OSDN Git Service

update the vote and veto v3 logic
[bytom/Byone.git] / src / views / transferDetail.vue
1 <style lang="" scoped>
2   .header {
3     display: flex;
4   }
5   .header p{
6     text-align: center;
7     width: 280px;
8     padding-top: 17px;
9   }
11 .preview i {
12     width: 100px;
13     margin: 0 auto;
14     display: block;
15     width: 45px;
16     font-size: 45px;
17     margin-bottom: 25px;
18 }
19 .preview .value {
20     font-size: 30px;
21     width: 300px;
22     margin: 0 auto;
23     text-align: center;
24 }
25 .preview .value span {
26     font-size: 18px;
27 }
29 .title {
30     font-size: 18px;
31     font-weight: inherit;
32     color: #cacaca;
33     text-align: center;
34     padding: 5px 0;
35 }
36 .transaction {
37     padding: 0 20px;
38     font-size: 14px;
39     word-break: break-all;
40     height: 380px;
41     width: 275px;
42     margin-top: 20px;
43 }
44 .transaction .label {
45     width: 35%;
46     vertical-align: top;
47     word-break: break-word;
48 }
49 .transaction .value{
50   width: 65%;
51   color: #282828;
52   font-weight: 500;
53   word-break: break-word;
54 }
55   .panel{
56     padding: 0;
57   }
58   .tx-header{
59     height: 40px;
60     width: 280px;
61     text-align: center;
62     padding: 20px;
63   }
64   .tx-header .value{
65     color: white;
66     font-size: 18px;
67     font-weight: 500;
68   }
69   .success-header{
70     background-image: url("../assets/img/backgroundHead/succeed.svg");
71     background-size: 320px 80px;
72   }
73   .pending-header{
74     background-image: url("../assets/img/backgroundHead/pending.svg");
75     background-size: 320px 80px;
76   }
77   .fail-header{
78     background-image: url("../assets/img/backgroundHead/fail.svg");
79     background-size: 320px 80px;
80   }
81   .header-text{
82     color:rgba(255,255,255,0.50);
83   }
84   .asset{
85     text-transform: uppercase;
86   }
87   .divider{
88     margin: 10px 0;
89   }
90   .footer{
91     text-align: center;
92     position: absolute;
93     bottom: 10px;
94     width: 100%;
95     font-size: 12px
96   }
97 </style>
99 <template>
100     <div class="bg-gray warp-chlid">
101         <section class="header bg-header">
102             <i class="iconfont icon-back" @click="$router.go(-1)"></i>
103             <p >{{ $t('transactionDetail.title') }}</p>
104         </section>
106         <section class="panel">
107             <div class="tx-header"
108                  v-bind:class="classObject">
109               <p class="value">{{transaction.direct}}{{transaction.val}}</p>
110               <small class="header-text" v-if="!transaction.status">
111                 {{ $t('transactionDetail.fail') }}
112               </small>
113               <small class="header-text" v-else-if="transaction.hasOwnProperty('blockTimestamp')">
114                 {{ $t('transactionDetail.success') }}
115               </small>
116               <small class="header-text" v-else>
117                 {{ $t('transactionDetail.pending') }}
118               </small>
119             </div>
120             <vue-scroll>
121                 <div class="transaction">
122                     <table style="margin-bottom: 20px">
123                       <tbody>
124                       <tr>
125                         <td class="label">
126                           {{ $t('transactionDetail.transactionID') }}
127                         </td>
128                         <td class="value">
129                           <p>{{transaction.hash}}</p>
130                         </td>
131                       </tr>
132                       <tr>
133                         <td colspan="2"><div class="divider"></div></td>
134                       </tr>
136                       <tr>
137                         <td class="label">
138                           {{ $t('transactionDetail.assetId') }}
139                         </td>
140                         <td class="asset value">
141                           <p>{{currentAsset.asset.assetId}}</p>
142                         </td>
143                       </tr>
144                       <tr>
145                         <td class="label">
146                           {{ $t('transactionDetail.time') }}
147                         </td>
148                         <td class="value">
149                             <div v-if="transaction.hasOwnProperty('blockTimestamp')">
150                               {{transaction.submissionTimestamp | moment}}
151                             </div>
152                             <div v-else>
153                               -
154                             </div>
155                         </td>
156                       </tr>
157                       <tr>
158                         <td class="label">
159                             {{ $t('transactionDetail.blockHeight') }}
160                         </td>
161                         <td class="value">
162                           <p v-if="transaction.blockHeight != undefined">{{transaction.blockHeight}}</p>
163                           <p v-else>-</p>
164                         </td>
165                       </tr>
166                       <tr>
167                         <td class="label">
168                           {{ $t('transactionDetail.blockSize') }}
169                         </td>
170                         <td class="value">
171                           <p>{{transaction.size}}</p>
172                         </td>
173                       </tr>
174                       <tr>
175                         <td class="label">
176                           {{ $t('transactionDetail.fee') }}(BTM)
177                         </td>
178                         <td class="value">
179                           <p>{{transaction.fee}}</p>
180                         </td>
181                       </tr>
182                       <tr v-if="transaction.type =='vote' || transaction.type =='veto' ">
183                         <td colspan="2"><div class="divider"></div></td>
184                       </tr>
185                       <tr  v-if="transaction.type =='vote' || transaction.type =='veto'">
186                         <td class="label">
187                           {{ $t('listVote.bpName') }}
188                         </td>
189                         <td class="value">
190                           <p>{{transaction.vName}}</p>
191                         </td>
192                       </tr>
193                       <tr  v-if="transaction.type =='vote'">
194                         <td class="label">
195                           {{ $t('listVote.voteVotes') }}
196                         </td>
197                         <td class="value">
198                           <p>{{transaction.vAmount}}</p>
199                         </td>
200                       </tr>
201                       <tr v-if="transaction.type =='crossChain'">
202                         <td colspan="2"><div class="divider"></div></td>
203                       </tr>
204                       <tr  v-if="transaction.type =='crossChain'">
205                         <td class="label">
206                           {{ $t('crossChain.direction') }}
207                         </td>
208                         <td class="value">
209                           <p>{{transaction.cDirection}}</p>
210                         </td>
211                       </tr>
212                       <tr>
213                         <td colspan="2"><div class="divider"></div></td>
214                       </tr>
215                       <tr :key="'input'+index" v-for="(input, index) in transaction.inputs">
216                         <td class="label">{{ $t('transactionDetail.sendAddress') }}{{transaction.inputs.length > 1 ? index+1 : ''}}</td>
217                         <td class="value">{{input.address}}<span v-if="input.address == selfAddress"> {{ $t('transactionDetail.myAddress') }}</span></td>
218                       </tr>
219                       <tr :key="'output'+ index" v-for="(output, index) in transaction.outputs">
220                         <td class="label">{{ $t('transactionDetail.receiveAddress') }}{{transaction.outputs.length > 1 ? index+1 : ''}}</td>
221                         <td class="value">{{output.address}}<span v-if="output.address == selfAddress"> {{ $t('transactionDetail.myAddress') }}</span></td>
222                       </tr>
224                       </tbody>
225                     </table>
226                 </div>
227             </vue-scroll>
228         </section>
229         <small class="footer color-grey">{{ $t('transactionDetail.tips') }}</small>
230     </div>
231 </template>
233 <script>
234   import {  mapState, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
236   export default {
237     name: "",
238     data() {
239         return {
240             selfAddress: "",
241             transaction: {
242                 guid: "",
243                 to: "",
244                 amount: 0,
245                 fee: ""
246             }
247         };
248     },
249     methods: {
250     },
251     computed: {
252       classObject: function () {
253         return {
254           'success-header': this.transaction.status && this.transaction.hasOwnProperty('blockTimestamp'),
255           'pending-header': this.transaction.status  && !this.transaction.hasOwnProperty('blockTimestamp') ,
256           'fail-header': !this.transaction.status
257         }
258       },
259       ...mapState([
260         'currentAsset',
261         'listVote'
262       ]),
263       ...mapGetters([
264         'currentAccount',
265         'netType'
266       ])
267     },
268     mounted() {
269         let params = this.$route.params;
271         let transaction = params.transaction;
272         if(this.netType === 'vapor'){
273           this.selfAddress = this.currentAccount.vpAddress;
274         }else{
275           this.selfAddress = this.currentAccount.address;
276         }
277         console.log(params.transaction)
278         if(transaction.type =='vote' || transaction.type =='veto'){
279           const node =_.find(this.listVote, {pubKey: transaction.pubkey})
280           transaction.vName = node.name
281         }
282         this.transaction = transaction
283     }
284 };
285 </script>