OSDN Git Service

[rapideact/rapideact.git] / com / rapide_act / CmnProperty.java
1 package com.rapide_act;
3 import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
4 import java.io.BufferedReader;
5 import java.io.BufferedWriter;
6 import java.io.FileInputStream;
7 import java.io.InputStream;
8 import java.io.InputStreamReader;
9 import java.io.IOException;
10 import java.io.File;
11 import java.io.FileReader;
12 import java.io.FileWriter;
13 import java.io.PrintWriter;
14 import java.io.PrintWriter;
15 import java.util.Date;
16 import java.util.ArrayList;
17 import java.util.Iterator;
18 import java.util.Properties;
19 import java.sql.Blob;
20 import java.sql.Clob;
21 import java.sql.Connection;
22 import java.sql.DriverManager;
23 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
24 import java.sql.ResultSet;
25 import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
26 import java.sql.SQLException;
27 import java.sql.Timestamp;
28 import java.math.BigDecimal;
30 public class CmnProperty{
31         protected String database = null;
32         protected static final int DB_TYPE_ORACLE = 0;
33         protected static final int DB_TYPE_SQLSERVER = 1;
34         protected static final int DB_TYPE_MYSQL = 2;
35         protected static final int DB_TYPE_DB2 = 3;
36         protected static final int DB_TYPE_POSTGRESQL = 4;
37         protected static final int DB_TYPE_HIRDB = 5;
38         protected static final int DB_TYPE_UNKNOWN = -1;
39         protected static final String [] DB_TYPE_NAME = {"ORACLE", "SQLSERVER", "MYSQL", "DB2", "POSTGRESQL", "HIRDB"};
40         protected static final String [] DB_SQL_QUOTED = {"\"", "\"", "`", "\"", "\"", "\""};
41         protected static final int MASK_PTN_ALL = 0;
42         protected static final int MASK_PTN_ALT = 1;
43         protected static final int MASK_PTN_EDGE = 2;
44         protected static final int D_USER = 0;
45         protected static final int D_PASS = 1;
46         protected static final int D_URL = 2;
47         protected static final int D_DRIVER = 3;
48         protected static final int D_OUTPUT = 4;
49         protected static final int D_INPUT = 5;
50         protected static final int D_LINESEP = 6;
51         protected static final int D_INLINESEP = 7;
52         protected static final int D_FILENCODE = 8;
53         protected static final int D_NULLMARK = 9;
54         protected static final int D_DELIMITER = 10;
55         protected static final int D_TBLSQL = 11;
56         protected static final int D_TBLKEYSQL = 12;
57         protected static final int D_ORDER = 13;
58         protected static final int D_QUOTATION = 14;
59         protected static final int D_BATCOUNT = 15;
60         protected static final int D_INCLTAB = 16;
61         protected static final int D_EXCLTAB = 17;
62         protected static final int D_INCLCOL = 18;
63         protected static final int D_EXCLCOL = 19;
64         protected static final int D_INCLCOLMASK = 20;
65         protected static final int D_EXCLCOLMASK = 21;
66         protected static final int D_SBYTEMASKCHR = 22;
67         protected static final int D_DBYTEMASKCHR = 23;
68         protected static final int D_MASKPTN = 24;
69         protected static final int D_PROPFILE = 25;
70         protected static final int D_SPCPADDING = 26;
71         protected static final int D_FILEEXT = 27;
72         protected static final int D_SQLQUOTED = 28;
73         protected static final int D_PHYSICAL = 29;
74         protected static final int D_DROP = 30;
75         protected static final int KEYS = 31;
76         protected static final String [] PROP_KEY = { "us","pw","url","dr","out","in","ls","ils","fe","nm",
77                                                                                                   "dm","ts","tks","od","qt","bc","it","et","ic","ec",
78                                                                                                   "icm","ecm","smc","dmc","mp","pf","sp","ext","sq", "ph", "dp"};
80         protected String [] prop_val = new String[KEYS];
81         protected static final String [] MASK_PTN = {"ALL", "ALT", "EDGE"};
82         protected static final String DEFAULT_IN_FOLDER = "input";
83         protected static final String DEFAULT_OUT_FOLDER = "output";
84         protected static final String DEFAULT_PROP_FILE = "RapideAct.properties";
86         protected static final int CREATE_TABLE = 0;
87         protected static final int DROP_TABLE = 1;
88         protected static final int TRUNCATE_TABLE = 2;
89         protected static final int CREATE_PKEY = 3;
90         protected static final int DROP_PKEY = 4;
91         protected static final int CREATE_UKEY = 5;
92         protected static final int DROP_UKEY = 6;
93         protected static final int CREATE_INDEX = 7;
94         protected static final int DROP_INDEX = 8;
95         protected static final int CREATE_VIEW = 9;
96         protected static final int DROP_VIEW = 10;
97         protected static final int CREATE_PROCEDURE = 11;
98         protected static final int DROP_PROCEDURE = 12;
99         protected static final int CREATE_SYNONYM = 13;
100         protected static final int DROP_SYNONYM = 14;
101         protected static final int CREATE_SEQUENCE = 15;
102         protected static final int DROP_SEQUENCE = 16;
103         protected static final int CREATE_FK = 17;
104         protected static final int DROP_FK = 18;
106         protected static final String [] SQL_FILE_NAME = {
107                 "createTable.sql",
108                 "dropTable.sql",
109                 "truncateTable.sql",
110                 "createPrimaryKey.sql",
111                 "dropPrimaryKey.sql",
112                 "createUniqueKey.sql",
113                 "dropUniqueKey.sql",
114                 "createIndex.sql",
115                 "dropIndex.sql",
116                 "createView.sql",
117                 "dropView.sql",
118                 "createProcedure.sql",
119                 "dropProcedure.sql",
120                 "createSynonym.sql",
121                 "dropSynonym.sql",
122                 "createSequence.sql",
123                 "dropSequence.sql",
124                 "createFk.sql",
125                 "dropFk.sql"
126         };
128         protected static final String [] T_SQL_ARRAY = {
129                 "select "
130                 + " table_name "
131                 + " from user_tables "
132                 + " order by table_name",
133                 "select "
134                 + " name as table_name "
135                 + " from sys.tables "
136                 + " order by name",
137                 "select "
138                 + " table_name "
139                 + " from information_schema.tables "
140                 + " where table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and table_schema = database() "
141                 + " order by table_name",
142                 "select "
143                 + " tabname "
144                 + " from syscat.tables "
145                 + " where tabschema = current_schema and ownertype = 'U' and type = 'T' "
146                 + " order by tabname",
147                 "select "
148                 + " table_name "
149                 + " from information_schema.tables "
150                 + " where table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and table_schema = current_schema() "
151                 + " order by table_name",
152                 "select "
153                 + " table_name "
154                 + " from master.sql_tables "
155                 + " where table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and table_schema=current_user "
156                 + " order by table_name"
157         };
158         protected static final String [] TK_SQL_ARRAY = {
159                 "select "
160                 + "a.table_name,"
161                 + "d.column_name "
162                 + " from user_tables a,"
163                 + " (select b.table_name, "
164                 + "   c.column_name, "
165                 + "   c.position "
166                 + "  from user_constraints b, "
167                 + "       user_cons_columns c "
168                 + "  where b.constraint_type = 'P' and "
169                 + "        b.table_name = c.table_name and "
170                 + "        b.constraint_name = c.constraint_name "
171                 + "  ) d "
172                 + "where a.table_name = d.table_name(+) "
173                 + "order by a.table_name, d.position",
174                 "select "
175                 + " a.name as table_name, "
176                 + " d.name as col_name "
177                 + "from sys.tables as a "
178                 + "left outer join sys.key_constraints as b "
179                 + "on a.object_id = b.parent_object_id "
180                 + " and b.type = 'PK' "
181                 + "left outer join sys.index_columns as c "
182                 + "on b.parent_object_id = c.object_id "
183                 + " and b.unique_index_id = c.index_id "
184                 + "left outer join sys.columns as d "
185                 + "on c.object_id = d.object_id "
186                 + " and c.column_id = d.column_id "
187                 + "order by a.name,c.key_ordinal",
188                 "select "
189                 + " a.table_name, "
190                 + " b.column_name "
191                 + " from "
192                 + " ( "
193                 + " select "
194                 + " table_schema, "
195                 + " table_name "
196                 + " from "
197                 + " information_schema.tables "
198                 + " where table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and table_schema = database()"
199                 + " ) a "
200                 + " left outer join information_schema.key_column_usage b "
201                 + " on a.table_schema = b.table_schema "
202                 + "  and a.table_name = b.table_name "
203                 + "  and b.constraint_name = 'PRIMARY' "
204                 + " order by "
205                 + "  a.table_name,b.ordinal_position",
206                 "select"
207                 + " a.tabname,"
208                 + " b.colname"
209                 + " from"
210                 + " ("
211                 + "  select"
212                 + "    tabschema,"
213                 + "    tabname "
214                 + "  from"
215                 + "    syscat.tables"
216                 + "  where"
217                 + "    tabschema = current_schema"
218                 + "    and ownertype = 'U'"
219                 + "    and type = 'T'"
220                 + "  ) a"
221                 + "  left outer join "
222                 + "  ("
223                 + "  select"
224                 + "    c.tabschema,"
225                 + "    c.tabname,"
226                 + "    c.colname,"
227                 + "    c.colseq"
228                 + "  from"
229                 + "    syscat.keycoluse c,"
230                 + "    syscat.tabconst d"
231                 + "  where"
232                 + "    c.tabschema = current_schema"
233                 + "    and c.tabschema = d.tabschema"
234                 + "    and c.constname = d.constname"
235                 + "    and d.type = 'P'"
236                 + "  group by c.tabschema,c.tabname,c.colname,c.colseq"
237                 + "  ) b "
238                 + " on a.tabschema = b.tabschema and a.tabname = b.tabname"
239                 + " order by a.tabname,b.colseq",
240                 "select "
241                 + " a.table_name, "
242                 + " b.column_name "
243                 + " from "
244                 + " ( "
245                 + " select "
246                 + " table_schema, "
247                 + " table_name "
248                 + " from "
249                 + " information_schema.tables a"
250                 + " where table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and table_schema = current_schema()"
251                 + " ) a "
252                 + " left outer join "
253                 + " ("
254                 + "     select"
255                 + "             b1.table_schema,"
256                 + "             b1.table_name,"
257                 + "             b2.column_name,"
258                 + "             b2.ordinal_position"
259                 + "     from"
260                 + "             information_schema.table_constraints b1,"
261                 + "             information_schema.key_column_usage b2"
262                 + "     where"
263                 + "         b1.table_schema = current_schema() and"
264                 + "             b1.table_catalog = current_database() and"
265                 + "             b1.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' and"
266                 + "             b1.table_catalog = b2.table_catalog and"
267                 + "             b1.table_schema = b2.table_schema and"
268                 + "             b1.table_name = b2.table_name and"
269                 + "             b1.constraint_name = b2.constraint_name"
270                 + " ) b"
271                 + " on a.table_schema = b.table_schema "
272                 + "  and a.table_name = b.table_name "
273                 + " order by "
274                 + "  a.table_name,b.ordinal_position",
275                 "select"
276                 + " a.table_name, "
277                 + " b.column_name "
278                 + "from "
279                 + "( "
280                 + "select "
281                 + " a1.table_name "
282                 + "from "
283                 + " master.sql_tables a1 "
284                 + "where "
285                 + " a1.table_schema=current_user and "
286                 + " a1.table_type='BASE TABLE' "
287                 + ") a "
288                 + "left outer join "
289                 + "( "
290                 + "select "
291                 + " c.table_name, "
292                 + " d.column_name, "
293                 + " d.column_id "
294                 + "from "
295                 + " master.sql_tables c, "
296                 + " master.sql_columns d "
297                 + "where "
298                 + " c.table_schema=current_user and "
299                 + " c.table_type='BASE TABLE' and "
300                 + " c.table_schema=d.table_schema and "
301                 + " c.table_name=d.table_name and "
302                 + " d.cluster_key = 'Y' "
303                 + "group by "
304                 + " c.table_name, "
305                 + " d.column_name, "
306                 + " d.column_id "
307                 + ") b "
308                 + "on "
309                 + " a.table_name=b.table_name "
310                 + "order by "
311                 + " a.table_name, "
312                 + " b.column_id"
313         };
315         protected String user                                   = null;
316         protected String pass                                   = null;
317         protected String url                                    = null;
318         protected String driver                                 = null;
319         protected String outFolder                              = null;
320         protected String inFolder                               = null;
321         protected String lineSeparator                  = System.getProperty("line.separator");
322         protected String inColLineSeparator     = System.getProperty("line.separator");
323         protected String fileEncoding                   = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
324         protected String nullMark                               = "";
325         protected String delimiter                              = "\t";
326         protected String fileExtension                  = "tsv";
327         protected boolean isSpcPadding                  = false;
328         protected String sqlQuoted                              = null;
329         protected String tSql                                   = null;
330         protected String tkSql                                  = null;
331         protected boolean isOrder                               = false;
332         protected boolean isQuotation                   = true;
333         protected boolean isPhysical                    = false;
334         protected boolean isDrop                                = false;
335         protected int batchCount                                = 1000;
336         protected String inclTables                     = null;
337         protected String exclTables                     = null;
338         protected String inclCols                               = null;
339         protected String exclCols                               = null;
340         protected String inclColsMask                   = null;
341         protected String exclColsMask                   = null;
342         protected char singleByteMaskChar               = '*';
343         protected char doubleByteMaskChar               = '\u25A0';
344         protected String maskPattern                    = "ALT";
346         protected String [] inclTablesArray     = null;
347         protected String [] exclTablesArray     = null;
348         protected String [] inclColsArray               = null;
349         protected String [] exclColsArray               = null;
350         protected String [] inclColsMaskArray   = null;
351         protected String [] exclColsMaskArray   = null;
352         protected boolean isInclTables                  = false;
353         protected boolean isExclTables                  = false;
354         protected boolean isInclCols                    = false;
355         protected boolean isExclCols                    = false;
356         protected boolean isMask                                = false;
357         protected boolean isInclColsMask                = false;
358         protected boolean isExclColsMask                = false;
359         protected int dbType                                    = DB_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
361         protected void getProperties(String _propFile) throws Exception{
362                 BufferedReader br = null;
363                 Properties prop = null;
364                 try {
365                         prop = new Properties();
366                         br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(CmnProperty.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(_propFile), "UTF-8"));
367                         prop.load(br);
368                         for(int i=0;i<KEYS;i++){
369                                 prop_val[i] = prop.getProperty(database + "." +PROP_KEY[i]);
370                         }
371                         br.close();
372                         br = null;
373                 } catch (NullPointerException e) {
374                                 throw new Exception("\83v\83\8d\83p\83e\83B\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ª\8c©\82Â\82©\82è\82Ü\82¹\82ñ\81B[" + _propFile +"]");
375                 } catch (IOException e) {
376                                 throw e;
377                 }
378                 finally{
379                         try {
380                                 if (br != null) {
381                                         br.close();
382                                         br = null;
383                                 }
384                         } 
385                         catch (IOException e) {
386                                 throw e;
387                         }
388                 }               
389         }
392         CmnProperty() {
393                 super();
394         }
396         protected void setProperty(String _database) throws Exception{
397                 database = _database;
398                 if(database != null){
399                         if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_PROPFILE])){
400                                 getProperties(System.getProperty(prop_val[D_PROPFILE]));
401                         } else {
402                                 getProperties(DEFAULT_PROP_FILE);
403                         }
404                 }
406                 for(int i=0;i<KEYS;i++){
407                         if(System.getProperty(PROP_KEY[i])!=null)prop_val[i] = System.getProperty(PROP_KEY[i]);
408                         CmnUtils.debugPrint(PROP_KEY[i] + "=" + prop_val[i]);
409                 }
411                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_USER]))user = prop_val[D_USER];
412                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_PASS]))pass = prop_val[D_PASS];
413                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_URL]))url = prop_val[D_URL];
414                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_DRIVER]))driver = prop_val[D_DRIVER];
415                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_OUTPUT]))outFolder = prop_val[D_OUTPUT];
416                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INPUT]))inFolder = prop_val[D_INPUT];
417                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_LINESEP]))lineSeparator = CmnUtils.getLineSeparator(prop_val[D_LINESEP]);
418                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INLINESEP]))inColLineSeparator = CmnUtils.getLineSeparator(prop_val[D_INLINESEP]);
419                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_FILENCODE]))fileEncoding = prop_val[D_FILENCODE];
420                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_NULLMARK]))nullMark = prop_val[D_NULLMARK];
421                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_DELIMITER]))delimiter = CmnUtils.getDelimiter(prop_val[D_DELIMITER]);
422                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_TBLSQL]))tSql = prop_val[D_TBLSQL];
423                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_TBLKEYSQL]))tkSql = prop_val[D_TBLKEYSQL];
424                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_ORDER]) && prop_val[D_ORDER].toUpperCase().equals("Y"))isOrder = true;
425                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_QUOTATION]) && prop_val[D_QUOTATION].toUpperCase().equals("N"))isQuotation = false;
426                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_PHYSICAL]) && prop_val[D_PHYSICAL].toUpperCase().equals("Y"))isPhysical = true;
427                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_DROP]) && prop_val[D_DROP].toUpperCase().equals("Y"))isDrop = true;
428                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_BATCOUNT]) && CmnUtils.isNumeric(prop_val[D_BATCOUNT]))batchCount = Integer.parseInt(prop_val[D_BATCOUNT]);
429                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLTAB]))isInclTables = true;
430                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLTAB]))isExclTables = true;
431                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLCOL]))isInclCols = true;
432                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLCOL]))isExclCols = true;
433                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLCOLMASK]))isInclColsMask = true;
434                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLCOLMASK]))isExclColsMask = true;
435                 if(isInclColsMask || isExclColsMask)isMask = true;
436                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLTAB]))inclTables = prop_val[D_INCLTAB].toUpperCase();
437                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLTAB]))exclTables = prop_val[D_EXCLTAB].toUpperCase();
438                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLCOL]))inclCols = prop_val[D_INCLCOL].toUpperCase();
439                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLCOL]))exclCols = prop_val[D_EXCLCOL].toUpperCase();
440                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLCOLMASK]))inclColsMask = prop_val[D_INCLCOLMASK].toUpperCase();
441                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLCOLMASK]))exclColsMask = prop_val[D_EXCLCOLMASK].toUpperCase();
442                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLTAB]))inclTablesArray = CmnUtils.splitCsv(prop_val[D_INCLTAB].toUpperCase());
443                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLTAB]))exclTablesArray = CmnUtils.splitCsv(prop_val[D_EXCLTAB].toUpperCase());
444                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLCOL]))inclColsArray = CmnUtils.splitCsv(prop_val[D_INCLCOL].toUpperCase());
445                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLCOL]))exclColsArray = CmnUtils.splitCsv(prop_val[D_EXCLCOL].toUpperCase());
446                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLCOLMASK]))inclColsMaskArray = CmnUtils.splitCsv(prop_val[D_INCLCOLMASK].toUpperCase());
447                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLCOLMASK]))exclColsMaskArray = CmnUtils.splitCsv(prop_val[D_EXCLCOLMASK].toUpperCase());
448                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_SBYTEMASKCHR]))singleByteMaskChar = prop_val[D_SBYTEMASKCHR].charAt(0);
449                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_DBYTEMASKCHR]))doubleByteMaskChar = prop_val[D_DBYTEMASKCHR].charAt(0);
450                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_MASKPTN]))maskPattern = prop_val[D_MASKPTN];
451                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_SPCPADDING]) && prop_val[D_SPCPADDING].toUpperCase().equals("Y"))isSpcPadding = true;
452                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_FILEEXT]))fileExtension = prop_val[D_FILEEXT];
454                 if(CmnUtils.isEmpty(user)){
455                         throw new Exception("us(\83\86\81[\83UID)\82ª\96¢\8ew\92è\82Å\82·\81B");
456                 } else if (CmnUtils.isEmpty(pass)){
457                         throw new Exception("pw(\83p\83X\83\8f\81[\83h)\82ª\96¢\8ew\92è\82Å\82·\81B");
458                 } else if (CmnUtils.isEmpty(url)){
459                         throw new Exception("url(\90Ú\91±\8fî\95ñ)\82ª\96¢\8ew\92è\82Å\82·\81B");
460                 } else if (CmnUtils.isEmpty(driver)){
461                         throw new Exception("dr(\83h\83\89\83C\83o)\82ª\96¢\8ew\92è\82Å\82·\81B");
462                 }
464                 for(int i = 0;i<DB_TYPE_NAME.length;i++){
465                         if (url.toUpperCase().contains(DB_TYPE_NAME[i])){
466                                 dbType = i;
467                                 break;
468                         }
469                 }
471                 if (dbType != DB_TYPE_UNKNOWN){
472                         if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_TBLSQL])){
473                                 tSql = prop_val[D_TBLSQL];
474                         } else {
475                                 tSql = T_SQL_ARRAY[dbType];
476                         }
477                         if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_TBLKEYSQL])){
478                                 tkSql = prop_val[D_TBLKEYSQL];
479                         } else {
480                                 tkSql = TK_SQL_ARRAY[dbType];
481                         }
482                         if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_SQLQUOTED])){
483                                 sqlQuoted = prop_val[D_SQLQUOTED];
484                         } else {
485                                 sqlQuoted = DB_SQL_QUOTED[dbType];
486                         }
487                 } else {
488                         throw new Exception("\83f\81[\83^\83x\81[\83X\90»\95i\82ª\8e¯\95Ê\82Å\82«\82Ü\82¹\82ñ\81B[" + url + "]");
489                 }
491                 if(database!=null)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\91Î\8fÛ\83f\81[\83^\83x\81[\83X='" + database.toUpperCase() + "'");
492                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_FILEEXT]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\8ag\92£\8eq='" + prop_val[D_FILEEXT] + "'");
493                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_DELIMITER]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\8bæ\90Ø\82è\95\8e\9a='" + prop_val[D_DELIMITER] + "'");
494                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_LINESEP]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\89ü\8ds\83R\81[\83h='" + prop_val[D_LINESEP] + "'");
495                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INLINESEP]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83J\83\89\83\80\93à\89ü\8ds\83R\81[\83h='" + prop_val[D_INLINESEP] + "'");
496                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_FILENCODE]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\95\8e\9a\83R\81[\83h='" + prop_val[D_FILENCODE] + "'");
497                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_QUOTATION]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\88ø\97p\8bå=" + CmnUtils.getYesNo(isQuotation));
498                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_SQLQUOTED]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->SQL\88ø\97p\95\84=" + "'" + sqlQuoted + "'");
499                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_ORDER]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83\\81[\83g=" + CmnUtils.getYesNo(isOrder));
500                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_BATCOUNT]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83o\83b\83`\8f\88\97\9d\90\94=" + batchCount);
501                 if(isSpcPadding)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\8bó\94\92\96\84\82ß=" + CmnUtils.getYesNo(isSpcPadding));
502                 if(isInclTables)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\91Î\8fÛ\83e\81[\83u\83\8b='" + inclTables.toUpperCase() + "'");
503                 if(isExclTables)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\8f\9c\8aO\83e\81[\83u\83\8b='" + exclTables.toUpperCase() + "'");
504                 if(isInclCols)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\91Î\8fÛ\83J\83\89\83\80='" + inclCols.toUpperCase() + "'");
505                 if(isExclCols)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\8f\9c\8aO\83J\83\89\83\80='" + exclCols.toUpperCase() + "'");
506                 if(isMask){
507                         CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83}\83X\83L\83\93\83O=" +  CmnUtils.getYesNo(isMask));
508                         CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83}\83X\83N\83L\83\93\83O\83p\83^\81[\83\93=" + maskPattern.toUpperCase());
509                         CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\94¼\8ap\83}\83X\83N\95\8e\9a='" + singleByteMaskChar + "'");
510                         CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\91S\8ap\83}\83X\83N\95\8e\9a='" + doubleByteMaskChar + "'");
511                         if(isInclColsMask)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83}\83X\83N\91Î\8fÛ\83J\83\89\83\80='" + inclColsMask.toUpperCase() + "'");
512                         if(isExclColsMask)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83}\83X\83N\8f\9c\8aO\83J\83\89\83\80='" + exclColsMask.toUpperCase() + "'");
513                 }
515         }
518 }