OSDN Git Service

implement update(to 0.9.10)
[rec10/rec10-git.git] / rec10 / trunk / src / chdata.py
2010-11-06 gn64_jpimplement ch scan system.(alpha)
2010-08-25 gn64_jpimplement Housou University Multi Channel.
2010-03-21 gn64_jpfix no ts bug.
2010-02-22 gn64_jpfix installer
2010-01-30 gn64_jpadd ch.
2010-01-01 gn64_jpadd 2010 copyright.
2009-12-11 gn64_jpchange chlist.
2009-12-09 gn64_jpfix installer(epgdump bug is still there)
2009-12-09 gn64_jpadd ch scan and installer.
2009-11-26 gn64_jpimplemnt rec10 0.9.0 function.
2009-11-26 gn64_jpnot to use sys.defaultencoding() (alpha.)
2009-11-26 gn64_jpnot to use sys.defaultencoding() (alpha.)
2009-11-25 gn64_jpchange many function.
2009-11-22 gn64_jpfix many bugs(thanks long.inus).
2009-10-21 gn64_jpfix many bugs.
2009-09-03 gn64_jpsimplify many codes.
2009-09-01 gn64_jpimplement iepg adding on web function(beta).
2009-08-22 gn64_jpsimplize some src.
2009-08-18 gn64_jpbug fixes.
2009-08-02 gn64_jpfix many bug.
2009-08-02 gn64_jpput DB accessing functions together(dbSQLite.py).
2009-07-31 gn64_jpfix " unusable bug.
2009-07-22 gn64_jpchange tsepg getting tool to epgdump2.
2009-07-21 gn64_jpfix many bugs.
2009-06-25 gn64_jpmake this to retry recording/epgts_getting.
2009-06-10 gn64_jpfix a miss
2009-06-10 gn64_jpenable to use iEPG.
2009-05-26 gn64_jpenable CS2 channel capturing
2009-05-24 gn64_jpImport Rec10 0.3.1