OSDN Git Service

make DVB driver usable.
[rec10/rec10-git.git] / rec10 / trunk / src / ts2x264.py
2012-01-04 gn64_jpfix blu-ray option.
2012-01-03 gn64_jpfix blu-ray option.
2011-12-31 gn64_jpadd demuxer option to x264 commandline.
2011-04-23 gn64_jpimplement new x264 option for Blu-ray compat.
2011-04-19 gn64_jpTurn off sar option when encode under mobile option.
2011-04-03 gn64_jpadd bluray option.
2011-03-28 gn64_jpmake BD option more strict.
2011-03-28 gn64_jpadd bluray option.
2011-03-28 gn64_jpadd bluray option.
2011-03-26 gn64_jpadd bluray option.
2011-03-01 gn64_jpfix many bugs.
2011-02-27 gn64_jpimplement BonTsDemux Audio Split option.
2011-02-15 gn64_jpchange logo option.
2011-02-11 gn64_jpfix a bug,
2011-02-11 gn64_jpimplement new demuxer encoding test.
2011-02-11 gn64_jpimplement new demuxer encoding test.
2011-01-24 gn64_jpimplement zip compress logging.
2011-01-23 gn64_jpadd tar log.(alpha)
2011-01-23 gn64_jpadd zip logging.
2011-01-23 gn64_jpadd zip logging.
2011-01-23 gn64_jpadd tar log.(alpha)
2010-12-31 gn64_jphappy new year! 2011
2010-12-18 gn64_jpfix mobile option.
2010-12-18 gn64_jpfix miss.
2010-12-10 gn64_jpremove error log.
2010-12-04 gn64_jpfix rename error.
2010-12-03 gn64_jpfix rename miss.
2010-12-03 gn64_jpfix rename miss.
2010-12-02 gn64_jpchange function name.
2010-11-28 gn64_jpimplement to work "a bit after start resolution changin...
2010-11-28 gn64_jpimplement to work "a bit after start resolution changin...
2010-11-28 gn64_jpimplement to work "a bit after start resolution changin...
2010-11-24 gn64_jpchange mobile encode option
2010-10-24 gn64_jpimplement videoframe compliment option.
2010-10-24 gn64_jpimplement videoframe compliment option.
2010-10-14 gn64_jpimplement traceback.
2010-10-13 gn64_jpfix Unicode Error.
2010-10-08 gn64_jpimplement movie size getting error recovery mode.
2010-10-07 gn64_jpverbose mode test.
2010-10-07 gn64_jpadd verbose level.
2010-08-06 gn64_jpchange colormatrix.
2010-08-05 gn64_jpimplement ffmepg interlaced option.
2010-08-05 gn64_jpimplement ffmepg interlaced option.
2010-08-03 gn64_jpimplement new x264 version encode.
2010-08-03 gn64_jpimplement new x264 version encode.
2010-08-03 gn64_jpimplement new x264 version encode.
2010-08-03 gn64_jpimplement new x264 version encode.
2010-08-03 gn64_jpimplement new x264 version encode.
2010-08-03 gn64_jpimplement x264 version check.
2010-07-20 gn64_jpimplement interlaced encoding(beta).
2010-07-20 gn64_jpchange encode temp filename.
2010-07-18 gn64_jpimplement interlaced encode option(alpha ver).
2010-07-18 gn64_jpimplement interlaced encode option(alpha ver).
2010-07-17 gn64_jpimplement interlaced encode option(alpha ver).
2010-06-30 gn64_jpmake sar using encode default.
2010-06-25 gn64_jpcorrect 1920x1080 par/dar data(maybe ffmpeg was wrong)
2010-06-23 gn64_jpimplement sar using encode function.
2010-06-23 gn64_jpimplement sar using encode function.
2010-06-23 gn64_jpimplement sar using encode function.
2010-06-23 gn64_jpimplement sar using encode function.
2010-06-23 gn64_jpimplement sar using encode function.
2010-06-23 gn64_jpimplement sar using encode function.
2010-06-23 gn64_jpimplement sar using encode function.
2010-06-23 gn64_jpfix-aspect option using ffmepg implementation almost...
2010-06-18 gn64_jpfix-aspect option using ffmepg implementation almost...
2010-06-18 gn64_jpffmpeg fixaspect scaling added.
2010-06-14 gn64_jpimplement not using-pipe ffmpeg encode function.
2010-05-28 gn64_jpimplement new log system.
2010-05-09 gn64_jpimplement single audio using bontsdemux option(b).
2010-05-07 gn64_jpadd x264 thread option.
2010-04-03 gn64_jpimplement new encode for mobile option.
2010-04-02 gn64_jpfix installer.
2010-04-02 gn64_jprec10 0.9.5 function.
2010-04-02 gn64_jpimplement new logging system.
2010-03-28 gn64_jpfix aspect ratio.
2010-03-12 gn64_jpfix logging system.
2010-03-09 gn64_jpfix encode option.
2010-03-09 gn64_jpfix encode option.
2010-03-08 gn64_jpadd threads option on x264.
2010-03-08 gn64_jpsimplify codes.
2010-03-06 gn64_jpfix encode option.
2010-03-06 gn64_jpfix some miss.
2010-03-05 gn64_jpfix some miss.
2010-03-03 gn64_jpimplement new mkv encoding.
2010-03-01 gn64_jpchange encoding.
2010-03-01 gn64_jptry to use x264cli.
2010-02-18 gn64_jpchange x264 encode option.
2010-02-17 gn64_jpchange x264encoding plan.
2010-02-11 gn64_jpfix encode setting.
2010-02-09 gn64_jpfix ffmpeg encode option.
2010-02-04 gn64_jpfix dual audio bug.
2010-02-03 gn64_jpfix dual audio bug.
2010-02-03 gn64_jpfix many bugs.
2010-02-03 gn64_jpfix many bugs.
2010-01-31 gn64_jpsimplify logging system.
2010-01-28 gn64_jpfix many encoding errors
2010-01-27 gn64_jpimplement more intelligent x264 option chooser.
2010-01-26 gn64_jpfix some error.
2010-01-24 gn64_jpfix some error.
2010-01-20 gn64_jpnot to show db error.