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[bytom/vapor.git] / vendor / golang.org / x / text / unicode / cldr / collate_test.go
1 // Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5 package cldr
7 import (
8         "fmt"
9         "strings"
10         "testing"
11 )
13 // A recorder implements the RuleProcessor interface, whereby its methods
14 // simply record the invocations.
15 type recorder struct {
16         calls []string
17 }
19 func (r *recorder) Reset(anchor string, before int) error {
20         if before > 5 {
21                 return fmt.Errorf("before %d > 5", before)
22         }
23         r.calls = append(r.calls, fmt.Sprintf("R:%s-%d", anchor, before))
24         return nil
25 }
27 func (r *recorder) Insert(level int, str, context, extend string) error {
28         s := fmt.Sprintf("O:%d:%s", level, str)
29         if context != "" {
30                 s += "|" + context
31         }
32         if extend != "" {
33                 s += "/" + extend
34         }
35         r.calls = append(r.calls, s)
36         return nil
37 }
39 func (r *recorder) Index(id string) {
40         r.calls = append(r.calls, fmt.Sprintf("I:%s", id))
41 }
43 func (r *recorder) Error(err error) {
44         r.calls = append(r.calls, fmt.Sprintf("E:%v", err))
45 }
47 func TestRuleProcessor(t *testing.T) {
48         for _, tt := range []struct {
49                 desc string
50                 in   string
51                 out  string
52         }{
53                 {desc: "empty"},
54                 {desc: "whitespace and comments only",
55                         in: `
58                                 # adsfads
59 # adfadf
60                 `,
61                 },
62                 {
63                         desc: "reset anchor",
64                         in: `
65                         & a
66                         &b    #
67                         &  [    before 3  ]  c
68                         & [before 4] d & ee
69                         & [first tertiary ignorable]
70                         &'g'
71                         &       'h''h'h'h'
72                         &'\u0069'  # LATIN SMALL LETTER I
73                         `,
74                         out: `
75                         R:a-0
76                         R:b-0
77                         R:c-3
78                         R:d-4
79                         R:ee-0
80                         R:<first tertiary ignorable/>-0
81                         R:g-0
82                         R:hhhh-0
83                         R:i-0
84                         `,
85                 },
86                 {
87                         desc: "ordering",
88                         in: `
89                         & 0
90                         < 1 <<''2#
91 <<<                     3'3''33'3#
92                         <<<<4
93                         = 5 << 6 | s
94                         <<<< 7 / z
95                         << 8'' | s / ch
96                         `,
97                         out: `
98                         R:0-0
99                         O:1:1
100                         O:2:'2
101                         O:3:33333
102                         O:4:4
103                         O:5:5
104                         O:2:6|s
105                         O:4:7/z
106                         O:2:8'|s/ch
107                         `,
108                 },
109                 {
110                         desc: "index",
111                         in:   "< '\ufdd0'A",
112                         out:  "I:A",
113                 },
114                 {
115                         desc: "sequence",
116                         in: `
117                         & 0
118                         <<* 1234
119                         <* a-cde-f
120                         =* q-q
121                         `,
122                         out: `
123                         R:0-0
124                         O:2:1
125                         O:2:2
126                         O:2:3
127                         O:2:4
128                         O:1:a
129                         O:1:b
130                         O:1:c
131                         O:1:d
132                         O:1:e
133                         O:1:f
134                         O:5:q
135                         `,
136                 },
137                 {
138                         desc: "compact",
139                         in:   "&B<t<<<T<s<<<S<e<<<E",
140                         out: `
141                         R:B-0
142                         O:1:t
143                         O:3:T
144                         O:1:s
145                         O:3:S
146                         O:1:e
147                         O:3:E
148                         `,
149                 },
150                 {
151                         desc: "err operator",
152                         in:   "a",
153                         out:  "E:1: illegal operator 'a'",
154                 },
155                 {
156                         desc: "err line number",
157                         in: `& a
158                         << b
159                         a`,
160                         out: `
161                         R:a-0
162                         O:2:b
163                         E:3: illegal operator 'a'`,
164                 },
165                 {
166                         desc: "err empty anchor",
167                         in: " &                 ",
168                         out: "E:1: missing string",
169                 },
170                 {
171                         desc: "err anchor invalid special 1",
172                         in: " & [ foo ",
173                         out: "E:1: unmatched bracket",
174                 },
175                 {
176                         desc: "err anchor invalid special 2",
177                         in:   "&[",
178                         out:  "E:1: unmatched bracket",
179                 },
180                 {
181                         desc: "err anchor invalid before 1",
182                         in:   "&[before a]",
183                         out:  `E:1: strconv.ParseUint: parsing "a": invalid syntax`,
184                 },
185                 {
186                         desc: "err anchor invalid before 2",
187                         in:   "&[before 12]",
188                         out:  `E:1: strconv.ParseUint: parsing "12": value out of range`,
189                 },
190                 {
191                         desc: "err anchor invalid before 3",
192                         in:   "&[before 2]",
193                         out:  "E:1: missing string",
194                 },
195                 {
196                         desc: "err anchor invalid before 4",
197                         in:   "&[before 6] a",
198                         out:  "E:1: before 6 > 5",
199                 },
200                 {
201                         desc: "err empty order",
202                         in:   " < ",
203                         out:  "E:1: missing string",
204                 },
205                 {
206                         desc: "err empty identity",
207                         in:   " = ",
208                         out:  "E:1: missing string",
209                 },
210                 {
211                         desc: "err empty context",
212                         in:   " < a |  ",
213                         out:  "E:1: missing string after context",
214                 },
215                 {
216                         desc: "err empty extend",
217                         in:   " < a /  ",
218                         out:  "E:1: missing string after extension",
219                 },
220                 {
221                         desc: "err empty sequence",
222                         in:   " <* ",
223                         out:  "E:1: empty sequence",
224                 },
225                 {
226                         desc: "err sequence 1",
227                         in:   " <* -a",
228                         out:  "E:1: range without starter value",
229                 },
230                 {
231                         desc: "err sequence 3",
232                         in:   " <* a-a-b",
233                         out: `O:1:a
234                         E:1: range without starter value
235                         `,
236                 },
237                 {
238                         desc: "err sequence 3",
239                         in:   " <* b-a",
240                         out: `O:1:b
241                         E:1: invalid range 'b'-'a'
242                         `,
243                 },
244                 {
245                         desc: "err unmatched quote",
246                         in:   " < 'b",
247                         out: ` E:1: unmatched single quote
248                         `,
249                 },
250         } {
251                 rec := &recorder{}
252                 err := Collation{
253                         Cr: []*Common{
254                                 {hidden: hidden{CharData: tt.in}},
255                         },
256                 }.Process(rec)
257                 if err != nil {
258                         rec.Error(err)
259                 }
260                 got := rec.calls
261                 want := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(tt.out), "\n")
262                 if tt.out == "" {
263                         want = nil
264                 }
265                 if len(got) != len(want) {
266                         t.Errorf("%s: nResults: got %d; want %d", tt.desc, len(got), len(want))
267                         continue
268                 }
269                 for i, g := range got {
270                         if want := strings.TrimSpace(want[i]); g != want {
271                                 t.Errorf("%s:%d: got %q; want %q", tt.desc, i, g, want)
272                         }
273                 }
274         }
275 }