OSDN Git Service

[rapideact/rapideact.git] / com / rapide_act / CmnProps.java
1 package com.rapide_act;
3 import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
4 import java.io.BufferedReader;
5 import java.io.BufferedWriter;
6 import java.io.FileInputStream;
7 import java.io.InputStream;
8 import java.io.InputStreamReader;
9 import java.io.IOException;
10 import java.io.File;
11 import java.io.FileReader;
12 import java.io.FileWriter;
13 import java.io.PrintWriter;
14 import java.io.PrintWriter;
15 import java.util.Date;
16 import java.util.ArrayList;
17 import java.util.Iterator;
18 import java.util.Properties;
19 import java.sql.Blob;
20 import java.sql.Clob;
21 import java.sql.Connection;
22 import java.sql.DriverManager;
23 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
24 import java.sql.ResultSet;
25 import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
26 import java.sql.SQLException;
27 import java.sql.Timestamp;
28 import java.math.BigDecimal;
30 public class CmnProps{
31         protected String database = null;
32         protected static final int DB_TYPE_ORACLE = 0;
33         protected static final int DB_TYPE_SQLSERVER = 1;
34         protected static final int DB_TYPE_MYSQL = 2;
35         protected static final int DB_TYPE_DB2 = 3;
36         protected static final int DB_TYPE_POSTGRESQL = 4;
37         protected static final int DB_TYPE_HIRDB = 5;
38         protected static final int DB_TYPE_UNKNOWN = -1;
39         protected static final String [] DB_TYPE_NAME = {
40                 "ORACLE", 
41                 "SQLSERVER", 
42                 "MYSQL", 
43                 "DB2", 
44                 "POSTGRESQL", 
45                 "HIRDB"
46         };
47         protected static final String [] DB_SQL_QUOTEDS = {
48                 "\"", 
49                 "[", 
50                 "`", 
51                 "\"", 
52                 "\"", 
53                 "\""
54         };
55         protected static final String [] DB_SQL_QUOTEDE = {
56                 "\"", 
57                 "]", 
58                 "`", 
59                 "\"", 
60                 "\"", 
61                 "\""
62         };
63         protected static final String [] SQL_TERMINATOR = {
64                 ";" + System.getProperty("line.separator"),  
65                 System.getProperty("line.separator") + "GO" + System.getProperty("line.separator"), 
66                 ";" + System.getProperty("line.separator"), 
67                 ";" + System.getProperty("line.separator"), 
68                 ";" + System.getProperty("line.separator"), 
69                 ";" + System.getProperty("line.separator")
70         };
71         protected static final String [] SQL_TERMINATOR2 = {
72                 ";",  
73                 System.getProperty("line.separator") + "GO", 
74                 ";", 
75                 ";", 
76                 ";", 
77                 ";"
78         };
79         protected static final String [] SQL_PREFIX = {
80                 "@", 
81                 ":r ", 
82                 "source ", 
83                 "", 
84                 "", 
85                 ""
86         };
87         protected static final String [] SQL_COMMENT_MARK = {
88                 "--", 
89                 "--", 
90                 "--", 
91                 "--", 
92                 "--", 
93                 "--"
94         };
95         protected static final String [] DROP_OPTION = {
96                 " CASCADE CONSTRAINT PURGE", 
97                 "", 
98                 "", 
99                 "", 
100                 "", 
101                 ""
102         };
103         protected static final int MASK_PTN_ALL = 0;
104         protected static final int MASK_PTN_ALT = 1;
105         protected static final int MASK_PTN_EDGE = 2;
106         protected static final int D_USER = 0;
107         protected static final int D_PASS = 1;
108         protected static final int D_URL = 2;
109         protected static final int D_DRIVER = 3;
110         protected static final int D_OUTPUT = 4;
111         protected static final int D_INPUT = 5;
112         protected static final int D_LINESEP = 6;
113         protected static final int D_INLINESEP = 7;
114         protected static final int D_FILENCODE = 8;
115         protected static final int D_NULLMARK = 9;
116         protected static final int D_DELIMITER = 10;
117         protected static final int D_TBLSQL = 11;
118         protected static final int D_TBLKEYSQL = 12;
119         protected static final int D_ORDER = 13;
120         protected static final int D_QUOTATION = 14;
121         protected static final int D_BATCOUNT = 15;
122         protected static final int D_INCLTAB = 16;
123         protected static final int D_EXCLTAB = 17;
124         protected static final int D_INCLCOL = 18;
125         protected static final int D_EXCLCOL = 19;
126         protected static final int D_INCLCOLMASK = 20;
127         protected static final int D_EXCLCOLMASK = 21;
128         protected static final int D_SBYTEMASKCHR = 22;
129         protected static final int D_DBYTEMASKCHR = 23;
130         protected static final int D_MASKPTN = 24;
131         protected static final int D_PROPFILE = 25;
132         protected static final int D_SPCPADDING = 26;
133         protected static final int D_FILEEXT = 27;
134         protected static final int D_SQLQUOTEDS = 28;
135         protected static final int D_SQLQUOTEDE = 29;
136         protected static final int D_PHYSICAL = 30;
137         protected static final int D_DROP = 31;
138         protected static final int D_METAFOLDER = 32;
139         protected static final int KEYS = 33;
140         protected static final String [] PROP_KEY = { "us","pw","url","dr","out","in","ls","ils","fe","nm",
141                                                                                                   "dm","ts","tks","od","qt","bc","it","et","ic","ec",
142                                                                                                   "icm","ecm","smc","dmc","mp","pf","sp","ext","sqs","sqe",
143                                                                                                   "ph", "dp", "mf"};
145         protected String [] prop_val = new String[KEYS];
146         protected static final String [] MASK_PTN = {"ALL", "ALT", "EDGE"};
147         protected static final String DEFAULT_IN_FOLDER = "input";
148         protected static final String DEFAULT_OUT_FOLDER = "output";
149         protected static final String DEFAULT_PROP_FILE = "RapideAct.properties";
151         protected static final int CREATE_TABLE = 0;
152         protected static final int DROP_TABLE = 1;
153         protected static final int TRUNCATE_TABLE = 2;
154         protected static final int CREATE_PKEY = 3;
155         protected static final int DROP_PKEY = 4;
156         protected static final int CREATE_UKEY = 5;
157         protected static final int DROP_UKEY = 6;
158         protected static final int CREATE_INDEX = 7;
159         protected static final int DROP_INDEX = 8;
160         protected static final int CREATE_VIEW = 9;
161         protected static final int DROP_VIEW = 10;
162         protected static final int CREATE_PROCEDURE = 11;
163         protected static final int DROP_PROCEDURE = 12;
164         protected static final int CREATE_SYNONYM = 13;
165         protected static final int DROP_SYNONYM = 14;
166         protected static final int CREATE_SEQUENCE = 15;
167         protected static final int DROP_SEQUENCE = 16;
168         protected static final int CREATE_FK = 17;
169         protected static final int DROP_FK = 18;
170         protected static final int TYPE_TABLE = 0;
171         protected static final int TYPE_INDEX = 1;
172         protected static final int TYPE_VIEW = 2;
173         protected static final int TYPE_PROCEDURE = 3;
174         protected static final int TYPE_SEQ = 4;
175         protected static final int TYPE_SYNONYM = 5;
176         protected static final int TYPE_OBJ = 6;
177         protected static final int TYPE_FK = 7;
178         protected static final String [] WK_FILE_NAME = {
179                 "TABLEDEF",
180                 "INDEXDEF",
181                 "VIEWDEF",
182                 "PROCDEF",
183                 "SEQDEF",
184                 "SYNMDEF",
185                 "OBJDEF",
186                 "FKDEF"
187         };
189         protected static final String [] SQL_FILE_NAME = {
190                 "createTable.sql",
191                 "dropTable.sql",
192                 "truncateTable.sql",
193                 "createPrimaryKey.sql",
194                 "dropPrimaryKey.sql",
195                 "createUniqueKey.sql",
196                 "dropUniqueKey.sql",
197                 "createIndex.sql",
198                 "dropIndex.sql",
199                 "createView.sql",
200                 "dropView.sql",
201                 "createProcedure.sql",
202                 "dropProcedure.sql",
203                 "createSynonym.sql",
204                 "dropSynonym.sql",
205                 "createSequence.sql",
206                 "dropSequence.sql",
207                 "createFk.sql",
208                 "dropFk.sql"
209         };
211         protected static final String [] T_SQL_ARRAY = {
212                 "select "
213                 + " table_name "
214                 + " from user_tables "
215                 + " order by table_name",
216                 "select "
217                 + " name as table_name "
218                 + " from sys.tables "
219                 + " order by name",
220                 "select "
221                 + " table_name "
222                 + " from information_schema.tables "
223                 + " where table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and table_schema = database() "
224                 + " order by table_name",
225                 "select "
226                 + " tabname "
227                 + " from syscat.tables "
228                 + " where tabschema = current_schema and ownertype = 'U' and type = 'T' "
229                 + " order by tabname",
230                 "select "
231                 + " table_name "
232                 + " from information_schema.tables "
233                 + " where table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and table_schema = current_schema() "
234                 + " order by table_name",
235                 "select "
236                 + " table_name "
237                 + " from master.sql_tables "
238                 + " where table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and table_schema=current_user "
239                 + " order by table_name"
240         };
241         protected static final String [] TK_SQL_ARRAY = {
242                 "select "
243                 + "a.table_name,"
244                 + "d.column_name "
245                 + " from user_tables a,"
246                 + " (select b.table_name, "
247                 + "   c.column_name, "
248                 + "   c.position "
249                 + "  from user_constraints b, "
250                 + "       user_cons_columns c "
251                 + "  where b.constraint_type = 'P' and "
252                 + "        b.table_name = c.table_name and "
253                 + "        b.constraint_name = c.constraint_name "
254                 + "  ) d "
255                 + "where a.table_name = d.table_name(+) "
256                 + "order by a.table_name, d.position",
257                 "select "
258                 + " a.name as table_name, "
259                 + " d.name as col_name "
260                 + "from sys.tables as a "
261                 + "left outer join sys.key_constraints as b "
262                 + "on a.object_id = b.parent_object_id "
263                 + " and b.type = 'PK' "
264                 + "left outer join sys.index_columns as c "
265                 + "on b.parent_object_id = c.object_id "
266                 + " and b.unique_index_id = c.index_id "
267                 + "left outer join sys.columns as d "
268                 + "on c.object_id = d.object_id "
269                 + " and c.column_id = d.column_id "
270                 + "order by a.name,c.key_ordinal",
271                 "select "
272                 + " a.table_name, "
273                 + " b.column_name "
274                 + " from "
275                 + " ( "
276                 + " select "
277                 + " table_schema, "
278                 + " table_name "
279                 + " from "
280                 + " information_schema.tables "
281                 + " where table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and table_schema = database()"
282                 + " ) a "
283                 + " left outer join information_schema.key_column_usage b "
284                 + " on a.table_schema = b.table_schema "
285                 + "  and a.table_name = b.table_name "
286                 + "  and b.constraint_name = 'PRIMARY' "
287                 + " order by "
288                 + "  a.table_name,b.ordinal_position",
289                 "select"
290                 + " a.tabname,"
291                 + " b.colname"
292                 + " from"
293                 + " ("
294                 + "  select"
295                 + "    tabschema,"
296                 + "    tabname "
297                 + "  from"
298                 + "    syscat.tables"
299                 + "  where"
300                 + "    tabschema = current_schema"
301                 + "    and ownertype = 'U'"
302                 + "    and type = 'T'"
303                 + "  ) a"
304                 + "  left outer join "
305                 + "  ("
306                 + "  select"
307                 + "    c.tabschema,"
308                 + "    c.tabname,"
309                 + "    c.colname,"
310                 + "    c.colseq"
311                 + "  from"
312                 + "    syscat.keycoluse c,"
313                 + "    syscat.tabconst d"
314                 + "  where"
315                 + "    c.tabschema = current_schema"
316                 + "    and c.tabschema = d.tabschema"
317                 + "    and c.constname = d.constname"
318                 + "    and d.type = 'P'"
319                 + "  group by c.tabschema,c.tabname,c.colname,c.colseq"
320                 + "  ) b "
321                 + " on a.tabschema = b.tabschema and a.tabname = b.tabname"
322                 + " order by a.tabname,b.colseq",
323                 "select "
324                 + " a.table_name, "
325                 + " b.column_name "
326                 + " from "
327                 + " ( "
328                 + " select "
329                 + " table_schema, "
330                 + " table_name "
331                 + " from "
332                 + " information_schema.tables a"
333                 + " where table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and table_schema = current_schema()"
334                 + " ) a "
335                 + " left outer join "
336                 + " ("
337                 + "     select"
338                 + "             b1.table_schema,"
339                 + "             b1.table_name,"
340                 + "             b2.column_name,"
341                 + "             b2.ordinal_position"
342                 + "     from"
343                 + "             information_schema.table_constraints b1,"
344                 + "             information_schema.key_column_usage b2"
345                 + "     where"
346                 + "         b1.table_schema = current_schema() and"
347                 + "             b1.table_catalog = current_database() and"
348                 + "             b1.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' and"
349                 + "             b1.table_catalog = b2.table_catalog and"
350                 + "             b1.table_schema = b2.table_schema and"
351                 + "             b1.table_name = b2.table_name and"
352                 + "             b1.constraint_name = b2.constraint_name"
353                 + " ) b"
354                 + " on a.table_schema = b.table_schema "
355                 + "  and a.table_name = b.table_name "
356                 + " order by "
357                 + "  a.table_name,b.ordinal_position",
358                 "select"
359                 + " a.table_name, "
360                 + " b.column_name "
361                 + "from "
362                 + "( "
363                 + "select "
364                 + " a1.table_name "
365                 + "from "
366                 + " master.sql_tables a1 "
367                 + "where "
368                 + " a1.table_schema=current_user and "
369                 + " a1.table_type='BASE TABLE' "
370                 + ") a "
371                 + "left outer join "
372                 + "( "
373                 + "select "
374                 + " c.table_name, "
375                 + " d.column_name, "
376                 + " d.column_id "
377                 + "from "
378                 + " master.sql_tables c, "
379                 + " master.sql_columns d "
380                 + "where "
381                 + " c.table_schema=current_user and "
382                 + " c.table_type='BASE TABLE' and "
383                 + " c.table_schema=d.table_schema and "
384                 + " c.table_name=d.table_name and "
385                 + " d.cluster_key = 'Y' "
386                 + "group by "
387                 + " c.table_name, "
388                 + " d.column_name, "
389                 + " d.column_id "
390                 + ") b "
391                 + "on "
392                 + " a.table_name=b.table_name "
393                 + "order by "
394                 + " a.table_name, "
395                 + " b.column_id"
396         };
397         protected static final String [][] meta_sql =  {
398                 {       //ORACLE
399                 "select "
400                      + "a.table_name as table_name,"
401                      + "replace(replace(b.comments, chr(13), ''), chr(10), '') as table_comments,"
402                      + "c.column_name as column_name, "
403                      + "replace(replace(d.comments, chr(13), ''), chr(10), '') as column_comments, "
404                      + "decode(c.data_type, 'TIMESTAMP(6)', 'TIMESTAMP',c.data_type) as data_type, "
405                      + "c.data_length as data_length,"
406                      + "c.data_precision as data_precision,"
407                      + "c.data_scale as data_scale,"
408                      + "decode(c.nullable, 'N', '\81\9b', null) as nullable,"
409                      + "c.data_default as data_default "
410                      + "from user_tables a "
411                      + "inner join user_tab_comments b "
412                      + "on a.table_name = b.table_name "
413                      + "inner join user_tab_columns c "
414                      + "on a.table_name = c.table_name "
415                      + "inner join user_col_comments d "
416                      + "on c.table_name = d.table_name "
417                      + " and c.column_name = d.column_name "
418                      + "order by a.table_name,c.column_id",
419                 "select "
420                      + " a.table_name,"
421                      + " a.index_name,"
422                      + " a.index_type,"
423                      + " c.constraint_type,"
424                      + " b.column_name,"
425                      + " b.column_position "
426                      + " from"
427                      + " user_indexes a,"
428                      + " user_ind_columns b,"
429                      + " user_constraints c "
430                      + " where"
431                      + "  a.table_name = b.table_name and"
432                      + "  a.index_name = b.index_name and"
433                      + "  a.table_name = c.table_name(+) and"
434                      + "  a.index_name = c.constraint_name(+) "
435                      + " order by"
436                      + " a.table_name,"
437                      + " a.index_name,"
438                      + " b.column_position",
439                 "select "
440                      + " a.view_name, "
441                      + " replace(replace(c.comments, chr(13), ''), chr(10), '') as comments "
442                      + " from"
443                      + " user_views a, "
444                      + " user_tab_comments c "
445                      + " where"
446                         + "  a.view_name = c.table_name(+) "
447                      + " order by"
448                      + " a.view_name",
449                 "select "
450                      + " object_name, "
451                      + " object_type "
452                      + "from"
453                      + " user_objects"
454                      + " where object_type in('PACKAGE BODY','PROCEDURE','FUNCTION','TRIGGER','TYPE')"
455                      + " group by object_name,object_type"
456                      + " order by object_name,object_type",
457                 "select "
458                      + "  sequence_name,"
459                      + "  to_char(min_value) as min_value,"
460                      + "  to_char(max_value) as max_value,"
461                      + "  to_char(increment_by) as increment_by,"
462                      + "  cycle_flag,"
463                      + "  order_flag,"
464                      + "  to_char(cache_size) as cache_size,"
465                      + "  to_char(last_number) as last_number "
466                      + " from user_sequences "
467                      + " order by sequence_name",
468                 "select "
469                      + "  synonym_name,"
470                      + "  table_owner,"
471                      + "  table_name,"
472                      + "  db_link "
473                      + "from user_synonyms "
474                      + "order by synonym_name,table_owner,table_name",
475                 "select "
476                      + " a.table_name,"
477                      + " a.object_name,"
478                      + " a.object_type,"
479                      + " a.pct_free,"
480                      + " a.pct_used,"
481                      + " a.ini_trans,"
482                      + " a.freelists,"
483                      + " a.freelist_groups,"
484                      + " a.buffer_pool,"
485                      + " a.tablespace_name, "
486                      + " a.logging, "
487                      + " b.bytes "
488                      + "from "
489                      + "(select "
490                      + " table_name,"
491                      + " table_name as object_name,"
492                      + " 'TABLE' as object_type,"
493                      + " pct_free,"
494                      + " pct_used,"
495                      + " ini_trans,"
496                      + " freelists,"
497                      + " freelist_groups,"
498                      + " buffer_pool,"
499                      + " tablespace_name, "
500                      + " logging "
501                      + "from "
502                      + " user_tables "
503                      + " union select "
504                      + " table_name,"
505                      + " index_name as object_name,"
506                      + " 'INDEX' as object_type,"
507                      + " pct_free,"
508                      + " null as pct_used,"
509                      + " ini_trans,"
510                      + " freelists,"
511                      + " freelist_groups,"
512                      + " buffer_pool,"
513                      + " tablespace_name, "
514                      + " logging "
515                      + " from "
516                      + " user_indexes "
517                      + ") a, "
518                      + "(select "
519                      + " segment_name,"
520                      + " segment_type,"
521                      + " bytes "
522                      + " from "
523                      + " user_segments "
524                      + ") b "
525                      + " where a.object_name = b.segment_name "
526                      + " and a.object_type = b.segment_type "
527                      + " order by"
528                      + " a.table_name,"
529                      + " a.object_name",
530                 "select distinct "
531                      + " a.table_name as table_name, "
532                      + " a.constraint_name as constraint_name, "
533                      + " b.column_name as column_name, "
534                      + " b.position as position,"
535                      + " c.table_name as r_table_name, "
536                      + " d.column_name as r_column_name, "
537                      + " d.position as r_position "
538                      + " from "
539                      + "   user_constraints a, "
540                      + "   user_cons_columns b,"
541                      + "   user_constraints c, "
542                      + "   user_cons_columns d "
543                      + " where "
544                      + "   a.constraint_type = 'R'"
545                      + "   and a.owner = b.owner"
546                      + "   and a.table_name = b.table_name"
547                      + "   and a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name"
548                      + "   and c.constraint_type in('P','U')"
549                      + "   and c.owner = b.owner"
550                      + "   and c.table_name = d.table_name"
551                      + "   and c.constraint_name = d.constraint_name"
552                      + "   and a.r_owner = c.owner"
553                      + "   and a.r_constraint_name = c.constraint_name"
554                      + " order by"
555                      + "   a.table_name,a.constraint_name,b.position,d.position"
556                 },
557                 {       //SQLSERVER
558                 "select "
559                      + "a.name    as table_name, "
560                      + "replace(replace(cast(b.value as varchar(4000)), char(13), ''), char(10), '') as table_comments, "
561                      + "c.name    as column_name, "
562                      + "replace(replace(cast(d.value as varchar(4000)), char(13), ''), char(10), '') as column_comments, "
563                      + "e.name as data_type, "
564                      + "c.max_length as data_length, "
565                      + "c.precision as data_precision, "
566                      + "c.scale as data_scale, "
567                      + "case c.is_nullable"
568                      + "  when '0' then '\81Z'"
569                      + "  else null "
570                      + "end as nullable,"
571                      + "g.definition as data_default "
572                      + "from "
573                      + "sys.tables as a "
574                      + "left outer join sys.extended_properties as b "
575                      + "on a.object_id = b.major_id and b.minor_id = 0 "
576                      + "inner join sys.columns as c "
577                      + "on a.object_id = c.object_id "
578                      + "left outer join sys.extended_properties as d "
579                      + "on a.object_id = d.major_id and c.column_id = d.minor_id "
580                      + "inner join sys.types as e "
581                      + "on c.system_type_id = e.system_type_id and c.user_type_id = e.user_type_id "
582                      + "left outer join sys.sysconstraints f "
583                      + "on c.object_id = f.id "
584                      + "and c.column_id = f.colid "
585                      + "and (f.status & 2069) = 2069 "
586                      + "left outer join sys.default_constraints g "
587                      + "on f.constid = g.object_id "
588                      + "and a.schema_id = g.schema_id "
589                      + "order by a.name,c.column_id ",
590                 "select "
591                      + "d.name as table_name, "
592                      + "a.name as index_name, "
593                      + "a.type as index_type, "
594                      + "case a.is_unique "
595                      + "  when 1 then "
596                      + "    case a.is_primary_key "
597                      + "      when 1 then 'P' "
598                      + "        else "
599                      + "            case a.is_unique_constraint "
600                      + "                when 1 then 'U' "
601                      + "                else '' "
602                      + "            end "
603                      + "    end "
604                      + "  else '' "
605                      + "end as constraint_type, "
606                      + "c.name as column_name, "
607                      + "b.key_ordinal as column_position "
608                      + "from "
609                      + "  sys.indexes as a "
610                      + "  inner join sys.index_columns as b "
611                      + "      on a.object_id = b.object_id and a.index_id = b.index_id "
612                      + "  inner join sys.columns as c "
613                      + "      on c.column_id = b.column_id "
614                      + "         and c.object_id = b.object_id "
615                      + "  inner join sys.objects as d "
616                      + "      on a.object_id = d.object_id and d.type = 'U' "
617                      + "order by d.name, a.name,b.key_ordinal",
618                 "select "
619                      + " a.name as view_name, "
620                      + " replace(replace(cast(b.value as varchar(4000)), char(13), ''), char(10), '') as comments "
621                      + "from "
622                      + " sys.views a "
623                      + " left outer join sys.extended_properties as b "
624                      + " on a.object_id = b.major_id and b.minor_id = 0 "
625                      + "order by "
626                      + " a.name",
627                 "select "
628                      + " name as object_name, 'PROCEDURE' as object_type from sys.procedures"
629                      + " union select "
630                      + " name as object_name, 'FUNCTION' as object_type from sys.objects where type in('FN', 'FS', 'FT', 'IF', 'TF') "
631                      + " union select "
632                      + " name as object_name, 'TRIGGER' as object_type from sys.triggers "
633                      + " order by object_name,object_type ",
634                 "select "
635                      + "  name as sequence_name,"
636                      + "  cast(minimum_value as varchar(20)) as min_value,"
637                      + "  cast(maximum_value as varchar(20)) as max_value,"
638                      + "  cast(increment as varchar(20)) as increment_by,"
639                      + "  is_cycling as cycle_flag,"
640                      + "  is_cached as order_flag,"
641                      + "  cast(cache_size as varchar(20)) as cache_size,"
642                      + "  cast(start_value as varchar(20)) as last_number "
643                      + " from sys.sequences "
644                      + " order by name",
645                 "select "
646                      + " a.name as synonym_name,"
647                      + " b.name as table_owner,"
648                      + " base_object_name as table_name,"
649                      + " '' as db_link "
650                      + "from sys.synonyms a "
651                      + " inner join sys.schemas as b "
652                      + " on a.schema_id = b.schema_id "
653                      + "order by synonym_name,table_owner,table_name",
654                 "",
655                 "select distinct "
656                      + " c.name as table_name, "
657                      + " a.name as constraint_name, "
658                      + " d.name as column_name, "
659                      + " b.constraint_column_id as position, "
660                      + " e.name as r_table_name, "
661                      + " f.name as r_column_name ,"
662                      + " f.column_id as r_position "
663                      + "from sys.foreign_keys as a "
664                      + " inner join sys.foreign_key_columns as b "
665                      + "     on a.object_id = b.constraint_object_id "
666                      + " inner join sys.tables as c "
667                      + "     on b.parent_object_id = c.object_id "
668                      + " inner join sys.columns as d "
669                      + "     on b.parent_object_id = d.object_id and "
670                      + "         b.parent_column_id = d.column_id "
671                      + " inner join sys.tables as e "
672                      + "     on b.referenced_object_id = e.object_id "
673                      + " inner join sys.columns as f "
674                      + "     on b.referenced_object_id = f.object_id and "
675                      + "         b.referenced_column_id = f.column_id "
676                      + " inner join sys.key_constraints as g "
677                      + "     on a.referenced_object_id = g.parent_object_id "
678                      + "order by table_name,constraint_name, position"
679                 },
680                 {       //MYSQL
681                 "select "
682                      + " a.table_name,"
683                      + " replace(replace(a.table_comment, char(13), ''), char(10), '') as table_comments, "
684                      + " b.column_name,"
685                      + " replace(replace(b.column_comment, char(13), ''), char(10), '') as column_comment, "
686                      + " b.column_type,"
687                      + " b.character_maximum_length as data_precision,"
688                      + " b.numeric_precision as data_precision,"
689                      + " b.numeric_scale as data_scale,"
690                      + " case b.is_nullable"
691                      + "  when 'NO' then '\81Z'"
692                      + "  else null "
693                      + " end as nullable,"
694                      + " column_default as data_default "
695                      + "from "
696                      + " information_schema.tables a,"
697                      + " information_schema.columns b "
698                      + "where "
699                      + " a.table_schema = database()"
700                      + " and a.table_type = 'BASE TABLE'"
701                      + " and a.table_schema = b.table_schema "
702                      + " and a.table_name = b.table_name "
703                      + "order by a.table_name,b.ordinal_position",
704                 "select "
705                      + "  a.table_name, "
706                      + "  b.constraint_name as index_name,"
707                      + "  '' as index_type, "
708                      + "  case b.constraint_type "
709                      + "    when 'PRIMARY KEY' then 'P' "
710                      + "    when 'UNIQUE' then 'U' "
711                      + "  end as constraint_type,"
712                      + "  c.column_name,"
713                      + "  c.ordinal_position as column_position"
714                      + "  from"
715                      + "   information_schema.tables a,"
716                      + "   information_schema.table_constraints b,"
717                      + "   information_schema.key_column_usage c"
718                      + "  where"
719                      + "   a.table_schema = database()"
720                      + "   and a.table_type = 'BASE TABLE'"
721                      + "   and a.table_schema = b.table_schema"
722                      + "   and a.table_name = b.table_name"
723                      + "   and b.table_schema = c.table_schema"
724                      + "   and b.table_name = c.table_name"
725                      + "   and b.constraint_name = c.constraint_name"
726                      + "   and b.constraint_type in('PRIMARY KEY','UNIQUE')"
727                      + "  union select"
728                      + "  a.table_name,"
729                      + "  a.index_name,"
730                      + "  b.index_type as index_type, "
731                      + "  '' as constraint_type,"
732                      + "  a.column_name,"
733                      + "  a.seq_in_index as column_position"
734                      + "  from"
735                      + "  information_schema.statistics a,"
736                      + "    information_schema.statistics b"
737                      + "  where"
738                      + "  a.table_schema = database()"
739                      + "  and a.table_schema = b.table_schema"
740                      + "  and a.table_name = b.table_name"
741                      + "  and a.index_name = b.index_name"
742                      + "  and a.non_unique = 1"
743                      + "  order by table_name,index_name,column_position",
744                 "select "
745                      + " a.table_name as view_name, "
746                      + " '' as comments "
747                      + "from "
748                      + " information_schema.views a "
749                      + " where"
750                      + " table_schema = database()"
751                      + " order by "
752                      + " a.table_name",
753                 "select "
754                      + " routine_name as object_name, "
755                      + " routine_type as object_type, "
756                      + " '' as action_timing, "
757                      + " '' as event_action, "
758                      + " '' as event_object "
759                      + " from "
760                      + " information_schema.routines "
761                      + " where"
762                      + " routine_schema = database()"
763                      + " and (routine_type = 'PROCEDURE' or routine_type = 'FUNCTION') "
764                      + " union select "
765                      + " trigger_name as object_name, "
766                      + " 'TRIGGER' as object_type, "
767                      + " action_timing as action_timing, "
768                      + " event_manipulation as event_action, "
769                      + " event_object_table as event_object "
770                      + " from "
771                      + " information_schema.triggers "
772                      + " where"
773                      + " trigger_schema = database()"
774                      + " order by object_name,object_type ",
775                 "",
776                 "",
777                 "",
778                 "select distinct "
779                      + "  b.table_name, "
780                      + "  b.constraint_name, "
781                      + "  b.column_name, "
782                      + "  b.ordinal_position as position, "
783                      + "  b.referenced_table_name as r_table_name, "
784                      + "  b.referenced_column_name as r_column_name, "
785                      + "  c.ordinal_position  as r_position "
786                      + " from "
787                      + "  information_schema.referential_constraints a, "
788                      + "  information_schema.key_column_usage b, "
789                      + "  information_schema.columns c "
790                      + " where  "
791                      + "  a.constraint_schema = database() "
792                      + "  and a.constraint_schema = b.constraint_schema "
793                      + "  and a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name "
794                      + "  and b.referenced_table_name = c.table_name "
795                      + "  and b.referenced_column_name = c.column_name "
796                 }
797         };
798         protected static String sql_view_text[] = {
799                 "select text from user_views where view_name = ?",
800                 "select c.definition "
801                      + "from sys.views a "
802                      + "inner join sys.objects b "
803                      + "on  b.object_id = a.object_id "
804                      + "inner join sys.sql_modules c "
805                      + "on  c.object_id = b.object_id "
806                      + "where a.name = ?",
807                 "select view_definition from information_schema.views where table_name = ?"
808         };
809         protected static String sql_view_column_and_comment[] = {
810                 "select "
811              + " b.column_name,"
812              + " replace(replace(d.comments, chr(13), ''), chr(10), '') as comments "
813              + " from"
814              + " user_tab_columns b,"
815              + " user_col_comments d "
816              + " where"
817              + "  b.table_name = ? and"
818              + "  b.table_name = d.table_name(+) and"
819              + "  b.column_name = d.column_name(+) "
820              + " order by"
821              + " b.column_id",
822             " select "
823              + " b.name as column_name, "
824              + " '' as comments "
825              + " from "
826              + " sys.objects a "
827              + " inner join sys.columns b on a.object_id = b.object_id and a.name = ? "
828              + " inner join sys.types c on b.system_type_id = c.system_type_id "
829              + " where a.type = 'V' "
830              + " and c.user_type_id <> 256 "
831              + " order by b.column_id",
832             " select "
833              + " column_name,"
834              + " replace(replace(column_comment, char(13), ''), char(10), '') as column_comment "
835              + " from"
836              + " information_schema.columns "
837              + " where"
838              + "  table_name = ? "
839              + " order by ordinal_position"
840         };
841         protected static String sql_proc[] = {
842                 "select text from user_source where type = ? and name = ? order by line",
843                 "select d.definition "
844                      + "from "
845                      + " (select a.name,'PROCEDURE' as type,c.definition "
846                      + "from sys.procedures a "
847                      + "inner join sys.objects b "
848                      + "on b.object_id = a.object_id "
849                      + "inner join sys.sql_modules c "
850                      + "on  c.object_id = b.object_id "
851                      + "union select "
852                      + " a.name,'FUNCTION' as type,c.definition "
853                      + "from sys.objects a "
854                      + "inner join sys.objects b "
855                      + "on  b.object_id = a.object_id "
856                      + "inner join sys.sql_modules c "
857                      + "on  c.object_id = b.object_id and a.type in('FN', 'FS', 'FT', 'IF', 'TF') "
858                      + "union select "
859                      + "a.name,'TRIGGER' as type,c.definition "
860                      + "from sys.triggers a "
861                      + "inner join sys.objects b "
862                      + "on  b.object_id = a.object_id "
863                      + "inner join sys.sql_modules c "
864                      + "on  c.object_id = b.object_id) d "
865                      + "where d.type = ? and d.name = ?",
866                 "select a.definition "
867                      + "from "
868                      + "( "
869                      + "select "
870                      + " routine_name as object_name, "
871                      + " routine_type as object_type, "
872                      + " routine_definition as definition "
873                      + "from "
874                      + " information_schema.routines "
875                      + "where "
876                      + " routine_schema = database() "
877                      + "union select "
878                      + " trigger_name as object_name, "
879                      + " 'TRIGGER' as object_type, "
880                      + " action_statement as definition "
881                      + "from "
882                      + " information_schema.triggers "
883                      + "where "
884                      + " trigger_schema = database() "
885                      + ") a "
886                      + "where "
887                      + " a.object_type = ? "
888                      + " and a.object_name = ? "
889         };
891         protected String user                                   = null;
892         protected String pass                                   = null;
893         protected String url                                    = null;
894         protected String driver                                 = null;
895         protected String outFolder                              = null;
896         protected String inFolder                               = null;
897         protected String lineSeparator                  = System.getProperty("line.separator");
898         protected String inColLineSeparator     = System.getProperty("line.separator");
899         protected String fileEncoding                   = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
900         protected String nullMark                               = "";
901         protected String delimiter                              = "\t";
902         protected String fileExtension                  = "tsv";
903         protected boolean isSpcPadding                  = false;
904         protected String sqlQuotedS                             = null;
905         protected String sqlQuotedE                             = null;
906         protected String tSql                                   = null;
907         protected String tkSql                                  = null;
908         protected boolean isOrder                               = false;
909         protected boolean isQuotation                   = true;
910         protected boolean isPhysical                    = false;
911         protected boolean isDrop                                = false;
912         protected int batchCount                                = 1000;
913         protected String inclTables                     = null;
914         protected String exclTables                     = null;
915         protected String inclCols                               = null;
916         protected String exclCols                               = null;
917         protected String inclColsMask                   = null;
918         protected String exclColsMask                   = null;
919         protected char singleByteMaskChar               = '*';
920         protected char doubleByteMaskChar               = '\u25A0';
921         protected String maskPattern                    = "ALT";
922         protected String metaFolder                     = "DDL";
924         protected String [] inclTablesArray     = null;
925         protected String [] exclTablesArray     = null;
926         protected String [] inclColsArray               = null;
927         protected String [] exclColsArray               = null;
928         protected String [] inclColsMaskArray   = null;
929         protected String [] exclColsMaskArray   = null;
930         protected boolean isInclTables                  = false;
931         protected boolean isExclTables                  = false;
932         protected boolean isInclCols                    = false;
933         protected boolean isExclCols                    = false;
934         protected boolean isMask                                = false;
935         protected boolean isInclColsMask                = false;
936         protected boolean isExclColsMask                = false;
937         protected int dbType                                    = DB_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
939         protected void getProperties(String _propFile) throws Exception{
940                 BufferedReader br = null;
941                 Properties prop = null;
942                 try {
943                         prop = new Properties();
944                         br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(CmnProps.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(_propFile), "UTF-8"));
945                         prop.load(br);
946                         for(int i=0;i<KEYS;i++){
947                                 prop_val[i] = prop.getProperty(database + "." +PROP_KEY[i]);
948                         }
949                         br.close();
950                         br = null;
951                 } catch (NullPointerException e) {
952                                 throw new Exception("\83v\83\8d\83p\83e\83B\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ª\8c©\82Â\82©\82è\82Ü\82¹\82ñ\81B[" + _propFile +"]");
953                 } catch (IOException e) {
954                                 throw e;
955                 }
956                 finally{
957                         try {
958                                 if (br != null) {
959                                         br.close();
960                                         br = null;
961                                 }
962                         } 
963                         catch (IOException e) {
964                                 throw e;
965                         }
966                 }               
967         }
970         CmnProps() {
971                 super();
972         }
974         protected void setProperty(String _database) throws Exception{
975                 database = _database;
976                 if(database != null){
977                         if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_PROPFILE])){
978                                 getProperties(System.getProperty(prop_val[D_PROPFILE]));
979                         } else {
980                                 getProperties(DEFAULT_PROP_FILE);
981                         }
982                 }
984                 for(int i=0;i<KEYS;i++){
985                         if(System.getProperty(PROP_KEY[i])!=null)prop_val[i] = System.getProperty(PROP_KEY[i]);
986                         CmnUtils.debugPrint(PROP_KEY[i] + "=" + prop_val[i]);
987                 }
989                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_USER]))user = prop_val[D_USER];
990                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_PASS]))pass = prop_val[D_PASS];
991                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_URL]))url = prop_val[D_URL];
992                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_DRIVER]))driver = prop_val[D_DRIVER];
993                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_OUTPUT]))outFolder = prop_val[D_OUTPUT];
994                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INPUT]))inFolder = prop_val[D_INPUT];
995                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_LINESEP]))lineSeparator = CmnUtils.getLineSeparator(prop_val[D_LINESEP]);
996                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INLINESEP]))inColLineSeparator = CmnUtils.getLineSeparator(prop_val[D_INLINESEP]);
997                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_FILENCODE]))fileEncoding = prop_val[D_FILENCODE];
998                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_NULLMARK]))nullMark = prop_val[D_NULLMARK];
999                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_DELIMITER]))delimiter = CmnUtils.getDelimiter(prop_val[D_DELIMITER]);
1000                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_TBLSQL]))tSql = prop_val[D_TBLSQL];
1001                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_TBLKEYSQL]))tkSql = prop_val[D_TBLKEYSQL];
1002                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_ORDER]) && prop_val[D_ORDER].toUpperCase().equals("Y"))isOrder = true;
1003                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_QUOTATION]) && prop_val[D_QUOTATION].toUpperCase().equals("N"))isQuotation = false;
1004                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_PHYSICAL]) && prop_val[D_PHYSICAL].toUpperCase().equals("Y"))isPhysical = true;
1005                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_DROP]) && prop_val[D_DROP].toUpperCase().equals("Y"))isDrop = true;
1006                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_BATCOUNT]) && CmnUtils.isNumeric(prop_val[D_BATCOUNT]))batchCount = Integer.parseInt(prop_val[D_BATCOUNT]);
1007                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLTAB]))isInclTables = true;
1008                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLTAB]))isExclTables = true;
1009                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLCOL]))isInclCols = true;
1010                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLCOL]))isExclCols = true;
1011                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLCOLMASK]))isInclColsMask = true;
1012                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLCOLMASK]))isExclColsMask = true;
1013                 if(isInclColsMask || isExclColsMask)isMask = true;
1014                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLTAB]))inclTables = prop_val[D_INCLTAB].toUpperCase();
1015                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLTAB]))exclTables = prop_val[D_EXCLTAB].toUpperCase();
1016                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLCOL]))inclCols = prop_val[D_INCLCOL].toUpperCase();
1017                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLCOL]))exclCols = prop_val[D_EXCLCOL].toUpperCase();
1018                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLCOLMASK]))inclColsMask = prop_val[D_INCLCOLMASK].toUpperCase();
1019                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLCOLMASK]))exclColsMask = prop_val[D_EXCLCOLMASK].toUpperCase();
1020                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLTAB]))inclTablesArray = CmnUtils.splitCsv(prop_val[D_INCLTAB].toUpperCase());
1021                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLTAB]))exclTablesArray = CmnUtils.splitCsv(prop_val[D_EXCLTAB].toUpperCase());
1022                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLCOL]))inclColsArray = CmnUtils.splitCsv(prop_val[D_INCLCOL].toUpperCase());
1023                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLCOL]))exclColsArray = CmnUtils.splitCsv(prop_val[D_EXCLCOL].toUpperCase());
1024                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INCLCOLMASK]))inclColsMaskArray = CmnUtils.splitCsv(prop_val[D_INCLCOLMASK].toUpperCase());
1025                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_EXCLCOLMASK]))exclColsMaskArray = CmnUtils.splitCsv(prop_val[D_EXCLCOLMASK].toUpperCase());
1026                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_SBYTEMASKCHR]))singleByteMaskChar = prop_val[D_SBYTEMASKCHR].charAt(0);
1027                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_DBYTEMASKCHR]))doubleByteMaskChar = prop_val[D_DBYTEMASKCHR].charAt(0);
1028                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_MASKPTN]))maskPattern = prop_val[D_MASKPTN];
1029                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_METAFOLDER]))metaFolder = prop_val[D_METAFOLDER];
1030                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_SPCPADDING]) && prop_val[D_SPCPADDING].toUpperCase().equals("Y"))isSpcPadding = true;
1031                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_FILEEXT]))fileExtension = prop_val[D_FILEEXT];
1033                 if(CmnUtils.isEmpty(user)){
1034                         throw new Exception("us(\83\86\81[\83UID)\82ª\96¢\8ew\92è\82Å\82·\81B");
1035                 } else if (CmnUtils.isEmpty(pass)){
1036                         throw new Exception("pw(\83p\83X\83\8f\81[\83h)\82ª\96¢\8ew\92è\82Å\82·\81B");
1037                 } else if (CmnUtils.isEmpty(url)){
1038                         throw new Exception("url(\90Ú\91±\8fî\95ñ)\82ª\96¢\8ew\92è\82Å\82·\81B");
1039                 } else if (CmnUtils.isEmpty(driver)){
1040                         throw new Exception("dr(\83h\83\89\83C\83o)\82ª\96¢\8ew\92è\82Å\82·\81B");
1041                 }
1043                 for(int i = 0;i<DB_TYPE_NAME.length;i++){
1044                         if (url.toUpperCase().contains(DB_TYPE_NAME[i])){
1045                                 dbType = i;
1046                                 break;
1047                         }
1048                 }
1050                 if (dbType != DB_TYPE_UNKNOWN){
1051                         if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_TBLSQL])){
1052                                 tSql = prop_val[D_TBLSQL];
1053                         } else {
1054                                 tSql = T_SQL_ARRAY[dbType];
1055                         }
1056                         if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_TBLKEYSQL])){
1057                                 tkSql = prop_val[D_TBLKEYSQL];
1058                         } else {
1059                                 tkSql = TK_SQL_ARRAY[dbType];
1060                         }
1061                         if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_SQLQUOTEDS])){
1062                                 sqlQuotedS = prop_val[D_SQLQUOTEDS];
1063                         } else {
1064                                 sqlQuotedS = DB_SQL_QUOTEDS[dbType];
1065                         }
1066                         if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_SQLQUOTEDE])){
1067                                 sqlQuotedE = prop_val[D_SQLQUOTEDE];
1068                         } else {
1069                                 sqlQuotedE = DB_SQL_QUOTEDE[dbType];
1070                         }
1071                 } else {
1072                         throw new Exception("\83f\81[\83^\83x\81[\83X\90»\95i\82ª\8e¯\95Ê\82Å\82«\82Ü\82¹\82ñ\81B[" + url + "]");
1073                 }
1075                 if(database!=null)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\91Î\8fÛ\83f\81[\83^\83x\81[\83X='" + database.toUpperCase() + "'");
1076                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_FILEEXT]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\8ag\92£\8eq='" + prop_val[D_FILEEXT] + "'");
1077                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_DELIMITER]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\8bæ\90Ø\82è\95\8e\9a='" + prop_val[D_DELIMITER] + "'");
1078                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_LINESEP]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\89ü\8ds\83R\81[\83h='" + prop_val[D_LINESEP] + "'");
1079                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_INLINESEP]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83J\83\89\83\80\93à\89ü\8ds\83R\81[\83h='" + prop_val[D_INLINESEP] + "'");
1080                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_FILENCODE]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\95\8e\9a\83R\81[\83h='" + prop_val[D_FILENCODE] + "'");
1081                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_QUOTATION]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\88ø\97p\8bå=" + CmnUtils.getYesNo(isQuotation));
1082                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_SQLQUOTEDS]) && !CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_SQLQUOTEDE]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->SQL\88ø\97p\95\84=" + "'" + sqlQuotedS + "' '" + sqlQuotedE + "'");
1083                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_ORDER]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83\\81[\83g=" + CmnUtils.getYesNo(isOrder));
1084                 if(!CmnUtils.isEmpty(prop_val[D_BATCOUNT]))CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83o\83b\83`\8f\88\97\9d\90\94=" + batchCount);
1085                 if(isSpcPadding)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\8bó\94\92\96\84\82ß=" + CmnUtils.getYesNo(isSpcPadding));
1086                 if(isInclTables)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\91Î\8fÛ\83e\81[\83u\83\8b='" + inclTables.toUpperCase() + "'");
1087                 if(isExclTables)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\8f\9c\8aO\83e\81[\83u\83\8b='" + exclTables.toUpperCase() + "'");
1088                 if(isInclCols)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\91Î\8fÛ\83J\83\89\83\80='" + inclCols.toUpperCase() + "'");
1089                 if(isExclCols)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\8f\9c\8aO\83J\83\89\83\80='" + exclCols.toUpperCase() + "'");
1090                 if(isMask){
1091                         CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83}\83X\83L\83\93\83O=" +  CmnUtils.getYesNo(isMask));
1092                         CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83}\83X\83N\83L\83\93\83O\83p\83^\81[\83\93=" + maskPattern.toUpperCase());
1093                         CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\94¼\8ap\83}\83X\83N\95\8e\9a='" + singleByteMaskChar + "'");
1094                         CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\91S\8ap\83}\83X\83N\95\8e\9a='" + doubleByteMaskChar + "'");
1095                         if(isInclColsMask)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83}\83X\83N\91Î\8fÛ\83J\83\89\83\80='" + inclColsMask.toUpperCase() + "'");
1096                         if(isExclColsMask)CmnUtils.infoPrint("-->\83}\83X\83N\8f\9c\8aO\83J\83\89\83\80='" + exclColsMask.toUpperCase() + "'");
1097                 }
1099         }
1102 }