OSDN Git Service

2013-11-29 K.Ohta[SCHEMATIC] Modify SW/MW/LW Preamp, insert galbanic...
2013-11-25 K.Ohta[TYPO] Fix define of EXAMP for FM.
2013-11-21 K.Ohta[Schematic] Insert footpattern of R,C on page1.
2013-11-21 K.Ohta[Schematic][PREAMP] Change 2SC3110 to 2SK241 for MW...
2013-11-21 K.Ohta[Schematic][v2.0] Add FM-ANT-BUFFER (p.12).
2013-11-18 K.Ohta[Schematic] Add another type: Using plain AKC6955.
2013-11-14 K.Ohta[SHELL] Improve STAT display.
2013-11-14 K.Ohta[SHELL] Refine help command.
2013-11-14 K.Ohta[USART] Add RTS/CTS function (with FT232RL). XON/XOFF...
2013-11-14 K.Ohta[UART] Load via S-Record is okay. Setting is 57600bps...
2013-11-11 K.Ohta[WIP][v2.0] Loading from Srecord.
2013-11-11 K.Ohta[v2.0][MISC] Add sample of udev-rule for USB serial.
2013-11-11 K.Ohta[UART][SHELL] Maybe work correct:HELP FREQ
2013-11-09 K.Ohta[UART][SHELL] Fix correct timeout, 10Sec(temp).
2013-11-09 K.Ohta[SHELL] POFF: Accept 'Y'.
2013-11-09 K.Ohta[Schematic][v2.0] Add pullup for RX, issue of unconnect...
2013-11-09 K.Ohta[UART][v2.0] Enable to shell.Work temporally.
2013-11-08 K.Ohta[SRECORD] Add reference URL of S RECORD (but written...
2013-11-08 K.Ohta[SRECORD] Change footer "S9" to "S8". Address expressio...
2013-11-08 K.Ohta[BUILD] Zap compiler warinigs.
2013-11-08 K.Ohta[v2.0][SHELL][SRECORD] Invert checksum before check.
2013-11-07 K.Ohta[v2.0][SHELL][UART] Start to support UART shell.
2013-11-07 K.Ohta[Build] Add some sourcefiles.
2013-11-07 K.Ohta[DOC] Update v2.0 Docs to v1.0 Release version.
2013-10-31 K.Ohta[UART][TERM] Add reserved string.
2013-10-31 K.Ohta[v2.0] Start to add UART terminal.
2013-10-30 K.Ohta[UI][RENCODER] Use RB6 for ICSP/Rotary encoder.
2013-10-24 K.Ohta[UI][v2.0] Add rotary-encoder feature to USER FREQ...
2013-10-24 K.Ohta[Schematic] *IMPORTANT* MCU was replaced to PIC18F46K20...
2013-10-24 K.Ohta[Schmatic] Add library : PIC18F46K20 (40P DIP).
2013-10-24 K.Ohta[v2.0][RENC] Try to reject click-noise, may be correct ;_;
2013-10-24 K.Ohta[v2.0] Build with PIC18F46K20(64K), as of capacity...
2013-10-24 K.Ohta[Schematic][Libs] Update EC12E2420801.
2013-10-23 K.Ohta[v2.0][Schematic] Add rotary encoder for v2.0.
2013-10-21 K.Ohta[UI] Work Rotaly encoder collectly. For ICSP, PGM was...
2013-10-20 K.Ohta[IO][v2.0] Remove unnecessary TMR3.
2013-10-20 K.Ohta[LCD] Fix click-noise of LCD=ON.
2013-10-20 K.Ohta[UI][v2.0] Add support of roltaly-enbcoder.
2013-10-20 K.Ohta[UI][v2.0] Configurable update-time.Backport from v1.0.
2013-10-10 K.Ohta[POWER][v2.0] Fix right shutdown sequence.
2013-10-10 K.Ohta[Build] Build with XC8 v1.21.
2013-10-10 K.Ohta[ADC][v2.0] Fix correct ADC value.
2013-10-03 K.Ohta[ADC][Battery] Fix stability, but still not collect.
2013-10-02 K.Ohta[Disp][v2.0][ADC] Insert idle_time_ms(1) to polling...
2013-10-01 K.Ohta[ADC] Measure battery with MCU's FIXED-VOLTAGE-REFERENC...
2013-10-01 K.Ohta[UI][DISP] Save unneeded idle().
2013-10-01 K.Ohta[UI][LCD][DISP] Save _LOCATE() calling and change _LOCA...
2013-09-27 K.Ohta[UI][HELP] Update help of setup.
2013-09-27 K.Ohta[EEPROM][V2.0] DO NOT CLEAR USERBAND on initializing.
2013-09-27 K.Ohta[UI][TUNE] Set correct MODE_3K.
2013-09-27 K.Ohta[AKC6955] Compress code-size.
2013-09-27 K.Ohta[AKC6955] Remove #define type function, re-decl.functio...
2013-09-25 K.Ohta[USERBAND][v2.0] Save userbands on poweroff/save.
2013-09-24 K.Ohta[UI][USERBAND][SAVE] Save userbands to external eeprom.
2013-09-24 K.Ohta[USERFERQ] Store userbands to external EEPROM.
2013-09-24 K.Ohta[LCD] Change LCD display primitives #define to function...
2013-09-24 K.Ohta[v2.0] Port to fm-tune-pitch from v1.0.
2013-09-24 K.Ohta[UI][UPDOWN][V2.0] Fix previos bug of v1.0, same as...
2013-09-11 K.Ohta[UI][Help][v2.0] Add version string and copyright.
2013-09-11 K.Ohta[UI][LCD] Fix flicking LCD display.
2013-09-11 K.Ohta[UI][MENU] Change "'5'->'9'" to reload.
2013-09-06 K.Ohta[v2.0] Update gitlog.
2013-09-06 K.Ohta[Schematic][v1.0][MCU] Fix oops on LCD-CONNECTOR.
2013-09-06 K.Ohta[v2.0][Schematic] Change coil T80-#2 to T80-#4, backpor...
2013-09-06 K.Ohta[Schematic][v2.0] Add common-mode transformer to input...
2013-09-05 K.Ohta[UI][Scan][Backport] Check powerbutton in scanning.
2013-09-05 K.Ohta[v2.0][BACKPORT] Backport from v1.0, fix up/down and...
2013-09-04 K.Ohta[Schematic][v2.0] For v2.00. Some of circuit is changed...
2013-08-31 K.Ohta[LCD] Use LCD_I2CADDR in lcd_acm1602.h.
2013-08-31 K.Ohta[I2C][EEPROM] Set I2CEEPROM_ADDR in i2c_eeprom.h as...
2013-08-31 K.Ohta[ADC] Poll ADC with idle_time_ms().
2013-08-31 K.Ohta[Menu] Remove tedious function calls.
2013-08-31 K.Ohta[EEPROM] Remove tedious part in check_eeprom().
2013-08-31 K.Ohta[UI][MENU] Improve power-save on Volume/CALL-USER-CH...
2013-08-31 K.Ohta[Backlight] Split I/O routine related backlight to...
2013-08-26 K.Ohta[Schematic] Add External EEPROM;24LC64.
2013-08-26 K.Ohta[BUG][I2C_ROM] Fix unsave on i2c_eeprom_burst_write().
2013-08-26 K.Ohta[UI][MEMORY] Change "5" To call current channel, older...
2013-08-26 K.Ohta[DOC][UI] Update User ch manual for v2.0(Unstable yet).
2013-08-26 K.Ohta[I2C_ROM] Block Write/Block Read even unaligned address...
2013-08-26 K.Ohta[UI][USER_CH] Add slow-middle-fast changeing CHs.
2013-08-26 K.Ohta[I2CEEPROM] Byte read/write is okay, but blockread...
2013-08-25 K.Ohta[MEMORY][I2CROM] Add I2C ROM, 24LC64, I2C Address ...
2013-08-24 K.Ohta[Doc] Merge from stable_v1.0.
2013-08-22 K.Ohta[Document] Add forgotten UI Manual X-)
2013-08-22 K.Ohta[Document] Update 00_gitlog.txt.
2013-08-22 K.Ohta[Document] Release to v1.0beta2.
2013-08-22 K.Ohta[UI] Fix same keyin feeling.
2013-08-22 K.Ohta[Disp] Add mini-help on Up-Down Freq memory.
2013-08-22 K.Ohta[AKC6955][Scan] Fix correct sequence bots SDCC v3.3...
2013-08-22 K.Ohta[General] Split I/O Define header, iodef.h to iodef_*.h.
2013-08-14 K.Ohta[Schematic] Fix un-commited part.
2013-08-13 K.Ohta[Doc] GITLOG to v1.0beta1.1.
2013-08-13 K.Ohta[Doc] Release v1.0beta1.1.
2013-08-13 K.Ohta[General] Change user bands are 3+3(FM+AM), user freq...
2013-08-13 K.Ohta[General] Change gitlog.txt
2013-08-13 K.Ohta[UI] Add UpDOwn on calling user-frequency (22chs or...
2013-08-13 K.Ohta[UI][Func] ADD User-memory frequency, feature v1.0...
2013-08-13 K.Ohta[Power] Improve more efficient power.
2013-07-29 K.Ohta[UI] Fix not memory when changing frequency.