _CHARSET) . '</a>';
1106                                 } else {
1107                                         $taglist[$i] = '<a href="'
1108                                                                  . $this->creatTagLink($tag, 0)
1109                                                                  . '" rel="tag">'
1110                                                                  . htmlspecialchars($tag, ENT_QUOTES, _CHARSET) . '</a>';
1111                                 }
1112                         }
1113                 }
1114                 if ($taglist) {
1115 //                      echo 'Tag: ' . implode(' / ', $taglist);
1116                         echo implode(' / ', $taglist);
1117                 }
1118         }
1120         function _rawencode($str)
1121         {
1123                 if (_CHERSET != 'UTF-8') {
1124                         $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, "UTF-8", _CHARSET);
1125                 }
1126                 $str = rawurlencode($str);
1127                 $str = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9-~+_.?#=&;,/:@%]|i', '', $str);
1128                 return $str;
1129         }
1131         function _rawdecode($str)
1132         {
1133                 $str = rawurldecode($str);
1134                 if (_CHERSET != 'UTF-8') {
1135                         $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, _CHARSET, "UTF-8");
1136                 }
1137                 $str = htmlspecialchars($str);
1138                 return $str;
1139         }
1141         function getChildren($subcat_id)
1142         {
1143                 $subcat_id = intval($subcat_id);
1144                 $que       = 'SELECT'
1145                                    . ' scatid,'
1146                                    . ' parentid,'
1147                                    . ' sname '
1148                                    . 'FROM'
1149                                    . ' %s '
1150                                    . 'WHERE'
1151                                    . ' parentid = %d';
1152                 $mcatTable = sql_table('plug_multiple_categories_sub');
1153                 $que       = sprintf($que, $mcatTable, $subcat_id);
1154                 $res       = sql_query($que);
1155                 while ($so =  mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
1156                         $r .= $this->getChildren($so->scatid)
1157                                 . '/'
1158                                 . $so->scatid;
1159                 }
1160                 return $r;
1161         }
1163         function creatTagLink($tag, $narrowMode = 0, $ready = '', $sep = '')
1164         {
1165                 global $manager, $CONF, $blogid, $catid;        //, $subcatid;
1166                 $linkparams = array();
1167                 if (is_numeric($blogid)) {
1168                         $blogid = intval($blogid);
1169                 } else {
1170                         $blogid = intval(getBlogIDFromName($blogid));
1171                 }
1172                 if (!$blogid) {
1173                         $blogid = $CONF['DefaultBlog'];
1174                 }
1175                 $b =& $manager->getBlog($blogid);
1176                 if ($narrowMode == 2) {
1177                         if ($catid) {
1178                                 $linkparams['catid'] = intval($catid);
1179                         }
1180                         if ($manager->pluginInstalled('NP_MultipleCategories')) {
1181                                 $mcategories =& $manager->getPlugin('NP_MultipleCategories');
1182                                 if (method_exists($mcategories, 'getRequestName')) {
1183                                         $subrequest = $mcategories->getRequestName();
1184                                 } else {
1185                                         $subrequest = 'subcatid';
1186                                 }
1187                                 $mcategories->event_PreSkinParse(array());
1188                                 global $subcatid;
1189                                 if ($subcatid) {
1190                                         $linkparams[$subrequest] = intval($subcatid);
1191                                 }
1192                         }
1193                 }
1195                 if (!empty($ready)) {
1196                         $requestTagsArray = $this->splitRequestTags($ready);
1197                         foreach ($requestTagsArray['and'] as $key => $val) {
1198                                 if (!$this->_isValidTag($val)) {
1199                                         $trush = array_splice($requestTagsArray['and'], $key, 1);
1200                                 }
1201                         }
1202                         $reqAnd = implode('+', $requestTagsArray['and']);
1203                         if (!empty($requestTagsArray['or'])) {
1204                                 foreach ($requestTagsArray['or'] as $key => $val) {
1205                                         if (!$this->_isValidTag($val)) {
1206                                                 $trush = array_splice($requestTagsArray['and'], $key, 1);
1207                                         }
1208                                 }
1209                                 $reqOr = ':' . implode(':', $requestTagsArray['or']);
1210                         }
1211                         $ready = $reqAnd . $reqOr;
1212                 }
1214                 if (!$ready) {
1215                         $sep = '';
1216                 }
1217 //      <mod by shizuki>
1218 /*// <Original URL Generate code>
1219 //              if ($CONF['URLMode'] == 'pathinfo')
1220 //                      $link = $CONF['IndexURL'] . '/tag/' . $ready . $sep . $this->_rawencode($tag);
1221 //              else
1222 //                      $link = $CONF['IndexURL'] . '?tag=' . $ready . $sep . $this->_rawencode($tag);
1223                 $link = $b->getURL();
1224                 if (substr($link, -1) != '/') {
1225                         if (substr($link, -4) != '.php') {
1226                                 $link .= '/';
1227                         }
1228                 }
1229                 if ($CONF['URLMode'] == 'pathinfo') {
1230                         $link .=  'tag/' . $ready . $sep . $this->_rawencode($tag);
1231                 } else {
1232                         $link .= '?tag=' . $ready . $sep . $this->_rawencode($tag);
1233                 }
1234 //  </ Original URL Generate code> */
1236 /*// <test code>
1237         $CONF['BlogURL']   = $b->getURL();
1238                 $linkparams['tag'] = $ready . $sep . $this->_rawencode($tag);
1239                 $uri               = createBlogidLink($blogid, $linkparams);
1240                 if (strstr ($uri, '//')) {
1241                         $uri = preg_replace("/([^:])\/\//", "$1/", $uri);
1242                 }
1243                 return $uri;
1244 // </test code>*/
1246 // </mod by shizuki>*/
1248 //      <mod by shizuki>
1249 //              if ($manager->pluginInstalled('NP_CustomURL')) {
1250                         $linkparams['tag'] = $ready . $sep . $this->_rawencode($tag);
1251                         $uri               = createBlogidLink($blogid, $linkparams);
1252                         if (strstr ($uri, '//')) {
1253                                 $uri = preg_replace("/([^:])\/\//", "$1/", $uri);
1254                         }
1255                         return $uri;
1256 /*              } elseif ($manager->pluginInstalled('NP_MagicalURL2') || $manager->pluginInstalled('NP_Magical')) {
1257                         $uri = createBlogidLink($blogid, $linkparams);
1258                         if (strstr ($uri, '//')) {
1259                                 $uri = preg_replace("/([^:])\/\//", "$1/", $uri);
1260                         }
1261                         $uri = substr($uri, 0, -5) . '_tag' . $ready . $sep . $this->_rawencode($tag);
1262                         return $uri;
1263                 }
1264 // </mod by shizuki>*/
1266 //              return addLinkParams($link, $linkparams);
1267         }
1269 /**
1270  * function Tag valid
1271  * add by shizuki
1272  */
1273         function _isValidTag($encodedTag)
1274         {
1275                 $encodedTag = rawurldecode($encodedTag);
1276                 if (_CHERSET != 'UTF-8') {
1277                         $str = mb_convert_encoding($encodedTag, _CHARSET, "UTF-8");
1278                 }
1279                 $str  = $this->quote_smart($str);
1280                 $q    = 'SELECT listid as result FROM %s WHERE tag = %s';
1281                 $Vali = quickQuery(sprintf($q, _TAGEX_KLIST_TABLE, $str));
1282                 if (!empty($Vali)) {
1283                         return TRUE;
1284                 } else {
1285                         return FALSE;
1286                 }
1287         }
1289 }